Then(/^I should know its' text is "(.*?)"$/) do |text| expect(@element.text).to eql text end Then(/^I should know it is equal to itself$/) do expect(@element==@element).to be true end Then(/^I should know its' tag name is "(.*?)"$/) do |tagname| expect(@element.tag_name).to eql tagname end Then(/^I should know the attribute "(.*?)" is false$/) do |attr_name| @attr = @element.attribute(attr_name) # expect(@attr.is_a? NilClass).to be true expect(@attr).to be_nil end Then(/^I should be able to click it$/) do end Then(/^I should know its' value is "(.*?)"$/) do |value| expect(@element.value).to eql value end Then(/^I should know its' text includes "(.*?)"$/) do |text| expect(@element.text).to include text end Then(/^I should know it is not visible$/) do expect(@element).not_to be_visible end When(/^I clear the text field$/) do @page.text_field_id_element.clear end When(/^I retrieve a heading element$/) do @element = @page.h1_id_element end When(/^I click an enabled button$/) do @element = @page.button_id_element end Then(/^it should know it is enabled$/) do expect(@element.enabled?).to be true end When(/^I check a disabled button$/) do @element = @page.disabled_button_element end Then(/^it should know it is not enabled$/) do expect(@element.enabled?).not_to be true end When(/^I set the focus to the test text_field using the onfocus event$/) do @page.text_field_element(:id => 'onfocus_text_field').fire_event('onfocus') end Then(/^I should see the onfocus text "([^"]*)"$/) do |text| expect(@page.div_element(:id => 'onfocus_test').text).to eql text end When(/^I set the focus on the test text_field$/) do @page.text_field_element(:id => 'text_field_id').click # Focuses element. Note that Firefox queues focus events until the window actually has focus. @page.text_field_element(:id => 'onfocus_text_field').focus end When(/^I find the child link element$/) do @element = @page.child_element end When(/^ask for the parent element$/) do @parent = @element.parent end Then(/^I should have a div parent$/) do expect(@parent).to be_instance_of Druid::Elements::Div end Then(/^it should know that it is not disabled$/) do expect(@element).not_to be_disabled end Then(/^it should know that it is disabled$/) do expect(@element).to be_disabled end When(/^I set the focus to the test text_field$/) do @page.text_field_element(:id => 'onfocus_text_field').focus end Then(/^I should know that the text_field has the focus$/) do element = @page.element_with_focus expect(element).not_to be nil expect(element.class).to be Druid::Elements::TextField end When(/^I retrieve the label element$/) do @element = @page.label_id_element end Then(/^I should be able to flash it$/) do sleep 5 @element.flash sleep 5 end