0.14 (2/28/2007) * Added: check task that looks for obvious errors in the Rakefile. * Added: deploy task for managing deployment. * Added: release task that updates version numbers, commits and tags SVN. * Changed: the project name is now the fully qualified name, e.g. ode:axis2 * Changed: you can now lookup a project before it's defined; you still can only define a project once. * Changed: you can lookup projects by full qualified name. * Changed: release_to changed to deploy_to, which is now a getter/setter. * Fixed: removed Java.home which conflicted with JRuby. * Fixed: install task did not re-install modified files. * Fixed: deploying only uploads one artifact. * Fixed: timing issues. * Fixed: Maven classifier now used properly. 0.13 (2/26/2007) * Added: global java method. * Added: project build method. * Added: OpenJPA mapping_tool method. * Added: Rakefile to generate Gem. * Changed: you can now lookup a sub-project from the top project method. * Changed: the projects methods return all sub-projects. * Fixed: bug in JarTask that resolved artifacts too early. * Fixed: global tasks (clean, build, etc) now complain if executed from a directory that does not map to any project. * Fixed: to work with Rake 0.7.2. 0.12 (2/24/2007) * Added: call prepare with list of tasks to add them as prerequisites. * Added: project.id returns the compound name, e.g. foo, foo-bar, foo-bar-baz. * Added: JavaCC, XMLBeans schema compiler, OpenJPA enhancer, APT tasks. * Changed: the default package ID is take from the project ID instead of its name. * Changed: renamed buildr and moved here. * Changed: moved all code into Buildr module. * Fixed: download breaking when POM not found. * Fixed: compile task fails if classpath is empty. * Fixed: zip task fails if target directory does not exist. * Fixed: packaging task does not require build. * Fixed: compiler not showing command when trace is on. * Fixed: zip dependencies were all fucked up. * Fixed: package should not depend on build. 0.11 (2/16/2007) * Added: test cases for unzip task * Added: prepare method to access prepare task * Added: prepare, compile and resources accept a block you can use to enhance the task * Changed: ZipTask executes all includes files as prerequisites, and now includes directories correctly * Changed: Jar/WarTask are now extended using with(options) method * Changed: JarTask now accepts array of sections (each being a hash) for the manifest, and a proc/method to generate it * Changed: added HighLine to hide password entry on the command line * Changed: unzip now using UnzipTask with its own shorthand syntax. * Changed: filter task gets a consistent syntax to unzip 0.10 (2/13/2007) * Added: modifier for artifacts * Added: ZipTask, WarTask * Added: get POM artifact directly from artifact * Changed: JAR and WAR packaging based on new and improved Zip task * Changed: options for packaging, but not affecting current Rakefile * Remove: delete task 0.9 (2/9/2007) * Added: attributes for configuring compile (sources, classpath, target, options) * Added: shorthand notation for specifying compilation (to, with, using) * Changed: copy task is dead (name conflict), instead we get the better filter task with include/exclude patterns * Changed: rewrite of compile task, now better than ever * Changed: compile can be used inside and outside project * Changed: compiler no longer infers anything from its prerequisites * Changed: compiler accepts files, artifacts and tasks on the classpath * Changed: resources task now working as expected * Remove: global task artifacts was the root of all evil and got canned. 0.8 (2/5/2007) * Added: release task and release_to configuration for repositories * Added: SFTP uploader for releases * Added: convenience method group() for specifying multiple artifacts in same group and version number * Added: install target copies package to local repository and adds a POM, uninstall package removes package (and POM) from local repository * Changed: project lookup now happens through project() method * Changed: locating file in the local repository now happens through Repositories * Changed: downloading file into the local repository now happens through Repositories * Changed: notation for specifying multiple artifacts in a string is now foo,bar,baz * Changed: artifact identifier is now specified with the key :id * Changed: download POM alongside artifact and install in local repository * Changed: no more scoping artifacts collection in project, use compile.with instead * Changed: moved HTTP download logic to transports.rb * Removed: deprecated grouping with multiple artifacts under id key 0.6 (2/1/2007) * Added: Artifact resolution introduces the notion of a spec, which can be supported using ActsAsArtifact * Added: You can now use a project as an artifact, resulting in all its packages being added, or use a task as artifact * Changed: project.sub_projects renamed project.projects * Changed: what used to be called dependencies is now called artifacts * Changed: all artifacts are now created as tasks that know how to download themselves unless some other behavior is specified * Changed: local and remote repositories are now defined on the Rakefile instead of individual projects * Changed: attributes now stored directly as instance variables * Changed: ANSI colors and progress bar now using Ruby Facets 0.5 (1/24/2007) * Added: Build number for each top-level project, build_number method for accessing it and build:increment task for updating the build number file. * Added: to_path method on project to resolve paths relative to base_dir. * Added: recursive_task method on project to create task in project/sub-project. * Added: compiler property for passing any options to Javac. * Changed: remove task renamed uninstall. * Changed: and to confuse more remove task (RemoveTask) renamed delete. * Changed: consolidated before_create/after_create to on_create. * Changed: version, group, artifact added as accessors to project. * Changed: project definition block takes project as argument. * Changed: project enhanced only if new settings or block. * Changed: local_repository is now separate attribute from repositories. * Changed: Directory structure, now split into rbs, rbs-java and tasks. * Removed: project.options. Using a different attributes mechanism. 0.4 (1/23/2007) * Added: CopyTask now deals with files and directories, can copy multiple files, and applies filter to all of them. Filter can be a hash or a proc. * Added: Project gets resources_filter attribute that can be used to set the filter on all copied resources. * Added: HTTP module for getting and downloading files, and a download task. * Changed: Dependencies now check signatures for every file, if available, and show download progress. 0.3 (1/22/2007) * Added: Dependencies loaded from Maven repositories if not existing or built by project. Use rake dependencies to force update, or let compilation take care of it. * Added: Copy task for copying one file to another, and filtering support. 0.2 (1/21/2007) * Added: remove task to get rid of packages added to the local repository. * Changed: recompile project if any of its dependencies is newer than the source code. Will cause recompile if any of the dependencies was compiled and packaged again. * Changed: compile task depends on javac task and resource copy tasks. This might change when adding filtering later on. 0.1 (1/19/2007) * Added: build and clean tasks * Added: resources are now copied over during compilation * Added: POM file generated in local repository (keep Maven happy) * Added: compile scope for use by javac * Added: WAR packaging. * Changed: Root project operates on the current directory, sub-projects on sub directories. See Rakefile for example.