module Lol class ChampionMasteryRequest < Request # Returns the supported API Version. ChampionMastery end point is not # versioned, so just return v1.0 anyway # @return [String] v1.0 (ChampionMastery end point is not versioned) def self.api_version 'v1.0' end # Retrieve champion mastery information for a specific champion # @param [FixNum] player_id id of player # @param [FixNum] champion_id id of champion # @return [ChampionMastery] champion mastery information def champion player_id, champion_id url = "player/#{player_id}/champion/#{champion_id}" result = perform_request(api_url(url)) end # Retrieve champion mastery information for all champion # @param [FixNum] player_id id of player # @return [Array] array of champion mastery information def champions player_id url = "player/#{player_id}/champions" result = perform_request(api_url(url)) { |c| } end # Get a player's total champion mastery score, which is sum of individual champion mastery levels # @param [FixNum] player_id id of player # @return [FixNum] Players mastery score def score player_id url = "player/#{player_id}/score" perform_request(api_url(url)).to_i end # Get specified number of top champion mastery entries sorted by number of champion points descending # @param [FixNum] player_id id of player # @option options [Fixnum] :count the number of mastery scores to get. Defaults to 3 # @return [Array] array of champion mastery information, sorted by number of champion points descending def top_champions player_id, options = {} if { |k| k.to_sym != :count }.any? raise ArgumentError, 'Only :count is allowed as extra parameter' end url = "player/#{player_id}/topchampions" url = api_url(url, options) result = perform_request(url) { |c| } end # Returns a full url for an API call # @param path [String] API path to call # @return [String] full fledged url def api_url path, params = {} url = "#{api_base_url}/championmastery/location/#{region_to_platform(region)}/#{path}" "#{url}?#{api_query_string params}" end private #A hash mapping a region to the platform, since the ChampionMastery endpoint uses a platform and not a region def region_to_platform(region) { br: 'BR1', eune: 'EUN1', euw: 'EUW1', jp: 'JP1', kr: 'KR1', lan: 'LA1', las: 'LA2', na: 'NA1', oce: 'OC1', ru: 'RU', tr: 'TR1' }[region.to_sym] end end end