require 'erb' require 'markdown2confluence' require 'kramdown/converter/slack' module RoboPigeon::Dsl module Helpers module Markdown RoboPigeon::Documentarian.add_command( 'confluence_from_md', params: [ { name: 'file', type: 'String', desc: 'path to a markdown erb file', example: 'config/' } ], block: ['helpers'], desc: 'get jira/confluence markup from an erb markdown template' ) def confluence_from_md(file) from_md_template(file).to_confluence end RoboPigeon::Documentarian.add_command( 'jira_from_md', params: [ { name: 'file', type: 'String', desc: 'path to a markdown erb file', example: 'config/' } ], block: ['helpers'], desc: 'get jira/confluence markup from an erb markdown template' ) def jira_from_md(file) from_md_template(file).to_confluence end RoboPigeon::Documentarian.add_command( 'html_from_md', params: [ { name: 'file', type: 'String', desc: 'path to a markdown erb file', example: 'config/' } ], block: ['helpers'], desc: 'get html markup from an erb markdown template' ) def html_from_md(file) from_md_template(file).to_html end RoboPigeon::Documentarian.add_command( 'slack_from_md', params: [ { name: 'file', type: 'String', desc: 'path to a markdown erb file', example: 'config/' } ], block: ['helpers'], desc: 'get slack markup from an erb markdown template' ) def slack_from_md(file) from_md_template(file).to_slack end private def from_md_template(file) raise RoboPigeon::Markdown::Error, "template file #{file} not found" unless File.exist?(file) raw = markdown =, input: 'GFM', syntax_highlighter: 'coderay', syntax_highlighter_opts: { css: 'style', line_numbers: 'table' }) end end end end