# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # module Rouge module Lexers class Elm < RegexLexer title "Elm" desc "The Elm programming language (http://elm-lang.org/)" tag 'elm' filenames '*.elm' mimetypes 'text/x-elm' # Keywords are logically grouped by lines keywords = %w( module exposing port import as type alias if then else case of let in ) state :root do # Whitespaces rule /\s+/m, Text # Single line comments rule /--.*/, Comment::Single # Multiline comments rule /{-/, Comment::Multiline, :multiline_comment # Keywords rule /\b(#{keywords.join('|')})\b/, Keyword # Variable or a function rule /[a-z][\w]*/, Name # Underscore is a name for a variable, when it won't be used later rule /_/, Name # Type rule /[A-Z][\w]*/, Keyword::Type # Two symbol operators: -> :: // .. && || ++ |> <| << >> == /= <= >= rule /(->|::|\/\/|\.\.|&&|\|\||\+\+|\|>|<\||>>|<<|==|\/=|<=|>=)/, Operator # One symbol operators: + - / * % = < > ^ | ! rule /[+-\/*%=<>^\|!]/, Operator # Lambda operator rule /\\/, Operator # Not standard Elm operators, but these symbols can be used for custom inflix operators. We need to highlight them as operators as well. rule /[@\#$&~?]/, Operator # Single, double quotes, and triple double quotes rule /"""/, Str, :multiline_string rule /'(\\.|.)'/, Str::Char rule /"/, Str, :double_quote # Numbers rule /0x[\da-f]+/i, Num::Hex rule /\d+e[+-]?\d+/i, Num::Float rule /\d+\.\d+(e[+-]?\d+)?/i, Num::Float rule /\d+/, Num::Integer # Punctuation: [ ] ( ) , ; ` { } : rule /[\[\](),;`{}:]/, Punctuation end # Multiline and nested commenting state :multiline_comment do rule /-}/, Comment::Multiline, :pop! rule /{-/, Comment::Multiline, :multiline_comment rule /[^-{}]+/, Comment::Multiline rule /[-{}]/, Comment::Multiline end # Double quotes state :double_quote do rule /[^\\"]+/, Str::Double rule /\\"/, Str::Escape rule /"/, Str::Double, :pop! end # Multiple line string with tripple double quotes, e.g. """ multi """ state :multiline_string do rule /\s*"""/, Str, :pop! rule /.*/, Str rule /\s*/, Str end end end end