The Dialog component introduces:
The method <%= code("render_dialog") %> defined in <%= code("app/helpers/components/dialog_helper.rb") %> accepts a blog for the inner components of the dialog.It renders the partial <%= code("app/views/components/ui/_dialog.html.erb") %> which contains the model structure and a close button.
The modal is composed of two components with corresponding helper methods, <%= code("dialog_trigger") %>, which accepts a block for the element that will trigger the modal, and <%= code("dialog_content") %>, which accepts a block for the body of the modal.
<%= code("dialog_trigger") %> and <%= code("dialog_content") %> must be called nested within <%= code("render_dialog") %>
<%= code("app/javascript/controllers/ui/dialog_controller.js") %> is a stimulus controller that provides the functionality of the modal.