require 'json' if Rails.root.join("").exist? append_to_file "", "js: bun run build --watch\n" else say "Add default" copy_file "#{__dir__}/", "" say "Ensure foreman is installed" run "gem install foreman" end say "Add default bun.config.js" copy_file "#{__dir__}/bun.config.js", "bun.config.js" say "Add build script to package.json" package_json = JSON.parse("package.json")) package_json["scripts"] ||= {} package_json["scripts"]["build"] = "bun bun.config.js" File.write("package.json", JSON.pretty_generate(package_json)) say "Add ability to diff lockb to .gitattributes" if Rails.root.join(".gitattributes").exist? append_to_file ".gitattributes", "\n# See\n*.lockb diff=lockb\n" else copy_file "#{__dir__}/.gitattributes", ".gitattributes" end say %(Run `git config diff.lockb.textconv bun && git config diff.lockb.binary true` to enable pretty diffs for Bun's .lockb file), :green