import { ENV } from 'ember-environment'; import { Object as EmberObject } from 'ember-runtime'; import { HANDLERS } from '../lib/handlers'; import { registerHandler, missingOptionsDeprecation, missingOptionsIdDeprecation, missingOptionsUntilDeprecation, } from '../lib/deprecate'; import { missingOptionsIdDeprecation as missingWarnOptionsIdDeprecation, missingOptionsDeprecation as missingWarnOptionsDeprecation, registerHandler as registerWarnHandler, } from '../lib/warn'; import { deprecate, warn, assert as emberAssert } from '../index'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase as TestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let originalEnvValue; let originalDeprecateHandler; let originalWarnHandler; let originalWarnOptions; let originalDeprecationOptions; const originalConsoleWarn = console.warn; // eslint-disable-line no-console const noop = function() {}; moduleFor( 'ember-debug', class extends TestCase { constructor() { super(); originalEnvValue = ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION; originalDeprecateHandler = HANDLERS.deprecate; originalWarnHandler = HANDLERS.warn; originalWarnOptions = ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT; originalDeprecationOptions = ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT; ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = true; ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = true; } teardown() { HANDLERS.deprecate = originalDeprecateHandler; HANDLERS.warn = originalWarnHandler; ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = originalEnvValue; ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = originalWarnOptions; ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = originalDeprecationOptions; } afterEach() { console.warn = originalConsoleWarn; // eslint-disable-line no-console } ['@test deprecate does not throw if RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION is false'](assert) { assert.expect(1); console.warn = noop; // eslint-disable-line no-console ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = false; try { deprecate('Should not throw', false, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' }); assert.ok(true, 'deprecate did not throw'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, `Expected deprecate not to throw but it did: ${e.message}`); } } ['@test deprecate resets deprecation level to RAISE if ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION is set']( assert ) { assert.expect(2); console.warn = noop; // eslint-disable-line no-console ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = false; try { deprecate('Should not throw', false, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' }); assert.ok(true, 'deprecate did not throw'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, `Expected deprecate not to throw but it did: ${e.message}`); } ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = true; assert.throws(() => { deprecate('Should throw', false, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' }); }, /Should throw/); } ['@test When ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION is true, it is still possible to silence a deprecation by id']( assert ) { assert.expect(3); ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION = true; registerHandler(function(message, options, next) { if (!options || !== 'my-deprecation') { next(...arguments); } }); try { deprecate('should be silenced with matching id', false, { id: 'my-deprecation', until: 'forever', }); assert.ok(true, 'Did not throw when level is set by id'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, `Expected deprecate not to throw but it did: ${e.message}`); } assert.throws(() => { deprecate('Should throw with no matching id', false, { id: 'test', until: 'forever', }); }, /Should throw with no matching id/); assert.throws(() => { deprecate('Should throw with non-matching id', false, { id: 'other-id', until: 'forever', }); }, /Should throw with non-matching id/); } ['@test deprecate throws deprecation if second argument is falsy'](assert) { assert.expect(3); assert.throws(() => deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', false, { id: 'test', until: 'forever', }) ); assert.throws(() => deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', '', { id: 'test', until: 'forever' })); assert.throws(() => deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', 0, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' })); } ['@test deprecate does not invoke a function as the second argument'](assert) { assert.expect(1); deprecate( 'Deprecation is thrown', function() { assert.ok(false, 'this function should not be invoked'); }, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' } ); assert.ok(true, 'deprecations were not thrown'); } ['@test deprecate does not throw deprecations if second argument is truthy'](assert) { assert.expect(1); deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', true, { id: 'test', until: 'forever', }); deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', '1', { id: 'test', until: 'forever' }); deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', 1, { id: 'test', until: 'forever' }); assert.ok(true, 'deprecations were not thrown'); } ['@test assert throws if second argument is falsy'](assert) { assert.expect(3); assert.throws(() => emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', false)); assert.throws(() => emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', '')); assert.throws(() => emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', 0)); } ['@test assert does not throw if second argument is a function'](assert) { assert.expect(1); emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', () => true); assert.ok(true, 'assertions were not thrown'); } ['@test assert does not throw if second argument is falsy'](assert) { assert.expect(1); emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', true); emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', '1'); emberAssert('Assertion is thrown', 1); assert.ok(true, 'assertions were not thrown'); } ['@test assert does not throw if second argument is an object'](assert) { assert.expect(1); let Igor = EmberObject.extend(); emberAssert('is truthy', Igor); emberAssert('is truthy', Igor.create()); assert.ok(true, 'assertions were not thrown'); } ['@test deprecate does not throw a deprecation at log and silence'](assert) { assert.expect(4); let id = 'ABC'; let until = 'forever'; let shouldThrow = false; registerHandler(function(message, options) { if (options && === id) { if (shouldThrow) { throw new Error(message); } } }); try { deprecate('Deprecation for testing purposes', false, { id, until }); assert.ok(true, 'Deprecation did not throw'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, 'Deprecation was thrown despite being added to blacklist'); } try { deprecate('Deprecation for testing purposes', false, { id, until }); assert.ok(true, 'Deprecation did not throw'); } catch (e) { assert.ok(false, 'Deprecation was thrown despite being added to blacklist'); } shouldThrow = true; assert.throws(function() { deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', false, { id, until }); }); assert.throws(function() { deprecate('Deprecation is thrown', false, { id, until }); }); } ['@test deprecate without options triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(4); registerHandler(function(message) { if (message === missingOptionsDeprecation) { assert.ok(true, 'proper deprecation is triggered when options is missing'); } else if (message === 'foo') { assert.ok(true, 'original deprecation is still triggered'); } }); deprecate('foo'); deprecate('foo', false, {}); } ['@test deprecate without options triggers an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(2); ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = false; assert.throws( () => deprecate('foo'), new RegExp(missingOptionsDeprecation), 'proper assertion is triggered when options is missing' ); assert.throws( () => deprecate('foo', false, {}), new RegExp(missingOptionsDeprecation), 'proper assertion is triggered when options is missing' ); } ['@test deprecate without triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(2); registerHandler(function(message) { if (message === missingOptionsIdDeprecation) { assert.ok(true, 'proper deprecation is triggered when is missing'); } else if (message === 'foo') { assert.ok(true, 'original deprecation is still triggered'); } }); deprecate('foo', false, { until: 'forever' }); } ['@test deprecate without triggers an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(1); ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = false; assert.throws( () => deprecate('foo', false, { until: 'forever' }), new RegExp(missingOptionsIdDeprecation), 'proper assertion is triggered when is missing' ); } ['@test deprecate without options.until triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(2); registerHandler(function(message) { if (message === missingOptionsUntilDeprecation) { assert.ok(true, 'proper deprecation is triggered when options.until is missing'); } else if (message === 'foo') { assert.ok(true, 'original deprecation is still triggered'); } }); deprecate('foo', false, { id: 'test' }); } ['@test deprecate without options.until triggers an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(1); ENV._ENABLE_DEPRECATION_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = false; assert.throws( () => deprecate('foo', false, { id: 'test' }), new RegExp(missingOptionsUntilDeprecation), 'proper assertion is triggered when options.until is missing' ); } ['@test warn without options triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(2); ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = true; registerHandler(function(message) { assert.equal( message, missingWarnOptionsDeprecation, 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); }); registerWarnHandler(function(message) { assert.equal(message, 'foo', 'original warning is triggered'); }); warn('foo'); } ['@test warn without options triggers an assert'](assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.throws( () => warn('foo'), new RegExp(missingWarnOptionsDeprecation), 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); } ['@test warn without triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(2); ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = true; registerHandler(function(message) { assert.equal( message, missingWarnOptionsIdDeprecation, 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); }); registerWarnHandler(function(message) { assert.equal(message, 'foo', 'original warning is triggered'); }); warn('foo', false, {}); } ['@test warn without triggers an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.throws( () => warn('foo', false, {}), new RegExp(missingWarnOptionsIdDeprecation), 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); } ['@test warn without nor test triggers a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(2); ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = true; registerHandler(function(message) { assert.equal( message, missingWarnOptionsIdDeprecation, 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); }); registerWarnHandler(function(message) { assert.equal(message, 'foo', 'original warning is triggered'); }); warn('foo', {}); } ['@test warn without nor test triggers an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.throws( () => warn('foo', {}), new RegExp(missingWarnOptionsIdDeprecation), 'deprecation is triggered when options is missing' ); } ['@test warn without test but with options does not trigger a deprecation'](assert) { assert.expect(1); ENV._ENABLE_WARN_OPTIONS_SUPPORT = true; registerHandler(function(message) { assert.ok(false, `there should be no deprecation ${message}`); }); registerWarnHandler(function(message) { assert.equal(message, 'foo', 'warning was triggered'); }); warn('foo', { id: '' }); } ['@test warn without test but with options does not trigger an assertion'](assert) { assert.expect(1); registerWarnHandler(function(message) { assert.equal(message, 'foo', 'warning was triggered'); }); warn('foo', { id: '' }); } } );