// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2011 Apple Inc. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== var view, sel, beforeLen, afterLen, content ; module("SC.CollectionView.deleteSelection", { setup: function() { content = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10".w().map(function(x) { return SC.Object.create({ title: x }); }); sel = SC.SelectionSet.create().add(content,4,2); view = SC.CollectionView.create({ content: content, selection: sel, canDeleteContent: YES }); beforeLen = content.get('length'); afterLen = beforeLen - sel.get('length'); } }); // .......................................................... // BASIC OPERATIONS // test("canDeleteContent", function() { view.set('canDeleteContent', NO); equals(view.deleteSelection(), NO, 'should return NO if not allowed'); equals(content.get('length'), beforeLen, 'content.length should not change'); equals(view.get('selection').get('length'), 2, 'should not change selection'); view.set('canDeleteContent', YES); equals(view.deleteSelection(), YES, 'should return YES if allowed'); equals(content.get('length'), afterLen, 'content.length should change'); equals(view.get('selection').indexSetForSource(content).get('min'), 3, 'should select an adjacent item'); }); test("empty selection case", function() { view.select(null); // clear selection view.set('canDeleteContent', YES); equals(view.get('selection').get('length'), 0, 'precond - should have empty selection'); equals(view.deleteSelection(), NO, 'should return NO if not allowed'); equals(content.get('length'), beforeLen, 'content.length should not change'); }); test("delegate.collectionViewShouldDeleteIndexes", function() { view.set('canDeleteContent', YES); view.delegate = SC.Object.create(SC.CollectionViewDelegate, { v: null, collectionViewShouldDeleteIndexes: function() { return this.v; } }); // delegate returns NO equals(view.deleteSelection(), NO, 'should return NO if not allowed'); equals(content.get('length'), beforeLen, 'content.length should not change'); equals(view.get('selection').get('length'), 2, 'should not change selection'); // delegate returns partial view.delegate.v = SC.IndexSet.create(4,1); equals(view.get('selectionDelegate'), view.delegate, 'selection delegate should be delegate object'); equals(view.deleteSelection(), YES, 'should return YES if allowed'); equals(content.get('length'), afterLen+1, 'content.length should change'); equals(view.get('selection').get('length'), 1, 'non-deleted parts should remain selected %@'.fmt(view.get('selection'))); }); // .......................................................... // EDGE CASES // // Add special edge cases here