/* * Copyright (C) the Rugged contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of Rugged, distributed under the MIT license. * For full terms see the included LICENSE file. */ #include "rugged.h" extern VALUE rb_mRugged; extern VALUE rb_cRuggedRepo; extern VALUE rb_cRuggedObject; extern VALUE rb_cRuggedReference; VALUE rb_cRuggedBranch; static inline VALUE rugged_branch_new(VALUE owner, git_reference *ref) { return rugged_ref_new(rb_cRuggedBranch, owner, ref); } /* * call-seq: * branch.head? -> true or false * * Returns +true+ if the branch is pointed at by +HEAD+, +false+ otherwise. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_head_p(VALUE self) { git_reference *branch; Data_Get_Struct(self, git_reference, branch); return git_branch_is_head(branch) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * branch.name -> string * * Returns the name of +branch+. * * See Rugged::Reference#canonical_name if you need the fully qualified * name of the underlying reference. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_name(VALUE self) { git_reference *branch; const char *branch_name; Data_Get_Struct(self, git_reference, branch); rugged_exception_check(git_branch_name(&branch_name, branch)); return rb_str_new_utf8(branch_name); } static VALUE rb_git_branch__remote_name(VALUE rb_repo, const char *canonical_name) { git_repository *repo; git_buf remote_name = { NULL }; int error; VALUE result = Qnil; Data_Get_Struct(rb_repo, git_repository, repo); if ((error = git_branch_remote_name(&remote_name, repo, canonical_name)) == GIT_OK) result = rb_enc_str_new(remote_name.ptr, remote_name.size, rb_utf8_encoding()); git_buf_dispose(&remote_name); rugged_exception_check(error); return result; } /* * call-seq: * branch.remote_name -> string * * Get the name of the remote the branch belongs to. * * If +branch+ is a remote branch, the name of the remote it belongs to is * returned. If +branch+ is a tracking branch, the name of the remote * of the tracked branch is returned. * * Otherwise, +nil+ is returned. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_remote_name(VALUE self) { git_reference *branch, *remote_ref; int error = 0; Data_Get_Struct(self, git_reference, branch); if (git_reference_is_remote(branch)) { remote_ref = branch; } else { error = git_branch_upstream(&remote_ref, branch); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return Qnil; rugged_exception_check(error); } return rb_git_branch__remote_name( rugged_owner(self), git_reference_name(remote_ref)); } /* * call-seq: * branch.upstream -> branch * * Returns the remote tracking branch, or +nil+ if the branch is * remote or has no tracking branch. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_upstream(VALUE self) { git_reference *branch, *upstream_branch; int error; Data_Get_Struct(self, git_reference, branch); if (git_reference_is_remote(branch)) return Qnil; error = git_branch_upstream(&upstream_branch, branch); if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) return Qnil; rugged_exception_check(error); return rugged_branch_new(rugged_owner(self), upstream_branch); } /* * call-seq: * branch.upstream = branch * * Set the upstream configuration for a given local branch. * * Takes a local or remote Rugged::Branch instance or a Rugged::Reference * pointing to a branch. */ static VALUE rb_git_branch_set_upstream(VALUE self, VALUE rb_branch) { git_reference *branch, *target_branch; const char *target_branch_name; Data_Get_Struct(self, git_reference, branch); if (!NIL_P(rb_branch)) { if (!rb_obj_is_kind_of(rb_branch, rb_cRuggedReference)) rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "Expecting a Rugged::Reference instance"); Data_Get_Struct(rb_branch, git_reference, target_branch); rugged_exception_check( git_branch_name(&target_branch_name, target_branch) ); } else { target_branch_name = NULL; } rugged_exception_check( git_branch_set_upstream(branch, target_branch_name) ); return rb_branch; } void Init_rugged_branch(void) { rb_cRuggedBranch = rb_define_class_under(rb_mRugged, "Branch", rb_cRuggedReference); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranch, "head?", rb_git_branch_head_p, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranch, "name", rb_git_branch_name, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranch, "remote_name", rb_git_branch_remote_name, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranch, "upstream", rb_git_branch_upstream, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cRuggedBranch, "upstream=", rb_git_branch_set_upstream, 1); }