Class Mu::HttpHelper
In: lib/mu/http_helper.rb
Parent: Object


delete   download_file   get   get_json   get_xml   new   post   post_form   post_json   post_xml   put_json  

Included Modules


Public Class methods

Public Instance methods

basic delete call

 * e = the url suffix

fetches a file and stores it locally

 * e = the url suffix
 * filename = the name to store the file locally
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers

basic get call

 * e = the url suffix
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers

get call for json, converts the response to json if applicable

 * e = the url suffix
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers

get call for xml, converts the response to xml if applicable

 * e = the url suffix
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers

basic post call

 * e = the url suffix
 * body = the data to post
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers

post call for uploading form data

  • e = the url suffix
  • filepath = the file to post
  • p = hash of parameters, such as headers

post call for uploading json

  • e = the url suffix
  • body = the json object to post
  • p = hash of parameters, such as headers

post call for uploading xml

  • e = the url suffix
  • body = the xml object to post
  • p = hash of parameters, such as headers

put call for json

 * e = the url suffix
 * body = the json object to put
 * p = hash of parameters, such as headers
