# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Budgets # The data store for a Project in the Decidim::Budgets component. It stores a # title, description and any other useful information to render a custom project. class Project < Budgets::ApplicationRecord include Decidim::Resourceable include Decidim::ScopableResource include Decidim::HasCategory include Decidim::HasAttachments include Decidim::HasAttachmentCollections include Decidim::HasReference include Decidim::Followable include Decidim::Comments::CommentableWithComponent include Decidim::Traceable include Decidim::Loggable include Decidim::Randomable include Decidim::Searchable include Decidim::TranslatableResource include Decidim::FilterableResource translatable_fields :title, :description belongs_to :budget, foreign_key: "decidim_budgets_budget_id", class_name: "Decidim::Budgets::Budget", inverse_of: :projects has_one :component, through: :budget, foreign_key: "decidim_component_id", class_name: "Decidim::Component" has_many :line_items, class_name: "Decidim::Budgets::LineItem", foreign_key: "decidim_project_id", dependent: :destroy has_many :orders, through: :line_items, foreign_key: "decidim_project_id", class_name: "Decidim::Budgets::Order" delegate :organization, :participatory_space, :can_participate_in_space?, to: :component alias can_participate? can_participate_in_space? scope :selected, -> { where.not(selected_at: nil) } scope :not_selected, -> { where(selected_at: nil) } geocoded_by :address scope_search_multi :with_any_status, [:selected, :not_selected] searchable_fields( scope_id: :decidim_scope_id, participatory_space: { component: :participatory_space }, A: :title, D: :description, datetime: :created_at ) def self.ordered_ids(ids) # Make sure each ID in the matching text has a "," character as their # delimiter. Otherwise e.g. ID 2 would match ID "26" in the original # array. This is why we search for match ",2," instead to get the actual # position for ID 2. concat_ids = connection.quote(",#{ids.join(",")},") order(Arel.sql("position(concat(',', decidim_budgets_projects.id::text, ',') in #{concat_ids})")) end def self.log_presenter_class_for(_log) Decidim::Budgets::AdminLog::ProjectPresenter end def resource_locator ::Decidim::ResourceLocatorPresenter.new([budget, self]) end def polymorphic_resource_path(url_params) resource_locator.path(url_params) end def polymorphic_resource_url(url_params) resource_locator.url(url_params) end # Public: Overrides the `comments_have_votes?` Commentable concern method. def comments_have_votes? true end # Public: Overrides the `users_to_notify_on_comment_created` Commentable concern method. def users_to_notify_on_comment_created followers end # Public: Returns the number of times an specific project have been checked out. def confirmed_orders_count orders.finished.count end # Public: Overrides the `allow_resource_permissions?` Resourceable concern method. def allow_resource_permissions? component.settings.resources_permissions_enabled end # Public: Checks if the project has been selected or not. # # Returns Boolean. def selected? selected_at.present? end # Public: Returns the attachment context for this record. def attachment_context :admin end ransacker :id_string do Arel.sql(%{cast("decidim_budgets_projects"."id" as text)}) end # Create i18n ransackers for :title and :description. # Create the :search_text ransacker alias for searching from both of these. ransacker_i18n_multi :search_text, [:title, :description] ransacker :selected do Arel.sql(%{("decidim_budgets_projects"."selected_at")::text}) end ransacker :confirmed_orders_count do query = <<-SQL.squish ( SELECT COUNT(decidim_budgets_line_items.decidim_order_id) FROM decidim_budgets_line_items LEFT JOIN decidim_budgets_orders ON decidim_budgets_orders.id = decidim_budgets_line_items.decidim_order_id WHERE decidim_budgets_orders.checked_out_at IS NOT NULL AND decidim_budgets_projects.id = decidim_budgets_line_items.decidim_project_id ) SQL Arel.sql(query) end def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil) [:with_any_status, :with_any_scope, :with_any_category] end end end end