require 'rpdf2txt-rockit/token' require 'rpdf2txt-rockit/base_extensions' require 'rpdf2txt-rockit/conflict_resolution' require 'rpdf2txt-rockit/profiler' # A Grammar has a name, a set of tokens, a start symbol and a set of # productions. Grammars are modular and can be merged. To help in resolving # conflicts when grammars are merged the symbols that are exported from # a grammar can be specified. By default all the nonterminals (left hand sides # of the productions) are exported. # # Productions map a NonTerminal to a sequence of Element's. # Elements can be either symbols (NonTerminals or terminals represented by # their string name or symbol) or OperatorElements. # # OperatorElements are one of: # Plus - corresponds to the EBNF operator '+', ie. one or several # Mult - corresponds to the EBNF operator '*', ie. zero or several # Maybe - corresponds to the EBNF operator '?', ie. zero or one # List(Elements, separator) - A list of Elements separated by separator # Or - One of a sequence (at least 2) elements # # A grammar is in normal form when no OperatorElements are in its productions. # Converting a grammar to normal form is called normalization. Converting # a syntax tree back to the unnormalized form of its grammar is called # denormalization. Normalization is part of this file while denormalization # is in a file of its own. # # Productions include a syntax tree specification describing how to build a # (sub)tree for the syntax tree of the production when it is been matched. # The SyntaxTreeSpecification needs to be known at this level since it # is affected by normalization. # class Element include SourceCodeDumpable attr_accessor :sub_elements, :tree_specification def initialize(subElements, treeSpecification = nil) @sub_elements, @tree_specification = subElements, treeSpecification end # Normalize the element in the context of a production. The context is # needed to give information for naming of extra productions that (may) # need to be created. Returns two arrays, the former with the normalization # of the element in the existing production and the latter with additional # productions needed. def normalize(productions) # Default is that no normalization is needed and no extra productions # are added [productions, []] end protected def clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, substitute, &updater) prods = do |prod| p = prod.clone_and_substitute(self, substitute) index = prod.elements.index(self) p =, index) if updater and index p end ( {|p| p.normalize}).flatten end end # To make it simple to enter productions some standard Ruby objects can be # used in place of the "proper" objects. This function converts to the right # type or raises an exception if object cannot be made into an element. def make_element(anObject) if anObject.kind_of?(String) string_token(anObject) elsif anObject.kind_of?(Regexp) regexp_token(anObject) elsif anObject.kind_of?(Symbol) elsif anObject.kind_of?(NonTerminal) or anObject.kind_of?(Token) or anObject.kind_of?(OperatorElement) anObject else raise ArgumentError, "cannot make an element from #{anObject.inspect}" end end def make_elements(anArrayOrElement, anArray = []) if anArrayOrElement.kind_of?(Array) anArrayOrElement += anArray else anArrayOrElement = [anArrayOrElement] + anArray end {|e| make_element(e)} end class OperatorElement < Element attr_reader :sub_elements def initialize(subElements, *rest) @sub_elements = make_elements(subElements, rest) end def name type_to_src.split("Element").first end def to_src(name = nil, nameHash = {}) assign_to(name, new_of_my_type(as_code(@sub_elements.to_src(nil,nameHash)))) end def ==(other) other.class == self.class and other.sub_elements == @sub_elements end protected def inspect_sub_elements(separator = " ") str = {|e| e.inspect}.join(separator) str = "(" + str + ")" if @sub_elements.length > 1 str end def temp_nonterminal(name, production)"#{name}#{object_id.inspect}") end end class PlusElement < OperatorElement def inspect "#{inspect_sub_elements}+" end # NT -> a b (se1 ... sen)+ c d # # is normalized to # # NT -> a b NT-Plus-X c d # NT-Plus-X -> NT-Plus-X se1 ... sen # | se1 ... sen def normalize(productions) temp_nonterm = temp_nonterminal("Plus", productions.first) num_sub_elements = @sub_elements.length temp_production1 =, [temp_nonterm].concat(@sub_elements),, 0)) temp_production2 =, @sub_elements, [clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, [temp_nonterm]), temp_production1.normalize + temp_production2.normalize] end end class MultElement < OperatorElement def inspect "#{inspect_sub_elements}*" end # NT -> a b (se1 ... sen)* c d # # is normalized to # # NT -> a b NT-Mult-X c d # | a b c d # NT-Mult-X -> NT-Mult-X se1 ... sen # | se1 ... sen def normalize(productions) temp_nonterm = temp_nonterminal("Mult", productions.first) num_sub_elements = @sub_elements.length temp_production1 =, [temp_nonterm].concat(@sub_elements),, 0)) temp_production2 =, @sub_elements, ps2 = clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, []) do |prod, i| # Will insert empty ArrayNode prod.tree_builder =[], nil, prod.tree_builder, i) prod.tree_builder.shifting_insert = true prod end [clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, [temp_nonterm]) + ps2, temp_production1.normalize + temp_production2.normalize] end end class MaybeElement < OperatorElement def inspect "#{inspect_sub_elements}?" end # NT -> a b (se1 ... sen)? c d # # is normalized to # # NT -> a b se1 ... sen c d # | a b c d def normalize(productions) p1 = clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, @sub_elements) do |prod, elemindex| endindex = elemindex+@sub_elements.length-1 prod.tree_builder =, endindex, prod.tree_builder) prod end p2 = clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, []) do |p,ei| p.tree_builder.inactivate_child(ei) p end [p1 + p2, []] end end class ListElement < OperatorElement def initialize(subElements, separatorElement = ",") super(subElements) @separator = make_element(separatorElement) end def to_src(name = nil, nameHash = {}) assign_to(name, new_of_my_type(as_code(@sub_elements.to_src(nil,nameHash)), @separator)) end # NT -> a b list(se1 ... sen, sep) c d # # is normalized to # # NT -> a b se1 ... sen NT-List-X c d # | a b se1 ... sen c d # NT-List-X -> NT-List-X sep se1 ... sen # | sep se1 ... sen def normalize(productions) temp_nonterminal = temp_nonterminal("List", productions.first) num_sub_elements = @sub_elements.length ps1 = clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, @sub_elements + [temp_nonterminal]) do |prod, elemindex| endindex = elemindex+@sub_elements.length-1 prod.tree_builder =, endindex+1, prod.tree_builder, elemindex, ((elemindex+1)..(endindex+1)).to_a) prod.tree_builder.append_element = false prod end ps2 = clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, @sub_elements) do |prod, elemindex| endindex = elemindex+@sub_elements.length-1 prod.tree_builder =, nil, prod.tree_builder, elemindex, ((elemindex+1)..endindex).to_a) prod end temp_production1 =, [temp_nonterminal, @separator] + @sub_elements,, 0)) temp_production2 =, [@separator] + @sub_elements, [ps1 + ps2, temp_production1.normalize + temp_production2.normalize] end def inspect "list(#{inspect_sub_elements}, #{@separator.inspect})" end end class OrElement < OperatorElement def initialize(*args) super(*args) raise ArgumentError, "At least two sub-elements needed" unless @sub_elements.length > 1 end # NT -> a b (se1 | ... | sen) c d # # is normalized to # # NT -> a b se1 c d # | a b ... c d # | a b sen c d def normalize(productions) normalized_productions = do |subelement| clone_and_substitute_productions(productions, [subelement]) end [normalized_productions.flatten, []] end def inspect inspect_sub_elements(" | ") end end # Short hand funcs def as_array(subElements) if subElements.length == 1 and subElements[0].kind_of?(Array) subElements[0] else subElements end end def plus(*subElements);; end def mult(*subElements);; end def maybe(*subElements);; end def ore(*subElements);; end def liste(subElements, separator);, separator); end class GrammarSymbol < Element attr_reader :name def initialize(name) super(nil, nil) # Symbols have no sub-elements or tree-specification @name = name.to_s end def ==(other) #Profiler.__enter__("GrammarSymbol#==".intern, other) res = other.kind_of?(GrammarSymbol) and name == #Profiler.__leave__("GrammarSymbol#==".intern, res) end def hash name.hash end def eql?(other) other.hash == hash end def inspect name end def to_src(assignToName = nil, nameHash = {}) assign_to(assignToName, new_of_my_type(name)) end end class NonTerminal < GrammarSymbol end # When init:ing productions nonterminals can be specified with symbols both # as nonterminal or as elements. String tokens can be specified as strings. # class Production include SourceCodeDumpable attr_accessor :elements # Right hand side attr_accessor :nonterminal # Left hand side attr_accessor :tree_builder def initialize(nonterminal, elements, treeBuilder = nil) nonterminal = if nonterminal.class == String @nonterminal = make_element(nonterminal) @elements = make_elements(elements) init_tree_builder(treeBuilder) end =begin def clone, @elements.clone, @tree_builder.clone) end =end def normalize maybe_normalize, extra_productions = [self], [] @elements.each do |element| if element.kind_of?(Element) maybe_normalize, new_extra = element.normalize(maybe_normalize) extra_productions += new_extra end end (maybe_normalize + extra_productions).equality_uniq end def length elements.length end def ==(other) #Profiler.__enter__("Production#==".intern, other) res = other.class == self.class and nonterminal == other.nonterminal and elements == other.elements and tree_builder == other.tree_builder #Profiler.__leave__("Production#==".intern, res) end def clone_and_substitute(element, substitute) index = elements.index element substitute = [substitute] unless substitute.kind_of?(Array) if index, elements[0...index] + substitute + elements[(index+1)..-1], tree_builder.copy) else self end end def inspect elements_inspect = {|e| e.inspect}.join(" ") "#{nonterminal.inspect} -> #{elements_inspect}" end def create_tree(childrenValues) tree_builder.create_tree(childrenValues) end def to_src(name = nil, nameHash = {}) assign_to(name, new_of_my_type(nonterm_to_symbol(nonterminal), as_code(elements_to_src(nameHash)), tree_builder)) end protected def elements_to_src(nameHash) "[" + do |element| if element.kind_of?(Token) and nameHash[element] nameHash[element] elsif element.kind_of?(NonTerminal) nonterm_to_symbol(element).to_src else element.to_compact_src(nil,nameHash) end end.join(", ") + "]" end def nonterm_to_symbol(o) return o unless o.class == NonTerminal if "'" as_code('"' + + '".intern') else end end def init_tree_builder(treeBuilder) if treeBuilder == nil @tree_builder = stb(, assign_element_names) elsif [:^, "^"].include?(treeBuilder) @tree_builder = stb("^", assign_element_names(true)) else if ["_", nil, ""].include?(treeBuilder.node_name) treeBuilder.node_name = end @tree_builder = treeBuilder end end def assign_element_names(inactivateStringTokens = false) at_least_one_active, count = false, 0 name_count = element_names = do |element| count += 1 if element.kind_of?(StringToken) inactivateStringTokens ? "_" : "c#{count}" elsif element.kind_of?(Token) name = || "c#{count}" name_count[name] += 1 name += "#{name_count[name]}" if name_count[name] > 1 inactivateStringTokens ? "_" : name.downcase elsif element.kind_of?(NonTerminal) or element.kind_of?(OperatorElement) at_least_one_active = true n = name_count[n] += 1 n += "#{name_count[n]}" if name_count[n] > 1 n end end element_names[0] = "c1" unless at_least_one_active element_names end end def prod(nonterminal, elements, treeSpec = nil), elements, treeSpec) end class Grammar attr_reader :tokens, :productions, :exports, :start_symbol, :priorities attr_reader :eof_terminal, :original_start_symbol attr_accessor :name alias_method :terminals, :tokens def initialize(name = nil, productions = [], tokens = [], priorities = nil, startSymbol = nil, exports = []) # NOTE! Beware that the EofToken below wont get a unique index number!! @eof_terminal = @name, @tokens, @alternatives = name, [@eof_terminal], @priorities = priorities || @nonterminals = add_tokens(tokens) clear_productions add_productions(productions) init_start_symbol(startSymbol) @exports = exports end def alternatives(nonterminal) @alternatives[] end def normalize old_productions = @productions clear_productions old_productions.each do |production| add_productions(production.normalize) end self end def add_token(token) @tokens.push token unless @tokens.include?(token) end def add_unique_symbols(production) production.elements = {|e| unique_symbol(e)} production.nonterminal = unique_symbol(production.nonterminal) end def unique_symbol(symbol) existing_symbol = (@tokens + @nonterminals).detect {|e| e==symbol} if not existing_symbol add_token(symbol) if symbol.kind_of?(Token) @nonterminals.push(symbol) if symbol.kind_of?(NonTerminal) return symbol else return existing_symbol end end def add_production(production) unless @productions.include?(production) add_unique_symbols(production) @productions.push production nt = production.nonterminal unless @alternatives[] @alternatives[] = [production] else @alternatives[].push production end end @start_symbol = production.nonterminal unless @start_symbol end def +(otherGrammar) # NOTE: Maybe check for and/or handle naming conflicts? add_tokens(otherGrammar.tokens) add_productions( otherGrammar.exports.each {|e| @exports.push(e)} self end def nonterminals(includeStartSymbol = true) nts = ( {|p| p.nonterminal}).equality_uniq nts.delete(@start_symbol) unless includeStartSymbol nts end def augmented? @augmented ? true : false end def inspect str = "Grammar #{@name}\n" str += "Start symbol: #{@start_symbol.inspect}\n" if @start_symbol str += "Tokens:\n" +{|t| " " + t.inspect}.join("\n") str += "\nProductions:\n" @productions.each do |prod| str += " " + prod.inspect + "\n" end str end class EpsilonTokenType < Token def initialize end def ==(other) other.class == self.class end end EpsilonToken = def Grammar.epsilon EpsilonToken end # Augment the grammar by adding new start symbol and production from it # to previous start symbol. The added production gets index 0. def augment return true if augmented? @original_start_symbol = self.start_symbol # Add prim's until unique nonterminal name new_name = + "'" while nonterminals.collect{|nt|}.include?(new_name) new_name += "'" end @start_symbol = add_production(p =, [@original_start_symbol])) # Make sure its on top @productions.delete p @productions.unshift p @augmented = true end def unaugment return false unless augmented? @start_symbol = @original_start_symbol @productions.shift @augmented = false end private def init_start_symbol(startSymbol) if startSymbol @start_symbol = make_element(startSymbol) elsif @productions.length > 0 @start_symbol = @productions.first.nonterminal end end def add_tokens(tokens) tokens.each {|token| add_token(token)} end def add_productions(productions) productions.each {|production| add_production(production)} end def clear_productions @productions = @alternatives = end end