require "dbcron/version" require "parse-cron" require "active_record" require "active_support/time" require "celluloid/current" # nodoc module DBcron GRACE_TIME = 5.minutes SLEEPY_TIME = 3.seconds HOST_ALIVE_TIME = 15.seconds UTC = ActiveSupport::TimeZone["UTC"] # nodoc module Actor def self.included(klass) klass.__send__(:include, Celluloid) klass.__send__(:include, Celluloid::Internals::Logger) end end class << self def schedule(**opts) Celluloid.logger = opts[:logger] if opts[:logger] do supervise type: Clock, as: :clock pool TaskRunner, as: :task_runners! Celluloid::Actor[:clock].configure(opts) yield(Celluloid::Actor[:clock]) end def start fail "You must run `dbcron.schedule` first" unless Celluloid::Actor[:clock] Celluloid::Actor[:clock].start end end # nodoc class Host < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "dbcron_hosts" end # nodoc class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = "dbcron_entries" end # nodoc class CrontabEntry attr_accessor :name, :last, :task def initialize(name, cron:, task:) @name = name @cron =, Celluloid::Actor[:clock].tz) @task = task @last = nil end def ready?(time) return false if > time + GRACE_TIME # is it time for the task? return false if @last && (time - @last) < interval # running too often? return false if !@last && time.sec > 2 * SLEEPY_TIME # for new tasks, start it as close as possible to the top of the minute true end def run!(time) @last = time Celluloid::Actor[:task_runners].async.dispatch(@task) end private def interval @interval ||= (( - @cron.last) / 2).seconds end end # nodoc class TaskRunner include Actor def dispatch(task) rescue => boom error "failed: #{boom}" end end # nodoc class Clock include Actor attr_accessor :stop attr_reader :tz finalizer :finalize def initialize @tasks = {} @last_refresh = nil @tz = UTC @uuid = SecureRandom.uuid end def configure(opts = {}) @tz = opts[:tz] if opts[:tz] end def add_entry(name, cron, task) @tasks[name] =, cron: cron, task: task) end def ready_tasks(time) { |e| e.ready?(time) } end def task_array @task_array ||= @tasks.values end def start started_at = now host = Host.where(uuid: @uuid).first_or_create!( hostname: Socket.gethostname, pid:, started: started_at, last_seen: started_at ) create(task_array) refresh(task_array) info "dbcron starting with #{worker_pool_size} workers" loop do start = now if start >= host.last_seen + HOST_ALIVE_TIME host.update_column(:last_seen, start) end tick(start) finish = now sleep_until_next_tick(finish) break if @stop end end private def finalize @stop = true end def create(tasks) tasks.each do |task| begin Entry.transaction do Entry.where(task:! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => _ # rubocop:disable Lint/HandleExceptions # this is fine - the record already exists end end end def refresh(tasks) Entry.where(task: do |t| @tasks[t.task].last = t.last end end def tick(time) ready_tasks(time).shuffle.each_slice(worker_pool_size) do |tasks| task_names = Entry.transaction do Entry.where(task: task_names).lock(true).pluck(:id) info "running #{task_names.join(', ')}" refresh(tasks) ran_tasks = run_tasks(tasks, time) if ran_tasks.size != task_names.size info "did not run #{(task_names -', ')}" end unless ran_tasks.empty? Entry.where(task:"last = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") end end end end def run_tasks(tasks, time) do |task| if task.ready?(time)!(time) true else false end end end def sleep_until_next_tick(time) sleep_time = SLEEPY_TIME - time.subsec - (time.sec % SLEEPY_TIME) sleep(sleep_time) end def now timestamp = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") UTC.parse(timestamp.first.values.first).in_time_zone(@tz) end def worker_pool_size @worker_pool_size ||= Celluloid::Actor[:task_runners].size end end end