module Fastlane module Actions class UploadSymbolsToBugsnagAction < Action UPLOAD_SCRIPT_PATH = File.expand_path( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', '..', '..', 'bugsnag-dsym-upload')) def # If we have not explicitly set an API key through env, or parameter # input in Fastfile, find an API key in the Info.plist in config_file param api_key = params[:api_key] if params[:config_file] && params[:api_key] == nil UI.message("Using the API Key from #{params[:config_file]}") api_key = options_from_info_plist(params[:config_file])[:apiKey] end # If verbose flag is enabled (`--verbose`), display the plugin action debug info # Store the verbose flag for use in the upload arguments. verbose = UI.verbose("Uploading dSYMs to Bugsnag with the following parameters:") rjust = 30 # set justification width for keys for the list of parameters to output params.values.each do |param| UI.verbose(" #{param[0].to_s.rjust(rjust)}: #{param[1]}") end UI.verbose(" #{"SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS".to_s.rjust(rjust)}: #{gym_dsyms? ? Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_PATHS] : "not set"}") UI.verbose(" #{"SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH".to_s.rjust(rjust)}: #{download_dsym_dsyms? ? Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] : "not set"}") parse_dsym_paths(params[:dsym_path]).each do |dsym_path| if dsym_path.end_with?(".zip") or args = upload_args(dsym_path, params[:symbol_maps_path], params[:upload_url], params[:project_root], api_key, verbose, params[:ignore_missing_dwarf], params[:ignore_empty_dsym]) success = Kernel.system(UPLOAD_SCRIPT_PATH, *args) if success UI.success("Uploaded dSYMs in #{dsym_path}") else UI.user_error!("Failed uploading #{dsym_path}") end else UI.user_error!("The specified symbol file path cannot be used: #{dsym_path}") end end end def self.description "Uploads dSYM debug symbol files to Bugsnag" end def self.authors ["kattrali", "xander-jones"] end def self.return_value nil end def self.details "Takes debug symbol (dSYM) files from a macOS, iOS, or tvOS project and uploads them to Bugsnag to improve stacktrace quality" end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac, :tvos].include?(platform) end def self.available_options validate_dsym_path = proc do |value| value.each do |path| unless File.exist?(path) UI.user_error!("Could not find file at path '#{File.expand_path(path)}'") end unless or path.end_with?(".zip", ".dSYM") UI.user_error!("Symbolication file needs to be a directory containing dSYMs, a .dSYM file or a .zip file, got #{File.expand_path(path)}") end end end validate_symbol_maps = proc do |path| return if path.nil? unless File.exist?(path) and UI.user_error!("Symbol maps file needs to be a directory containing symbol map files") end end validate_api_key = proc do |key| return if key.nil? unless !key[/\H/] and key.length == 32 UI.user_error!("API key should be a 32 character hexadecimal string") end end # If the Info.plist is in a default location, we'll get API key here # This will be overwritten if you pass in an API key parameter in your # Fastfile, or have an API key environment variable set. [ :api_key, env_name: "BUGSNAG_API_KEY", description: "Bugsnag API Key", optional: true, verify_block: validate_api_key), :dsym_path, type: Array, env_name: "BUGSNAG_DSYM_PATH", description: "Path to the dSYM directory, file, or zip to upload", default_value: default_dsym_paths, optional: true, verify_block: validate_dsym_path), :upload_url, env_name: "BUGSNAG_UPLOAD_URL", description: "URL of the server receiving uploaded files", default_value: nil, optional: true), :symbol_maps_path, env_name: "BUGSNAG_SYMBOL_MAPS_PATH", description: "Path to the BCSymbolMaps directory to build complete dSYM files", default_value: nil, optional: true, verify_block: validate_symbol_maps), :project_root, env_name: "BUGSNAG_PROJECT_ROOT", description: "Root path of the project", default_value: Dir::pwd, optional: true), :ignore_missing_dwarf, env_name: "BUGSNAG_IGNORE_MISSING_DWARF", description: "Throw warnings instead of errors when a dSYM with missing DWARF data is found", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :ignore_empty_dsym, env_name: "BUGSNAG_IGNORE_EMPTY_DSYM", description: "Throw warnings instead of errors when a *.dSYM file is found rather than the expected *.dSYM directory", optional: true, default_value: false, is_string: false), :config_file, env_name: "BUGSNAG_CONFIG_FILE", description: "Info.plist location", optional: true, default_value: default_info_plist_path) ] end private def self.default_info_plist_path # Find first 'Info.plist' in the current working directory # ignoring any in 'build', or 'test' folders return Dir.glob("./{ios/,}*/Info.plist").reject{|path| path =~ /build|test/i }.sort.first end def self.options_from_info_plist file_path plist_getter = Fastlane::Actions::GetInfoPlistValueAction bugsnag_dict = file_path, key: "bugsnag") api_key = bugsnag_dict["apiKey"] unless bugsnag_dict.nil? # From v6.0.0 of bugsnag-cocoa, the API key is in 'bugsnag.apiKey', # use 'BugsnagAPIKey' as a fallback if it exists (