module CloudstackClient module Iso ## # Lists all isos that match the specified filter. # # Allowable filter values are: # # * featured - isos that are featured and are public # * self - isos that have been registered/created by the owner # * self-executable - isos that have been registered/created by the owner that can be used to deploy a new VM # * executable - all isos that can be used to deploy a new VM # * community - isos that are public def list_isos(args = {}) filter = args[:filter] || 'featured' params = { 'command' => 'listIsos', 'isoFilter' => filter } params['projectid'] = args[:project_id] if args[:project_id] params['zoneid'] = args[:zone_id] if args[:zone_id] if args[:listall] params['listall'] = true params['isrecursive'] = true end json = send_request(params) json['iso'] || [] end ## # Finds the template with the specified name. def get_iso(name) # TODO: use name parameter # listIsos in CloudStack 2.2 doesn't seem to work # when the name parameter is specified. When this is fixed, # the name parameter should be added to the request. params = { 'command' => 'listIsos', 'isoFilter' => 'executable' } json = send_request(params) isos = json['iso'] if !isos then return nil end isos.each { |t| if t['name'] == name then return t end } nil end end end