require "rubygems" require "active_record" require "active_support/all" module FlagShihTzu # taken from ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column TRUE_VALUES = [true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE'] DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME = 'flags' def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_attribute :flag_options base.class_attribute :flag_mapping end class IncorrectFlagColumnException < Exception; end class NoSuchFlagQueryModeException < Exception; end class NoSuchFlagException < Exception; end module ClassMethods def has_flags(*args) flag_hash, opts = parse_options(*args) opts = { :named_scopes => true, :column => DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME, :flag_query_mode => :in_list }.update(opts) colmn = opts[:column].to_s return unless check_flag_column(colmn) # options are stored in a class level hash and apply per-column self.flag_options ||= {} self.flag_options[colmn] = opts # the mappings are stored in this class level hash and apply per-column self.flag_mapping ||= {} self.flag_mapping[colmn] ||= {} flag_hash.each do |flag_key, flag_name| raise ArgumentError, "has_flags: flag keys should be positive integers, and #{flag_key} is not" unless is_valid_flag_key(flag_key) raise ArgumentError, "has_flags: flag names should be symbols, and #{flag_name} is not" unless is_valid_flag_name(flag_name) next if flag_mapping[colmn][flag_name] & (1 << (flag_key - 1)) # next if already methods defined by flagshitzu raise ArgumentError, "has_flags: flag name #{flag_name} already defined, please choose different name" if method_defined?(flag_name) flag_mapping[colmn][flag_name] = 1 << (flag_key - 1) class_eval <<-EVAL def #{flag_name} flag_enabled?(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}') end def #{flag_name}? flag_enabled?(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}') end def #{flag_name}=(value) FlagShihTzu::TRUE_VALUES.include?(value) ? enable_flag(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}') : disable_flag(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}') end def #{flag_name}_changed? if colmn_changes = changes['#{colmn}'] flag_bit = self.class.flag_mapping['#{colmn}'][:#{flag_name}] (colmn_changes[0] & flag_bit) != (colmn_changes[1] & flag_bit) else false end end def self.#{flag_name}_condition(options = {}) sql_condition_for_flag(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}', true, options[:table_alias] || self.table_name) end def self.not_#{flag_name}_condition sql_condition_for_flag(:#{flag_name}, '#{colmn}', false) end EVAL # Define the named scopes if the user wants them and AR supports it if flag_options[colmn][:named_scopes] && respond_to?(named_scope_method) class_eval <<-EVAL #{named_scope_method} :#{flag_name}, lambda { { :conditions => #{flag_name}_condition } } #{named_scope_method} :not_#{flag_name}, lambda { { :conditions => not_#{flag_name}_condition } } EVAL end end end def check_flag(flag, colmn) raise ArgumentError, "Column name '#{colmn}' for flag '#{flag}' is not a string" unless colmn.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid flag '#{flag}'" if flag_mapping[colmn].nil? || !flag_mapping[colmn].include?(flag) end private def parse_options(*args) options = args.shift if args.size >= 1 add_options = args.shift else add_options = {|key| !key.is_a?(Fixnum)}.inject({}) do |hash, key| hash[key] = options.delete(key) hash end end return options, add_options end def check_flag_column(colmn, table_name = self.table_name) # If you aren't using ActiveRecord (eg. you are outside rails) then do not fail here # If you are using ActiveRecord then you only want to check for the table if the table exists so it won't fail pre-migration has_ar = !!defined?(ActiveRecord) && self.respond_to?(:descends_from_active_record?) # Supposedly Rails 2.3 takes care of this, but this precaution is needed for backwards compatibility has_table = has_ar ? connection.tables.include?(table_name) : true logger.warn("Error: Table '#{table_name}' doesn't exist") and return false unless has_table if !has_ar || (has_ar && has_table) if found_column = columns.find {|column| == colmn} raise IncorrectFlagColumnException, "Warning: Column '#{colmn}'must be of type integer in order to use FlagShihTzu" unless found_column.type == :integer else # Do not raise an exception since the migration to add the flags column might still be pending logger.warn("Warning: Table '#{table_name}' must have an integer column named '#{colmn}' in order to use FlagShihTzu") and return false end end true end def sql_condition_for_flag(flag, colmn, enabled = true, table_name = self.table_name) check_flag(flag, colmn) if flag_options[colmn][:flag_query_mode] == :bit_operator # use & bit operator directly in the SQL query. # This has the drawback of not using an index on the flags colum. "(#{table_name}.#{colmn} & #{flag_mapping[colmn][flag]} = #{enabled ? flag_mapping[colmn][flag] : 0})" elsif flag_options[colmn][:flag_query_mode] == :in_list # use IN() operator in the SQL query. # This has the drawback of becoming a big query when you have lots of flags. neg = enabled ? "" : "not " "(#{table_name}.#{colmn} #{neg}in (#{sql_in_for_flag(flag, colmn).join(',')}))" else raise NoSuchFlagQueryModeException end end # returns an array of integers suitable for a SQL IN statement. def sql_in_for_flag(flag, colmn) val = flag_mapping[colmn][flag] num = 2 ** flag_mapping[flag_options[colmn][:column]].length (1..num).select {|i| i & val == val} end def is_valid_flag_key(flag_key) flag_key > 0 && flag_key == flag_key.to_i end def is_valid_flag_name(flag_name) flag_name.is_a?(Symbol) end # Returns the correct method to create a named scope. # Use to prevent deprecation notices on Rails 3 when using +named_scope+ instead of +scope+. def named_scope_method # Can't use respond_to because both AR 2 and 3 respond to both +scope+ and +named_scope+. ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 2 ? :named_scope : :scope end end # Performs the bitwise operation so the flag will return +true+. def enable_flag(flag, colmn = nil) colmn = determine_flag_colmn_for(flag) if colmn.nil? self.class.check_flag(flag, colmn) set_flags(self.flags(colmn) | self.class.flag_mapping[colmn][flag], colmn) end # Performs the bitwise operation so the flag will return +false+. def disable_flag(flag, colmn = nil) colmn = determine_flag_colmn_for(flag) if colmn.nil? self.class.check_flag(flag, colmn) set_flags(self.flags(colmn) & ~self.class.flag_mapping[colmn][flag], colmn) end def flag_enabled?(flag, colmn = nil) colmn = determine_flag_colmn_for(flag) if colmn.nil? self.class.check_flag(flag, colmn) get_bit_for(flag, colmn) == 0 ? false : true end def flag_disabled?(flag, colmn = nil) colmn = determine_flag_colmn_for(flag) if colmn.nil? self.class.check_flag(flag, colmn) !flag_enabled?(flag, colmn) end def flags(colmn = DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME) self[colmn] || 0 end def set_flags(value, colmn) self[colmn] = value end private def get_bit_for(flag, colmn) self.flags(colmn) & self.class.flag_mapping[colmn][flag] end def determine_flag_colmn_for(flag) return DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME if self.class.flag_mapping.nil? self.class.flag_mapping.each_pair do |colmn, mapping| return colmn if mapping.include?(flag) end raise"determine_flag_colmn_for: Couldn't determine column for your flags!") end end