# Wind River Linux Wind River Linux is an embedded systems OS from Wind, an Intel Company. You can get more details on this from their [product page](http://www.windriver.com/products/linux/). Wind River Linux support came to Beaker through testing Cisco network devices, so our platform codename for this OS is `cisco`. Beaker currently can install puppet on WRLinux NXOS (5) and EXR (7). # Host Requirements WRLinux hosts validate their setup once created, and will fail if not setup correctly. There are two conditions that are validated specifically on WRLinux hosts. These conditions are listed below. A. All WRLinux hosts will need a `:vrf` value, which determines their virtual routing framework for networking purposes. For our purposes, we tend to use the value `management`, so there is always a hosts file line that looks like this in our configuration: HOSTS: : ... vrf: management B. WRLinux NXOS (5) hosts will also require a user to be set on the hosts. This is because they don't allow ssh'ing as the root user, which is one of the main assumptions that Beaker operates under in the usual case. In order to specify a user to ssh with, add this block to a host: HOSTS: : ... ssh: user: # Hypervisors WRLinux has only been developed and tested as a [vmpooler](https://github.com/puppetlabs/vmpooler) host. This doesn't mean that it can't be used in another hypervisor, but that Beaker doesn't specifically deal with the details of that hypervisor in creating WRLinux hosts, if there is anything specific to WRLinux that will need to be done in provisioning steps. # Installation Methods ## Open Source In order to install a puppet-agent against a WRLinux host, you'll have to use the [`install_puppet_agent_on`](blob/master/lib/beaker/dsl/install_utils/foss_utils.rb#L327) method. It reaches out to the WRLinux-specific host code for any information that it needs. You can check out [these methods](blob/master/lib/beaker/host/cisco.rb) if you need more information about this.