#!/usr/local/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' gem "minitest" require 'minitest/autorun' require 'ruby_lexer' require 'ruby18_parser' class TestRubyLexer < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase alias :deny :refute def setup setup_lexer Ruby18Parser end def setup_lexer parser_class p = parser_class.new @lex = p.lexer @lex.src = "blah blah" @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg end def test_advance assert @lex.advance # blah assert @lex.advance # blah deny @lex.advance # nada end def test_read_escape util_escape "\\", "\\" util_escape "\n", "n" util_escape "\t", "t" util_escape "\r", "r" util_escape "\f", "f" util_escape "\13", "v" util_escape "\0", "0" util_escape "\07", "a" util_escape "\007", "a" util_escape "\033", "e" util_escape "\377", "377" util_escape "\377", "xff" util_escape "\010", "b" util_escape " ", "s" util_escape "q", "q" # plain vanilla escape end def test_read_escape_c util_escape "\030", "C-x" util_escape "\030", "cx" util_escape "\230", 'C-\M-x' util_escape "\230", 'c\M-x' util_escape "\177", "C-?" util_escape "\177", "c?" end def test_read_escape_errors util_escape_bad "" util_escape_bad "M" util_escape_bad "M-" util_escape_bad "Mx" util_escape_bad "Cx" util_escape_bad "C" util_escape_bad "C-" util_escape_bad "c" end def test_read_escape_m util_escape "\370", "M-x" util_escape "\230", 'M-\C-x' util_escape "\230", 'M-\cx' end def test_yylex_ambiguous_uminus util_lex_token("m -3", :tIDENTIFIER, "m", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tINTEGER, 3) # TODO: verify warning end def test_yylex_ambiguous_uplus util_lex_token("m +3", :tIDENTIFIER, "m", :tINTEGER, 3) # TODO: verify warning end def test_yylex_and util_lex_token "&", :tAMPER, "&" end def test_yylex_and2 util_lex_token "&&", :tANDOP, "&&" end def test_yylex_and2_equals util_lex_token "&&=", :tOP_ASGN, "&&" end def test_yylex_and_arg @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token(" &y", :tAMPER, "&", :tIDENTIFIER, "y") end def test_yylex_and_equals util_lex_token "&=", :tOP_ASGN, "&" end def test_yylex_and_expr @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token("x & y", :tIDENTIFIER, "x", :tAMPER2, "&", :tIDENTIFIER, "y") end def test_yylex_and_meth util_lex_fname "&", :tAMPER2 end def test_yylex_assoc util_lex_token "=>", :tASSOC, "=>" end def test_yylex_label__18 util_lex_token("{a:", :tLBRACE, "{", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tSYMBEG, ":") end def test_yylex_label_in_params__18 util_lex_token("foo(a:", :tIDENTIFIER, "foo", :tLPAREN2, "(", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tSYMBEG, ":") end def test_yylex_label__19 setup_lexer Ruby19Parser util_lex_token("{a:", :tLBRACE, "{", :tLABEL, "a") end def test_yylex_label_in_params__19 setup_lexer Ruby19Parser util_lex_token("foo(a:", :tIDENTIFIER, "foo", :tLPAREN2, "(", :tLABEL, "a") end def test_yylex_back_ref util_lex_token("[$&, $`, $', $+]", :tLBRACK, "[", :tBACK_REF, :"&", :tCOMMA, ",", :tBACK_REF, :"`", :tCOMMA, ",", :tBACK_REF, :"'", :tCOMMA, ",", :tBACK_REF, :"+", :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_backslash util_lex_token("1 \\\n+ 2", :tINTEGER, 1, :tPLUS, "+", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_backslash_bad util_bad_token("1 \\ + 2", :tINTEGER, 1) end def test_yylex_backtick util_lex_token("`ls`", :tXSTRING_BEG, "`", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "ls", :tSTRING_END, "`") end def test_yylex_backtick_cmdarg @lex.lex_state = :expr_dot util_lex_token("\n`", :tBACK_REF2, "`") # \n ensures expr_cmd assert_equal :expr_cmdarg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_backtick_dot @lex.lex_state = :expr_dot util_lex_token("a.`(3)", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tDOT, ".", :tBACK_REF2, "`", :tLPAREN2, "(", :tINTEGER, 3, :tRPAREN, ")") end def test_yylex_backtick_method @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token("`", :tBACK_REF2, "`") assert_equal :expr_end, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_bad_char util_bad_token(" \010 ") end def test_yylex_bang util_lex_token "!", :tBANG, "!" end def test_yylex_bang_equals util_lex_token "!=", :tNEQ, "!=" end def test_yylex_bang_tilde util_lex_token "!~", :tNMATCH, "!~" end def test_yylex_carat util_lex_token "^", :tCARET, "^" end def test_yylex_carat_equals util_lex_token "^=", :tOP_ASGN, "^" end def test_yylex_colon2 util_lex_token("A::B", :tCONSTANT, "A", :tCOLON2, "::", :tCONSTANT, "B") end def test_yylex_colon3 util_lex_token("::Array", :tCOLON3, "::", :tCONSTANT, "Array") end def test_yylex_comma util_lex_token ",", :tCOMMA, "," end def test_yylex_comment util_lex_token("1 # one\n# two\n2", :tINTEGER, 1, :tNL, nil, :tINTEGER, 2) assert_equal "# one\n# two\n", @lex.comments end def test_yylex_comment_begin util_lex_token("=begin\nblah\nblah\n=end\n42", :tINTEGER, 42) assert_equal "=begin\nblah\nblah\n=end\n", @lex.comments end def test_yylex_comment_begin_bad util_bad_token("=begin\nblah\nblah\n") assert_equal "", @lex.comments end def test_yylex_comment_begin_not_comment util_lex_token("beginfoo = 5\np x \\\n=beginfoo", :tIDENTIFIER, "beginfoo", :tEQL, "=", :tINTEGER, 5, :tNL, nil, :tIDENTIFIER, "p", :tIDENTIFIER, "x", :tEQL, "=", :tIDENTIFIER, "beginfoo") end def test_yylex_comment_begin_space util_lex_token("=begin blah\nblah\n=end\n") assert_equal "=begin blah\nblah\n=end\n", @lex.comments end def test_yylex_comment_end_space_and_text util_lex_token("=begin blah\nblah\n=end blab\n") assert_equal "=begin blah\nblah\n=end blab\n", @lex.comments end def test_yylex_comment_eos util_lex_token("# comment") end def test_yylex_constant util_lex_token("ArgumentError", :tCONSTANT, "ArgumentError") end def test_yylex_constant_semi util_lex_token("ArgumentError;", :tCONSTANT, "ArgumentError", :tSEMI, ";") end def test_yylex_cvar util_lex_token "@@blah", :tCVAR, "@@blah" end def test_yylex_cvar_bad assert_raises RubyParser::SyntaxError do util_lex_token "@@1" end end def test_yylex_def_bad_name @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_bad_token("def [ ", :kDEF, "def") end def test_yylex_div util_lex_token("a / 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tDIVIDE, "/", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_div_equals util_lex_token("a /= 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, "/", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_do util_lex_token("x do 42 end", :tIDENTIFIER, "x", :kDO, "do", :tINTEGER, 42, :kEND, "end") end def test_yylex_do_block @lex.lex_state = :expr_endarg @lex.cmdarg.push true util_lex_token("x.y do 42 end", :tIDENTIFIER, "x", :tDOT, ".", :tIDENTIFIER, "y", :kDO_BLOCK, "do", :tINTEGER, 42, :kEND, "end") end def test_yylex_do_block2 @lex.lex_state = :expr_endarg util_lex_token("do 42 end", :kDO_BLOCK, "do", :tINTEGER, 42, :kEND, "end") end def test_yylex_do_cond @lex.cond.push true util_lex_token("x do 42 end", :tIDENTIFIER, "x", :kDO_COND, "do", :tINTEGER, 42, :kEND, "end") end def test_yylex_dollar util_lex_token("$", "$", "$") # FIX: wtf is this?!? end def test_yylex_dot # HINT message sends util_lex_token ".", :tDOT, "." end def test_yylex_dot2 util_lex_token "..", :tDOT2, ".." end def test_yylex_dot3 util_lex_token "...", :tDOT3, "..." end def test_yylex_equals util_lex_token "=", :tEQL, "=" # FIX: this sucks end def test_yylex_equals2 util_lex_token "==", :tEQ, "==" end def test_yylex_equals3 util_lex_token "===", :tEQQ, "===" end def test_yylex_equals_tilde util_lex_token "=~", :tMATCH, "=~" end def test_yylex_float util_lex_token "1.0", :tFLOAT, 1.0 end def test_yylex_float_bad_no_underscores util_bad_token "1__0.0" end def test_yylex_float_bad_no_zero_leading util_bad_token ".0" end def test_yylex_float_bad_trailing_underscore util_bad_token "123_.0" end def test_yylex_float_call util_lex_token("1.0.to_s", :tFLOAT, 1.0, :tDOT, ".", :tIDENTIFIER, "to_s") end def test_yylex_float_dot_E util_lex_token "1.0E10", :tFLOAT, 1.0e10 end def test_yylex_float_dot_E_neg util_lex_token("-1.0E10", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1.0e10) end def test_yylex_float_dot_e util_lex_token "1.0e10", :tFLOAT, 1.0e10 end def test_yylex_float_dot_e_neg util_lex_token("-1.0e10", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1.0e10) end def test_yylex_float_e util_lex_token "1e10", :tFLOAT, 1e10 end def test_yylex_float_e_bad_double_e util_bad_token "1e2e3" end def test_yylex_float_e_bad_trailing_underscore util_bad_token "123_e10" end def test_yylex_float_e_minus util_lex_token "1e-10", :tFLOAT, 1e-10 end def test_yylex_float_e_neg util_lex_token("-1e10", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1e10) end def test_yylex_float_e_neg_minus util_lex_token("-1e-10", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1e-10) end def test_yylex_float_e_neg_plus util_lex_token("-1e+10", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1e10) end def test_yylex_float_e_plus util_lex_token "1e+10", :tFLOAT, 1e10 end def test_yylex_float_e_zero util_lex_token "0e0", :tFLOAT, 0e0 end def test_yylex_float_neg util_lex_token("-1.0", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tFLOAT, 1.0) end def test_yylex_ge util_lex_token("a >= 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tGEQ, ">=", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_global util_lex_token("$blah", :tGVAR, "$blah") end def test_yylex_global_backref @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token("$`", :tGVAR, "$`") end def test_yylex_global_dash_nothing util_lex_token("$- ", :tGVAR, "$-") end def test_yylex_global_dash_something util_lex_token("$-x", :tGVAR, "$-x") end def test_yylex_global_number @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token("$1", :tGVAR, "$1") end def test_yylex_global_number_big @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token("$1234", :tGVAR, "$1234") end def test_yylex_global_other util_lex_token("[$~, $*, $$, $?, $!, $@, $/, $\\, $;, $,, $., $=, $:, $<, $>, $\"]", :tLBRACK, "[", :tGVAR, "$~", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$*", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$$", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$\?", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$!", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$@", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$/", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$\\", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$;", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$,", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$.", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$=", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$:", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$<", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$>", :tCOMMA, ",", :tGVAR, "$\"", :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_global_underscore util_lex_token("$_", :tGVAR, "$_") end def test_yylex_global_wierd util_lex_token("$__blah", :tGVAR, "$__blah") end def test_yylex_global_zero util_lex_token("$0", :tGVAR, "$0") end def test_yylex_gt util_lex_token("a > 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tGT, ">", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_heredoc_backtick util_lex_token("a = <<`EOF`\n blah blah\nEOF\n", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tXSTRING_BEG, "`", :tSTRING_CONTENT, " blah blah\n", :tSTRING_END, "EOF", :tNL, nil) end def test_yylex_heredoc_double util_lex_token("a = <<\"EOF\"\n blah blah\nEOF\n", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, " blah blah\n", :tSTRING_END, "EOF", :tNL, nil) end def test_yylex_heredoc_double_dash util_lex_token("a = <<-\"EOF\"\n blah blah\n EOF\n", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, " blah blah\n", :tSTRING_END, "EOF", :tNL, nil) end def test_yylex_heredoc_double_eos util_bad_token("a = <<\"EOF\"\nblah", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"") end def test_yylex_heredoc_double_eos_nl util_bad_token("a = <<\"EOF\"\nblah\n", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"") end def test_yylex_heredoc_double_interp util_lex_token("a = <<\"EOF\"\n#x a \#@a b \#$b c \#{3} \nEOF\n", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "#x a ", :tSTRING_DVAR, "\#@", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "@a b ", # HUH? :tSTRING_DVAR, "\#$", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "$b c ", # HUH? :tSTRING_DBEG, "\#{", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "3} \n", # HUH? :tSTRING_END, "EOF", :tNL, nil) end def test_yylex_heredoc_empty util_lex_token("<<\"\"\n\#{x}\nblah2\n\n", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_DBEG, "\#{", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "x}\nblah2\n", :tSTRING_END, "", :tNL, nil) end def test_yylex_heredoc_none util_lex_token("a = <", :tCMP end def test_yylex_identifier_def util_lex_fname "identifier", :tIDENTIFIER, :expr_end end def test_yylex_identifier_eh util_lex_token("identifier?", :tFID, "identifier?") end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_arrow @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token(":blah==>", :tSYMBOL, "blah=", :tASSOC, "=>") end def test_yylex_identifier_equals3 # @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token(":a===b", :tSYMBOL, "a", :tEQQ, "===", :tIDENTIFIER, "b") end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_equals_arrow # @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token(":a==>b", :tSYMBOL, "a=", :tASSOC, "=>", :tIDENTIFIER, "b") end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_caret util_lex_fname "^", :tCARET end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_def util_lex_fname "identifier=", :tIDENTIFIER, :expr_end end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_def2 util_lex_fname "==", :tEQ end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_expr @lex.lex_state = :expr_dot util_lex_token("y = arg", :tIDENTIFIER, "y", :tEQL, "=", :tIDENTIFIER, "arg") assert_equal :expr_arg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_or util_lex_fname "|", :tPIPE end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_slash util_lex_fname "/", :tDIVIDE end def test_yylex_identifier_equals_tilde @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname # can only set via parser's defs util_lex_token("identifier=~", :tIDENTIFIER, "identifier", :tMATCH, "=~") end def test_yylex_identifier_gt util_lex_fname ">", :tGT end def test_yylex_identifier_le util_lex_fname "<=", :tLEQ end def test_yylex_identifier_lt util_lex_fname "<", :tLT end def test_yylex_identifier_tilde util_lex_fname "~", :tTILDE end def test_yylex_index util_lex_fname "[]", :tAREF end def test_yylex_index_equals util_lex_fname "[]=", :tASET end def test_yylex_integer util_lex_token "42", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_bin util_lex_token "0b101010", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_bin_bad_none util_bad_token "0b " end def test_yylex_integer_bin_bad_underscores util_bad_token "0b10__01" end def test_yylex_integer_dec util_lex_token "42", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_dec_bad_underscores util_bad_token "42__24" end def test_yylex_integer_dec_d util_lex_token "0d42", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_dec_d_bad_none util_bad_token "0d" end def test_yylex_integer_dec_d_bad_underscores util_bad_token "0d42__24" end def test_yylex_question_eh_a__18 @lex = RubyLexer.new 18 util_lex_token "?a", :tINTEGER, 97 end def test_yylex_question_eh_a__19 @lex = RubyLexer.new 19 util_lex_token '?a', :tSTRING, "a" end def test_yylex_question_eh_escape_M_escape_C__18 @lex = RubyLexer.new 18 util_lex_token '?\M-\C-a', :tINTEGER, 129 end def test_yylex_question_eh_escape_M_escape_C__19 @lex = RubyLexer.new 19 util_lex_token '?\M-\C-a', :tSTRING, "\M-\C-a" end def test_yylex_integer_hex util_lex_token "0x2a", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_hex_bad_none util_bad_token "0x " end def test_yylex_integer_hex_bad_underscores util_bad_token "0xab__cd" end def test_yylex_integer_oct util_lex_token "052", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_oct_bad_range util_bad_token "08" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_bad_underscores util_bad_token "01__23" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_O util_lex_token "0O52", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_oct_O_bad_range util_bad_token "0O8" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_O_bad_underscores util_bad_token "0O1__23" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_O_not_bad_none util_lex_token "0O ", :tINTEGER, 0 end def test_yylex_integer_oct_o util_lex_token "0o52", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_oct_o_bad_range util_bad_token "0o8" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_o_bad_underscores util_bad_token "0o1__23" end def test_yylex_integer_oct_o_not_bad_none util_lex_token "0o ", :tINTEGER, 0 end def test_yylex_integer_trailing util_lex_token("1.to_s", :tINTEGER, 1, :tDOT, '.', :tIDENTIFIER, 'to_s') end def test_yylex_integer_underscore util_lex_token "4_2", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_integer_underscore_bad util_bad_token "4__2" end def test_yylex_integer_zero util_lex_token "0", :tINTEGER, 0 end def test_yylex_ivar util_lex_token "@blah", :tIVAR, "@blah" end def test_yylex_ivar_bad util_bad_token "@1" end def test_yylex_ivar_bad_0_length util_bad_token "1+@\n", :tINTEGER, 1, :tPLUS, "+" end def test_yylex_keyword_expr @lex.lex_state = :expr_endarg util_lex_token("if", :kIF_MOD, "if") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_lt util_lex_token "<", :tLT, "<" end def test_yylex_lt2 util_lex_token("a <\< b", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tLSHFT, "<\<", :tIDENTIFIER, "b") end def test_yylex_lt2_equals util_lex_token("a <\<= b", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, "<\<", :tIDENTIFIER, "b") end def test_yylex_lt_equals util_lex_token "<=", :tLEQ, "<=" end def test_yylex_minus util_lex_token("1 - 2", :tINTEGER, 1, :tMINUS, "-", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_minus_equals util_lex_token "-=", :tOP_ASGN, "-" end def test_yylex_minus_method @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token "-", :tMINUS, "-" end def test_yylex_minus_unary_method @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token "-@", :tUMINUS, "-@" end def test_yylex_minus_unary_number util_lex_token("-42", :tUMINUS_NUM, "-", :tINTEGER, 42) end def test_yylex_nth_ref util_lex_token('[$1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9]', :tLBRACK, "[", :tNTH_REF, 1, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 2, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 3, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 4, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 5, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 6, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 7, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 8, :tCOMMA, ",", :tNTH_REF, 9, :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_open_bracket util_lex_token("(", :tLPAREN, "(") end def test_yylex_open_bracket_cmdarg @lex.lex_state = :expr_cmdarg util_lex_token(" (", :tLPAREN_ARG, "(") end def test_yylex_open_bracket_exprarg @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token(" (", :tLPAREN2, "(") end def test_yylex_open_curly_bracket util_lex_token("{", :tLBRACE, "{") end def test_yylex_open_curly_bracket_arg @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token("m { 3 }", :tIDENTIFIER, "m", :tLCURLY, "{", :tINTEGER, 3, :tRCURLY, "}") end def test_yylex_open_curly_bracket_block @lex.lex_state = :expr_endarg # seen m(3) util_lex_token("{ 4 }", :tLBRACE_ARG, "{", :tINTEGER, 4, :tRCURLY, "}") end def test_yylex_open_square_bracket_arg @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token("m [ 3 ]", :tIDENTIFIER, "m", :tLBRACK, "[", :tINTEGER, 3, :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_open_square_bracket_ary util_lex_token("[1, 2, 3]", :tLBRACK, "[", :tINTEGER, 1, :tCOMMA, ",", :tINTEGER, 2, :tCOMMA, ",", :tINTEGER, 3, :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_open_square_bracket_meth util_lex_token("m[3]", :tIDENTIFIER, "m", :tLBRACK2, "[", :tINTEGER, 3, :tRBRACK, "]") end def test_yylex_or util_lex_token "|", :tPIPE, "|" end def test_yylex_or2 util_lex_token "||", :tOROP, "||" end def test_yylex_or2_equals util_lex_token "||=", :tOP_ASGN, "||" end def test_yylex_or_equals util_lex_token "|=", :tOP_ASGN, "|" end def test_yylex_percent util_lex_token("a % 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tPERCENT, "%", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_percent_equals util_lex_token("a %= 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, "%", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_plus util_lex_token("1 + 1", # TODO lex_state? :tINTEGER, 1, :tPLUS, "+", :tINTEGER, 1) end def test_yylex_plus_equals util_lex_token "+=", :tOP_ASGN, "+" end def test_yylex_plus_method @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token "+", :tPLUS, "+" end def test_yylex_plus_unary_method @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token "+@", :tUPLUS, "+@" end def test_yylex_numbers util_lex_token "0b10", :tINTEGER, 2 util_lex_token "0B10", :tINTEGER, 2 util_lex_token "0d10", :tINTEGER, 10 util_lex_token "0D10", :tINTEGER, 10 util_lex_token "0x10", :tINTEGER, 16 util_lex_token "0X10", :tINTEGER, 16 util_lex_token "0o10", :tINTEGER, 8 util_lex_token "0O10", :tINTEGER, 8 util_lex_token "0o", :tINTEGER, 0 util_lex_token "0O", :tINTEGER, 0 util_lex_token "0o", :tINTEGER, 0 util_lex_token "0O", :tINTEGER, 0 util_lex_token "0", :tINTEGER, 0 util_bad_token "0x" util_bad_token "0X" util_bad_token "0b" util_bad_token "0B" util_bad_token "0d" util_bad_token "0D" util_bad_token "08" util_bad_token "09" util_bad_token "0o8" util_bad_token "0o9" util_bad_token "0O8" util_bad_token "0O9" util_bad_token "1_e1" util_bad_token "1_.1" util_bad_token "1__1" end def test_yylex_plus_unary_number util_lex_token("+42", :tINTEGER, 42) end def test_yylex_question__18 @lex = RubyLexer.new 18 util_lex_token "?*", :tINTEGER, 42 end def test_yylex_question__19 @lex = RubyLexer.new 19 util_lex_token "?*", :tSTRING, "*" end def test_yylex_question_bad_eos util_bad_token "?" end def test_yylex_question_ws util_lex_token "? ", :tEH, "?" util_lex_token "?\n", :tEH, "?" util_lex_token "?\t", :tEH, "?" util_lex_token "?\v", :tEH, "?" util_lex_token "?\r", :tEH, "?" util_lex_token "?\f", :tEH, "?" end def test_yylex_question_ws_backslashed__18 @lex = RubyLexer.new 18 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\ ", :tINTEGER, 32 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\n", :tINTEGER, 10 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\t", :tINTEGER, 9 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\v", :tINTEGER, 11 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\r", :tINTEGER, 13 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\f", :tINTEGER, 12 end def test_yylex_question_ws_backslashed__19 @lex = RubyLexer.new 19 @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\ ", :tSTRING, " " @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\n", :tSTRING, "\n" @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\t", :tSTRING, "\t" @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\v", :tSTRING, "\v" @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\r", :tSTRING, "\r" @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token "?\\f", :tSTRING, "\f" end def test_yylex_rbracket util_lex_token "]", :tRBRACK, "]" end def test_yylex_rcurly util_lex_token "}", :tRCURLY, "}" end def test_yylex_regexp util_lex_token("/regexp/", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regexp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_ambiguous util_lex_token("method /regexp/", :tIDENTIFIER, "method", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regexp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_bad util_bad_token("/.*/xyz", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, ".*") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C util_lex_token('/regex\\C-x/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\C-x", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_M util_lex_token('/regex\\C-\\M-x/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\C-\\M-x", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_M_craaaazy util_lex_token("/regex\\C-\\\n\\M-x/", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\C-\\M-x", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_bad_dash util_bad_token '/regex\\Cx/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_bad_dash_eos util_bad_token '/regex\\C-/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_bad_dash_eos2 util_bad_token '/regex\\C-', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_bad_eos util_bad_token '/regex\\C/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_C_bad_eos2 util_bad_token '/regex\\c', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M util_lex_token('/regex\\M-x/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\M-x", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M_C util_lex_token('/regex\\M-\\C-x/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\M-\\C-x", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M_bad_dash util_bad_token '/regex\\Mx/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M_bad_dash_eos util_bad_token '/regex\\M-/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M_bad_dash_eos2 util_bad_token '/regex\\M-', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_M_bad_eos util_bad_token '/regex\\M/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_backslash_slash util_lex_token('/\\//', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, '\\/', :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_backslash_terminator util_lex_token('%r%blah\\%blah%', :tREGEXP_BEG, "%r\000", # FIX ?!? :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah\\%blah", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_backslash_terminator_meta1 util_lex_token('%r{blah\\}blah}', :tREGEXP_BEG, "%r{", # FIX ?!? :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah\\}blah", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_backslash_terminator_meta2 util_lex_token('%r/blah\\/blah/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "%r\000", # FIX ?!? :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah\\/blah", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_backslash_terminator_meta3 util_lex_token('%r/blah\\%blah/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "%r\000", # FIX ?!? :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah\\%blah", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_bad_eos util_bad_token '/regex\\', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_bs util_lex_token('/regex\\\\regex/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\\\regex", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_c util_lex_token('/regex\\cxxx/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\cxxx", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_c_backslash util_lex_token('/regex\\c\\n/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\c\\n", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_chars util_lex_token('/re\\tge\\nxp/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "re\\tge\\nxp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_double_backslash regexp = '/[\\/\\\\]$/' util_lex_token(regexp, :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, regexp[1..-2], :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_hex util_lex_token('/regex\\x61xp/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\x61xp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_hex_bad util_bad_token '/regex\\xzxp/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/" end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_hex_one util_lex_token('/^[\\xd\\xa]{2}/on', :tREGEXP_BEG, '/', :tSTRING_CONTENT, '^[\\xd\\xa]{2}', :tREGEXP_END, 'on') end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_oct1 util_lex_token('/regex\\0xp/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\0xp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_oct2 util_lex_token('/regex\\07xp/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\07xp", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_oct3 util_lex_token('/regex\\10142/', :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regex\\10142", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_escape_return util_lex_token("/regex\\\nregex/", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "regexregex", :tREGEXP_END, "") end def test_yylex_regexp_nm util_lex_token("/.*/nm", :tREGEXP_BEG, "/", :tSTRING_CONTENT, ".*", :tREGEXP_END, "nm") end def test_yylex_rparen util_lex_token ")", :tRPAREN, ")" end def test_yylex_rshft util_lex_token("a >> 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tRSHFT, ">>", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_rshft_equals util_lex_token("a >>= 2", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, ">>", :tINTEGER, 2) end def test_yylex_star util_lex_token("a * ", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tSTAR2, "*") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star2 util_lex_token("a ** ", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tPOW, "**") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star2_equals util_lex_token("a **= ", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, "**") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star_arg @lex.lex_state = :expr_arg util_lex_token(" *a", :tSTAR, "*", :tIDENTIFIER, "a") assert_equal :expr_arg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star_arg_beg @lex.lex_state = :expr_beg util_lex_token("*a", :tSTAR, "*", :tIDENTIFIER, "a") assert_equal :expr_arg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star_arg_beg_fname @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token("*a", :tSTAR2, "*", :tIDENTIFIER, "a") assert_equal :expr_arg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_star_equals util_lex_token("a *= ", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tOP_ASGN, "*") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state end def test_yylex_string_bad_eos util_bad_token('%', :tSTRING_BEG, '%') end def test_yylex_string_bad_eos_quote util_bad_token('%{nest', :tSTRING_BEG, '%}') end def test_yylex_string_double util_lex_token('"string"', :tSTRING, "string") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_C util_lex_token('"\\C-a"', :tSTRING, "\001") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_C_backslash util_lex_token('"\\C-\\\\"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\034", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_C_escape util_lex_token('"\\C-\\M-a"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\201", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_C_question util_lex_token('"\\C-?"', :tSTRING, "\177") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_M util_lex_token('"\\M-a"', :tSTRING, "\341") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_M_backslash util_lex_token('"\\M-\\\\"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\334", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_M_escape util_lex_token('"\\M-\\C-a"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\201", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_bs1 util_lex_token('"a\\a\\a"', :tSTRING, "a\a\a") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_bs2 util_lex_token('"a\\\\a"', :tSTRING, "a\\a") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_c util_lex_token('"\\ca"', :tSTRING, "\001") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_c_backslash util_lex_token('"\\c\\"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\034", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_c_escape util_lex_token('"\\c\\M-a"', :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\201", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_c_question util_lex_token('"\\c?"', :tSTRING, "\177") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_chars util_lex_token('"s\\tri\\ng"', :tSTRING, "s\tri\ng") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_hex util_lex_token('"n = \\x61\\x62\\x63"', :tSTRING, "n = abc") end def test_yylex_string_double_escape_octal util_lex_token('"n = \\101\\102\\103"', :tSTRING, "n = ABC") end def test_yylex_string_double_interp util_lex_token("\"blah #x a \#@a b \#$b c \#{3} # \"", :tSTRING_BEG, "\"", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah #x a ", :tSTRING_DVAR, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "@a b ", :tSTRING_DVAR, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "$b c ", :tSTRING_DBEG, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "3} # ", :tSTRING_END, "\"") end def test_yylex_string_double_nested_curlies util_lex_token('%{nest{one{two}one}nest}', :tSTRING_BEG, '%}', :tSTRING_CONTENT, "nest{one{two}one}nest", :tSTRING_END, '}') end def test_yylex_string_double_no_interp util_lex_token("\"# blah\"", # pound first :tSTRING, "# blah") util_lex_token("\"blah # blah\"", # pound not first :tSTRING, "blah # blah") end def test_yylex_string_escape_x_single util_lex_token('"\\x0"', :tSTRING, "\000") end def test_yylex_string_pct_Q util_lex_token("%Q[s1 s2]", :tSTRING_BEG, "%Q[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s1 s2", :tSTRING_END, "]") end def test_yylex_string_pct_W util_lex_token("%W[s1 s2\ns3]", # TODO: add interpolation to these :tWORDS_BEG, "%W[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s1", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s2", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s3", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_END, nil) end def test_yylex_string_pct_W_bs_nl util_lex_token("%W[s1 \\\ns2]", # TODO: add interpolation to these :tWORDS_BEG, "%W[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s1", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\ns2", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_END, nil) end def test_yylex_string_pct_angle util_lex_token("%", :tSTRING_BEG, "%>", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah", :tSTRING_END, ">") end def test_yylex_string_pct_other util_lex_token("%%blah%", :tSTRING_BEG, "%%", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "blah", :tSTRING_END, "%") end def test_yylex_string_pct_w util_bad_token("%w[s1 s2 ", :tQWORDS_BEG, "%w[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s1", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s2", :tSPACE, nil) end def test_yylex_string_pct_w_bs_nl util_lex_token("%w[s1 \\\ns2]", :tQWORDS_BEG, "%w[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s1", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "\ns2", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_END, nil) end def test_yylex_string_pct_w_bs_sp util_lex_token("%w[s\\ 1 s\\ 2]", :tQWORDS_BEG, "%w[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s 1", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_CONTENT, "s 2", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_END, nil) end def test_yylex_string_pct_w_tab util_lex_token("%w[abc\tdef]", :tQWORDS_BEG, "%w[", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "abc\tdef", :tSPACE, nil, :tSTRING_END, nil) end def test_yylex_string_single util_lex_token("'string'", :tSTRING, "string") end def test_yylex_string_single_escape_chars util_lex_token("'s\\tri\\ng'", :tSTRING, "s\\tri\\ng") end def test_yylex_string_single_nl util_lex_token("'blah\\\nblah'", :tSTRING, "blah\\\nblah") end def test_yylex_symbol util_lex_token(":symbol", :tSYMBOL, "symbol") end def test_yylex_symbol_bad_zero util_bad_token(":\"blah\0\"", :tSYMBEG, ":") end def test_yylex_symbol_double util_lex_token(":\"symbol\"", :tSYMBEG, ":", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "symbol", :tSTRING_END, '"') end def test_yylex_symbol_single util_lex_token(":'symbol'", :tSYMBEG, ":", :tSTRING_CONTENT, "symbol", :tSTRING_END, "'") end def test_yylex_ternary util_lex_token("a ? b : c", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEH, "?", :tIDENTIFIER, "b", :tCOLON, ":", :tIDENTIFIER, "c") util_lex_token("a ?bb : c", # GAH! MATZ!!! :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEH, "?", :tIDENTIFIER, "bb", :tCOLON, ":", :tIDENTIFIER, "c") util_lex_token("42 ?", # 42 forces expr_end :tINTEGER, 42, :tEH, "?") end def test_yylex_tilde util_lex_token "~", :tTILDE, "~" end def test_yylex_tilde_unary @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname util_lex_token "~@", :tTILDE, "~" end def test_yylex_uminus util_lex_token("-blah", :tUMINUS, "-", :tIDENTIFIER, "blah") end def test_yylex_underscore util_lex_token("_var", :tIDENTIFIER, "_var") end def test_yylex_underscore_end @lex.src = "__END__\n" deny @lex.advance end def test_yylex_uplus util_lex_token("+blah", :tUPLUS, "+", :tIDENTIFIER, "blah") end def test_zbug_float_in_decl util_lex_token("def initialize(u = ", :kDEF, "def", :tIDENTIFIER, "initialize", :tLPAREN2, "(", :tIDENTIFIER, "u", :tEQL, "=") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state util_lex_token("0.0, s = 0.0", :tFLOAT, 0.0, :tCOMMA, ',', :tIDENTIFIER, "s", :tEQL, "=", :tFLOAT, 0.0) end def test_zbug_id_equals util_lex_token("a =", :tIDENTIFIER, "a", :tEQL, "=") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state util_lex_token("0.0", :tFLOAT, 0.0) end def test_zbug_no_spaces_in_decl util_lex_token("def initialize(u=", :kDEF, "def", :tIDENTIFIER, "initialize", :tLPAREN2, "(", :tIDENTIFIER, "u", :tEQL, "=") assert_equal :expr_beg, @lex.lex_state util_lex_token("0.0,s=0.0", :tFLOAT, 0.0, :tCOMMA, ",", :tIDENTIFIER, "s", :tEQL, "=", :tFLOAT, 0.0) end ############################################################ def util_bad_token s, *args assert_raises RubyParser::SyntaxError do util_lex_token s, *args end end def util_escape expected, input @lex.src = input assert_equal expected, @lex.read_escape end def util_escape_bad input @lex.src = input assert_raises RubyParser::SyntaxError do @lex.read_escape end end def util_lex_fname name, type, end_state = :expr_arg @lex.lex_state = :expr_fname # can only set via parser's defs util_lex_token("def #{name} ", :kDEF, "def", type, name) assert_equal end_state, @lex.lex_state end def util_lex_token input, *args @lex.src = input until args.empty? do token = args.shift value = args.shift assert @lex.advance, "no more tokens" assert_equal [token, value], [@lex.token, [@lex.yacc_value].flatten.first], input end deny @lex.advance, "must be empty, but had #{[@lex.token, @lex.yacc_value].inspect}" end end