require 'resque' require 'thinking_sphinx' require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas/resque_delta/flag_as_deleted_set' require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas/resque_delta/index_utils' # Delayed Deltas for Thinking Sphinx, using Resque. # # This documentation is aimed at those reading the code. If you're looking for # a guide to Thinking Sphinx and/or deltas, I recommend you start with the # Thinking Sphinx site instead - or the README for this library at the very # least. # # @author Patrick Allan # @see Thinking Sphinx # class ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta < ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::DefaultDelta def self.job_types [ ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::DeltaJob ] end def self.job_prefix 'ts-delta' end # LTRIM + LPOP deletes all items from the Resque queue without loading it # into client memory (unlike Resque.dequeue). # WARNING: This will clear ALL jobs in any queue used by a ResqueDelta job. # If you're sharing a queue with other jobs they'll be deleted! def self.clear_thinking_sphinx_queues job_types.collect { |c| c.instance_variable_get(:@queue) }.uniq.each do |q| Resque.redis.ltrim("queue:#{q}", 0, 0) Resque.redis.lpop("queue:#{q}") end end # Clear both the resque queues and any other state maintained in redis def self.clear! self.clear_thinking_sphinx_queues FlagAsDeletedSet.clear_all! end # Use simplistic locking. We're assuming that the user won't run more than one # `rake ts:si` or `rake ts:in` task at a time. def self.lock(index_name) Resque.redis.set("#{job_prefix}:index:#{index_name}:locked", 'true') end def self.unlock(index_name) Resque.redis.del("#{job_prefix}:index:#{index_name}:locked") end def self.locked?(index_name) Resque.redis.get("#{job_prefix}:index:#{index_name}:locked") == 'true' end def self.prepare_for_core_index(index_name) core = "#{index_name}_core" delta = "#{index_name}_delta" FlagAsDeletedSet.clear!(core) #clear delta jobs # dequeue is fast for jobs with arguments Resque.dequeue(ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::DeltaJob, delta) end # Adds a job to the queue for processing the given model's delta index. A job # for hiding the instance in the core index is also created, if an instance is # provided. # # Neither job will be queued if updates or deltas are disabled, or if the # instance (when given) is not toggled to be in the delta index. The first two # options are controlled via ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled? and # ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled?. # # @param [Class] model the ActiveRecord model to index. # @param [ActiveRecord::Base] instance the instance of the given model that # has changed. Optional. # @return [Boolean] true # def index(model, instance = nil) return true if skip?(instance) model.delta_index_names.each do |delta| next if self.class.locked?(delta) Resque.enqueue( ThinkingSphinx::Deltas::ResqueDelta::DeltaJob, delta ) end if instance model.core_index_names.each do |core| FlagAsDeletedSet.add(core, instance.sphinx_document_id) end end true end private # Checks whether jobs should be enqueued. Only true if updates and deltas are # enabled, and the instance (if there is one) is toggled. # # @param [ActiveRecord::Base, NilClass] instance # @return [Boolean] # def skip?(instance) !ThinkingSphinx.updates_enabled? || !ThinkingSphinx.deltas_enabled? || (instance && !toggled(instance)) end end require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas/resque_delta/delta_job' require 'thinking_sphinx/deltas/resque_delta/core_index'