= VanUnits * home: http://rubyworks.github.com/vanunits == Description VanUnits is a sophisticated SI units system. It also includes currency units and a large set of scientific constants. == Usage Here are some examples of using the units system. reqiure 'van/units' include Van::Units 1.bit/s + 8.bytes/s (1.bit/s).to(byte/s) 1.mile.to(feet) 1.acre.to(yd**2) 1.acre.to(sq_yd) 1.gallon.to(self.L) 1.lb.to(kg) 1.m.s.to(m.s) 1.sq_mi.to(km**2) 1.mile.to(km) Van::Units is namespace for all unit related classes. Mixing this in has the additional effect of making Units.with_unit_converter available without the Units. prefix, as well as the shortcuts for creating Units (see Van::Units#method_missing). === Constants Also included are a large assortment of real world contants. These come in two varieties, typeless and typed via units.rb. (PLEASE NOTE: The typed variety is not yet complete). Constants are also provided in both mks (m kg s) and in cgs (cm g s) format. require 'van/units/constants/mks' require 'van/units/constants/cgs' include Van::Units::Constants MKS::SPEED_OF_LIGHT #=> 2.99792458e8 m/s CGS::SPEED_OF_LIGHT #=> 2.99792458e10 cm/s Big thanks to Daniel Carrera and Brian Gough for their original work on Math::Constants from which these numbers derive. == Authors/Contributors * Peter Vanbroekhoven * Thomas Sawyer * Daniel Carrera * Brian Gough == License Copyright 2006, 2007 Peter Vanbroekhoven, Thomas Sawyer Stick is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.