require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/confine_collection' describe Puppet::ConfineCollection do it "should be able to add confines" do expect("label")).to respond_to(:confine) end it "should require a label at initialization" do expect { }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should make its label available" do expect("mylabel").label).to eq("mylabel") end describe "when creating confine instances" do it "should create an instance of the named test with the provided values" do test_class = double('test_class') expect(test_class).to receive(:new).with(%w{my values}).and_return(double('confine', :label= => nil)) expect(Puppet::Confine).to receive(:test).with(:foo).and_return(test_class)"label").confine :foo => %w{my values} end it "should copy its label to the confine instance" do confine = double('confine') test_class = double('test_class') expect(test_class).to receive(:new).and_return(confine) expect(Puppet::Confine).to receive(:test).and_return(test_class) expect(confine).to receive(:label=).with("label")"label").confine :foo => %w{my values} end describe "and the test cannot be found" do it "should create a Facter test with the provided values and set the name to the test name" do confine = Puppet::Confine.test(:variable).new(%w{my values}) expect(confine).to receive(:name=).with(:foo) expect(confine.class).to receive(:new).with(%w{my values}).and_return(confine)"label").confine(:foo => %w{my values}) end end describe "and the 'for_binary' option was provided" do it "should mark the test as a binary confine" do confine = Puppet::Confine.test(:exists).new(:bar) expect(confine).to receive(:for_binary=).with(true) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:exists)).to receive(:new).with(:bar).and_return(confine)"label").confine :exists => :bar, :for_binary => true end end end it "should be valid if no confines are present" do expect("label")).to be_valid end it "should be valid if all confines pass" do c1 = double('c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil) c2 = double('c2', :valid? => true, :label= => nil) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:new).and_return(c1) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:new).and_return(c2) confiner ="label") confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(confiner).to be_valid end it "should not be valid if any confines fail" do c1 = double('c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil) c2 = double('c2', :valid? => false, :label= => nil) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:new).and_return(c1) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:new).and_return(c2) confiner ="label") confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(confiner).not_to be_valid end describe "when providing a summary" do before do @confiner ="label") end it "should return a hash" do expect(@confiner.summary).to be_instance_of(Hash) end it "should return an empty hash if the confiner is valid" do expect(@confiner.summary).to eq({}) end it "should add each test type's summary to the hash" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(:tsumm) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(:fsumm) expect(@confiner.summary).to eq({:true => :tsumm, :false => :fsumm}) end it "should not include tests that return 0" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(0) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(:fsumm) expect(@confiner.summary).to eq({:false => :fsumm}) end it "should not include tests that return empty arrays" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:summarize).and_return([]) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(:fsumm) expect(@confiner.summary).to eq({:false => :fsumm}) end it "should not include tests that return empty hashes" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:true)).to receive(:summarize).and_return({}) expect(Puppet::Confine.test(:false)).to receive(:summarize).and_return(:fsumm) expect(@confiner.summary).to eq({:false => :fsumm}) end end end