import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from "react" import classnames from "classnames" import { GenericObject } from "../types" import { createColumnHelper, getCoreRowModel, getExpandedRowModel, getSortedRowModel, Row, useReactTable, Getter, } from "@tanstack/react-table" import { buildAriaProps, buildCss, buildDataProps, buildHtmlProps } from "../utilities/props" import { globalProps, GlobalProps } from "../utilities/globalProps" import Table from "../pb_table/_table" import AdvancedTableContext from "./Context/AdvancedTableContext" import { updateExpandAndCollapseState } from "./Utilities/ExpansionControlHelpers" import { CustomCell } from "./Components/CustomCell" import { TableHeader } from "./SubKits/TableHeader" import { TableBody } from "./SubKits/TableBody" type AdvancedTableProps = { aria?: { [key: string]: string } children?: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[] className?: string columnDefinitions: GenericObject[] dark?: boolean data?: { [key: string]: string } enableToggleExpansion?: "all" | "header" | "none" expandedControl?: GenericObject htmlOptions?: {[key: string]: string | number | boolean | (() => void)}, id?: string initialLoadingRowsCount?: number inlineRowLoading?: boolean loading?: boolean | string onRowToggleClick?: (arg: Row) => void onToggleExpansionClick?: (arg: Row) => void responsive?: "scroll" | "none", sortControl?: GenericObject tableData: GenericObject[] tableOptions?: GenericObject tableProps?: GenericObject toggleExpansionIcon?: string | string[] } & GlobalProps const AdvancedTable = (props: AdvancedTableProps) => { const { aria = {}, children, className, columnDefinitions, dark = false, data = {}, enableToggleExpansion = "header", expandedControl, htmlOptions = {}, id, initialLoadingRowsCount = 10, inlineRowLoading = false, loading, onRowToggleClick, onToggleExpansionClick, responsive = "scroll", sortControl, tableData, tableOptions, tableProps, toggleExpansionIcon = "arrows-from-line", } = props const [loadingStateRowCount, setLoadingStateRowCount] = useState( initialLoadingRowsCount ) // Create a local state for expanded and setExpanded if expandedControl not used const [localExpanded, setLocalExpanded] = useState({}) // Determine whether to use the prop or the local state const expanded = expandedControl ? expandedControl.value : localExpanded const setExpanded = expandedControl ? expandedControl.onChange : setLocalExpanded const columnHelper = createColumnHelper() //Create cells for first columns const createCellFunction = (cellAccessors: string[]) => { const columnCells = ({ row, getValue, }: { row: Row getValue: Getter }) => { const rowData = row.original switch (row.depth) { case 0: { return ( ) } default: { // Handle other depths based on cellAccessors const depthAccessor = cellAccessors[row.depth - 1] // Adjust index for depth const accessorValue = rowData[depthAccessor] return accessorValue ? ( ) : ( "N/A" ) } } } return columnCells } //Create column array in format needed by Tanstack const columns = columnDefinitions && => { // Define the base column structure const columnStructure = { ...columnHelper.accessor(column.accessor, { header: column.label, }), } if (column.cellAccessors) { columnStructure.cell = createCellFunction(column.cellAccessors) } return columnStructure }) //Syntax for sorting Array if we want to manage state ourselves const sorting = [ { id: columnDefinitions[0].accessor, desc: sortControl && sortControl.value !== null ? !sortControl.value.desc : false, }, ] const expandAndSortState = () => { if (sortControl) { return { state: { expanded, sorting } } } else { return { state: { expanded } } } } //initialize table const table = useReactTable({ data: loading ? Array(loadingStateRowCount).fill({}) : tableData, columns, onExpandedChange: setExpanded, getSubRows: (row: GenericObject) => row.children, getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(), getExpandedRowModel: getExpandedRowModel(), getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(), enableSortingRemoval: false, sortDescFirst: true, ...expandAndSortState(), ...tableOptions, }) const tableRows = table.getRowModel() // Set table row count for loading state const updateLoadingStateRowCount = useCallback(() => { const rowsCount = table.getRowModel().rows.length if (rowsCount !== loadingStateRowCount && rowsCount !== 0) { setLoadingStateRowCount(rowsCount) } }, [tableData, loadingStateRowCount]) useEffect(() => { if (!loading) { updateLoadingStateRowCount() } }, [loading, updateLoadingStateRowCount]) const handleExpandOrCollapse = async (row: Row) => { onToggleExpansionClick && onToggleExpansionClick(row) const expandedState = expanded; const targetParent = row?.parentId; const updatedRows = await updateExpandAndCollapseState(tableRows, expandedState, targetParent) setExpanded(updatedRows) } const ariaProps = buildAriaProps(aria) const dataProps = buildDataProps(data) const htmlProps = buildHtmlProps(htmlOptions) const classes = classnames( buildCss("pb_advanced_table"), `table-responsive-${responsive}`, globalProps(props), className ) return (
{children ? ( children ) : ( <> )}
) } AdvancedTable.Header = TableHeader AdvancedTable.Body = TableBody export default AdvancedTable