module Gemstat class GemstatTasks < Thor class_option :debug, :type => :string, :aliases => '-d', :desc => "Debug mode" default_task :summary desc "update", "Update internal schema information" def update(exp=nil) puts "This task will download more than hundred thousand gems(which will require huge network traffic to download tons of gem binary files). Do you want to proceed?[Y/n]" if $stdin.gets.chomp.upcase == "Y" then fetcher = => 3, :skiperror => true) (`gem list -r #{exp} | sed 's/ (/(/g'`).each_line do |gem| gem_name = gem.sub(/\(.*/,'') dest = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/cache/gemfiles/#{gem[0].downcase}/#{gem.chomp.sub(/\(/,':').sub(/,.*/,'').sub(/\)/,'').sub(/\s.*/,'')}" fetcher.fetch "{gem.chomp.sub(/\(/,'-').sub(/,.*/,'').sub(/\)/,'').sub(/\s.*/,'')}.gem", "#{dest}.gem" `mkdir #{dest}; tar xvf #{dest}.gem -C #{dest}; gzip -dc #{dest}/metadata.gz | grep -e "\s\sname:" | sed 's/\s\sname: //g' | xargs -I% echo "gem '%'" | grep -v -e "gem '.* .*'" >> #{dest}/Gemfile` #`mkdir #{dest}/tmp; tar xzvf #{dest}/data.tar.gz -C #{dest}/tmp; cp #{dest}/tmp/Gemfile #{dest}/Gemfile; cp #{dest}/tmp/*.gemspec #{dest}/` `rm -rf #{dest}.gem #{dest}/metadata.gz #{dest}/data.tar.gz #{dest}/checksums.yaml.gz` end end end desc "version", "Show version number" def version puts Gemstat::VERSION end desc "list", "List gem information from locally cached datasource" option :directory, :type=>:string, :aliases=>'-d', :default=>File.dirname(__FILE__), :desc=>"The folder path to search Gemfile and .gemspec files(recursively)" def list population =[:directory]) puts " " + "-"*44 puts " Gemfile Gems in Use" puts " " + "-"*44 population.dependencies.sort{|x,y| <=>}.each {|item| if item.gems.count==0 then count = " -" else count = "#{item.gems.count.to_s[0..3].rjust(4)} " + pluralize(item.gems.count, "gem") end puts " #{[0..43].ljust(44)} #{count} " } puts " " + "-"*44 puts end desc "popular", "Tell you which gem is most required" option :directory, :type=>:string, :aliases=>'-d', :default=>File.dirname(__FILE__), :desc=>"The folder path to search Gemfile and .gemspec files(recursively)" def popular population =[:directory]) ranking = {|item| item.gems}.flatten.inject({|hash,a| hash[a]+=1; hash} puts "Which is the most popular gem?" puts "Here is the list of gems grouped by count of dependencies." puts " " + "-"*77 puts " # Dependent Gem" puts " " + "-"*77 ranking.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| (h[v] ||= []) << k; h }.sort.reverse.each {|item| puts " #{item[0]} #{item[1].sort.join(', ')}" } puts " " + "-"*77 puts "" end desc "look_like", "Show a list of gems which are similar to a given gem" option :directory, :type=>:string, :aliases=>'-d', :default=>File.dirname(__FILE__), :desc=>"The folder path to search Gemfile and .gemspec files(recursively)" option :count, :type=>:numeric, :aliases=>'-c', :default=>10, :desc=>"Set item count to be shown" option :reverse, :type=>:boolean, :aliases=>'-r', :default=>false, :desc=>"Reverse sort" def look_like(something) sample = population =[:directory]) result = population.compute_similarity_score(sample, options[:reverse]) if result.count > 0 then result.each_with_index do |item, i| puts "#{item[0].ljust(30)}(#{item[1][:score].round(3)}pt)" exit if i > options[:count] end else puts "There are not similar one found like #{something} in the #{options[:directory]} directory." end end desc "suggest_for", "Show a list of gems which are suggested for a given gem" option :directory, :type=>:string, :aliases=>'-d', :default=>File.dirname(__FILE__), :desc=>"The folder path to search Gemfile and .gemspec files(recursively)" option :count, :type=>:numeric, :aliases=>'-c', :default=>10, :desc=>"Set item count to be shown" option :reverse, :type=>:boolean, :aliases=>'-r', :default=>false, :desc=>"Reverse sort" def suggest_for(something) sample = population =[:directory]) result = population.compute_similarity_score(sample, options[:reverse]) if result.count > 0 then suggestion = {} result ={|key,item| item[:score]< 1.0 } result.each do |entry| (entry[1][:gems] - sample.gems).each do |gem| suggestion[gem]=0.0 if suggestion[gem].nil? suggestion[gem]+=entry[1][:score] end end if suggestion.count > 0 then options[:reverse] ? suggestion = suggestion.sort{|a,b| a[1] <=> b[1]} : suggestion = suggestion.sort{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]} suggestion.each_with_index do |item, i| puts "#{item[0].ljust(30)}(#{item[1].round(3)}pt)" exit if i > options[:count] end else puts "There are not recommendation for #{something} based on the dependencies found at #{options[:directory]} directory." end else puts "There are not similar one found like #{something} in the #{options[:directory]} directory." end end desc "also_required", "Show a list of gems a given gem is required by" def also_required(gem) # fake implementation print `find #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} | grep Gemfile$ | xargs grep "gem '#{gem}'" | sed 's/\\/Gemfile:gem.*//g' | sed 's/.*\\///g' | sed 's/:.*//g'` end desc "dependency", "Show a list of gems a given gem dependents on" def dependency(gem) # fake implementation print `find #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/cache/gemfiles/#{gem[0]} | egrep "#{gem[0]}/#{gem}:.*/Gemfile" | xargs cat | sed "s/gem '//g" | sed "s/'//g"` end no_tasks do def get_folder_path(something) if File.exist?(something) then if something.match(/Gemfile\Z|\.gemspec\Z/) then base_path = `dirname #{something}` else base_path = something end else gem_with_version = `ls #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/cache/gemfiles/#{something[0].downcase} | grep "^#{something}:"`.chomp if gem_with_version.size > 0 then base_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/cache/gemfiles/#{gem_with_version[0]}/#{gem_with_version}" else puts "Gem name #{something} looks wrong. You need to provide collect gem name" exit end end base_path.chomp end def pluralize(count, name) if count > 1 then name + "s" else name end end end end end