require 'optparse' if ENV["SPARK_API_CONSOLE"].nil? require 'spark_api' else puts "Enabling console mode for local gem" Bundler.require(:default, "development") if defined?(Bundler) path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../../lib/") $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path) require path + '/spark_api' end module SparkApi module CLI class ConsoleCLI OPTIONS_ENV = { :endpoint => "API_ENDPOINT", # OAUTH2 Options :access_uri => "ACCESS_URI", :username=> "USERNAME", :password=> "PASSWORD", :client_id=> "CLIENT_ID", :client_secret=> "CLIENT_SECRET", # API AUTH Options :api_key => "API_KEY", :api_secret => "API_SECRET", :api_user => "API_USER", # OTHER :debug=> "DEBUG", :console => "SPARK_API_CONSOLE" # not a public option, meant to distinguish bin/spark_api and script/console } def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[]) options = setup_options(stdout,arguments) libs = " -r irb/completion" # Perhaps use a console_lib to store any extra methods I may want available in the cosole libs << (options[:oauth2] ? setup_oauth2 : setup_api_auth) bundler = (options[:console] ? "bundle exec" : "") cmd = "#{export_env(options)} #{bundler} #{irb} #{libs} --simple-prompt" puts "Loading spark_api gem..." exec "#{cmd}" end def self.irb() RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/ ? 'irb.bat' : 'irb' end private def self.setup_options(stdout,arguments) env_options = { :oauth2 => false, :endpoint => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:endpoint]], # OAUTH2 Options :access_uri => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:access_uri]], :username=> ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:username]], :password=> ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:password]], :client_id=> ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:client_id]], :client_secret=> ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:client_secret]], # API AUTH Options :api_key => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:api_key]], :api_secret => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:api_secret]], :api_user => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:api_user]], :console => ENV[OPTIONS_ENV[:console]] } cli_options = {} file_options = {} parser = do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ /,'') #{version} SparkApi Client Console - Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] Environment Variables: some options (as indicated below), will default to values of keys set in the environment. Options are: BANNER opts.separator "" opts.on("-o","--oauth2", "Run the API using OAuth2 credentials. The client defaults to using the Spark API authentication mode for access. ", "See for more information on authentication types.", "Default: false") { |arg| cli_options[:oauth2] = arg } opts.on("-e","--endpoint ENDPOINT", "URI of the API.", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:endpoint]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:endpoint] = arg } # OAUTH2 opts.on("--client_id CLIENT_ID", "OAuth2 client id", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:client_id]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:client_id] = arg } opts.on("--client_secret CLIENT_SECRET", "OAuth2 client secret", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:client_secret]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:client_secret] = arg } opts.on("-u","--username USERNAME", "OAuth2 username", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:username]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:username] = arg } opts.on("-p","--password PASSWORD", "OAuth2 password", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:password]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:password] = arg } opts.on("--access_uri ACCESS_URI", "OAuth2 path for granting access to the application", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:access_uri]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:access_uri] = arg } # API AUTH opts.on("--api_key API_KEY", "Authentication key for running the api using the default api authentication", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:api_key]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:api_key] = arg } opts.on("--api_secret API_SECRET", "API secret for the api key", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:api_secret]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:api_secret] = arg } opts.on("--api_user API_USER", "ID of the Spark user to run the client as.", "Default: ENV['#{OPTIONS_ENV[:api_user]}']") { |arg| cli_options[:api_user] = arg } opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", "Load configuration for yaml file.") { |arg| file_options = parse_file_options(arg) } opts.on("-d", "--debug", "Show detailed request logging information.") { |arg| cli_options[:debug] = arg } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show client version.") { stdout.puts version; exit } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { stdout.puts opts; exit } opts.parse!(arguments) end options = env_options.merge(file_options.merge(cli_options)) return options end def self.setup_api_auth " -r #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/spark_api/cli/api_auth.rb'}" end def self.setup_oauth2 " -r #{File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/spark_api/cli/oauth2.rb'}" end def self.export_env(options) run_env = "" OPTIONS_ENV.each do |k,v| run_env << " #{v}=\"#{options[k]}\"" unless options[k].nil? end run_env end private def self.parse_file_options(file) yaml = return {:oauth2 => yaml.oauth2}.merge(yaml.client_keys.merge(yaml.oauth2_keys)) end def self.version "SparkApi v#{SparkApi::VERSION}" end end end end