// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_SQLiTE_TOOLS_ABSTRACT_H_ #ifdef DLIB_SQLiTE_TOOLS_ABSTRACT_H_ #include "sqlite_abstract.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace dlib { class transaction : noncopyable { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object is a tool for creating exception safe database transactions. !*/ public: transaction ( database& db ); /*! ensures - Begins a database transaction which will be rolled back if commit() isn't called eventually. - In particular, performs: db.exec("begin transaction"); !*/ void commit ( ); /*! ensures - if (commit() hasn't already been called) then - Commits all changes made during this database transaction. - In particular, performs: db.exec("commit"); - else - does nothing !*/ ~transaction( ); /*! ensures - if (commit() was never called) then - rolls back any changes made to the database during this transaction. - In particular, performs: db.exec("rollback"); - else - does nothing !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename T > void query_object ( database& db, const std::string& query, T& item ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is interpreted as a binary BLOB and deserialized into item. throws - sqlite_error or serialization_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- std::string query_text ( database& db, const std::string& query ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is converted to text and returned. throws - sqlite_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double query_double ( database& db, const std::string& query ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is converted to a double and returned. throws - sqlite_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int query_int ( database& db, const std::string& query ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is converted to an int and returned. throws - sqlite_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int64 query_int64 ( database& db, const std::string& query ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is converted to an int64 and returned. throws - sqlite_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const std::vector query_blob ( database& db, const std::string& query ); /*! ensures - executes the given SQL query against db. If the query results in a single row and column being returned then the data in the column is returned as a binary BLOB. throws - sqlite_error if an error occurs which prevents this operation from succeeding. !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_SQLiTE_TOOLS_H_