/** * Module dependencies. */ var qs = require('../'); module.exports = { 'test basics': function(){ qs.parse('0=foo').should.eql({ '0': 'foo' }); qs.parse('foo=c++') .should.eql({ foo: 'c ' }); qs.parse('a[>=]=23') .should.eql({ a: { '>=': '23' }}); qs.parse('a[<=>]==23') .should.eql({ a: { '<=>': '=23' }}); qs.parse('a[==]=23') .should.eql({ a: { '==': '23' }}); qs.parse('foo') .should.eql({ foo: '' }); qs.parse('foo=bar') .should.eql({ foo: 'bar' }); qs.parse('foo%3Dbar=baz') .should.eql({ foo: 'bar=baz' }); qs.parse(' foo = bar = baz ') .should.eql({ ' foo ': ' bar = baz ' }); qs.parse('foo=bar=baz') .should.eql({ foo: 'bar=baz' }); qs.parse('foo=bar&bar=baz') .should.eql({ foo: 'bar', bar: 'baz' }); qs.parse('foo=bar&baz') .should.eql({ foo: 'bar', baz: '' }); qs.parse('cht=p3&chd=t:60,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World') .should.eql({ cht: 'p3' , chd: 't:60,40' , chs: '250x100' , chl: 'Hello|World' }); }, 'test nesting': function(){ qs.parse('ops[>=]=25') .should.eql({ ops: { '>=': '25' }}); qs.parse('user[name]=tj') .should.eql({ user: { name: 'tj' }}); qs.parse('user[name][first]=tj&user[name][last]=holowaychuk') .should.eql({ user: { name: { first: 'tj', last: 'holowaychuk' }}}); }, 'test escaping': function(){ qs.parse('foo=foo%20bar') .should.eql({ foo: 'foo bar' }); }, 'test arrays': function(){ qs.parse('images[]') .should.eql({ images: [] }); qs.parse('user[]=tj') .should.eql({ user: ['tj'] }); qs.parse('user[]=tj&user[]=tobi&user[]=jane') .should.eql({ user: ['tj', 'tobi', 'jane'] }); qs.parse('user[names][]=tj&user[names][]=tyler') .should.eql({ user: { names: ['tj', 'tyler'] }}); qs.parse('user[names][]=tj&user[names][]=tyler&user[email]=tj@vision-media.ca') .should.eql({ user: { names: ['tj', 'tyler'], email: 'tj@vision-media.ca' }}); qs.parse('items=a&items=b') .should.eql({ items: ['a', 'b'] }); qs.parse('user[names]=tj&user[names]=holowaychuk&user[names]=TJ') .should.eql({ user: { names: ['tj', 'holowaychuk', 'TJ'] }}); qs.parse('user[name][first]=tj&user[name][first]=TJ') .should.eql({ user: { name: { first: ['tj', 'TJ'] }}}); var o = qs.parse('existing[fcbaebfecc][name][last]=tj') o.should.eql({ existing: { 'fcbaebfecc': { name: { last: 'tj' }}}}) Array.isArray(o.existing).should.be.false; }, 'test right-hand brackets': function(){ qs.parse('pets=["tobi"]') .should.eql({ pets: '["tobi"]' }); qs.parse('operators=[">=", "<="]') .should.eql({ operators: '[">=", "<="]' }); qs.parse('op[>=]=[1,2,3]') .should.eql({ op: { '>=': '[1,2,3]' }}); qs.parse('op[>=]=[1,2,3]&op[=]=[[[[1]]]]') .should.eql({ op: { '>=': '[1,2,3]', '=': '[[[[1]]]]' }}); }, 'test duplicates': function(){ qs.parse('items=bar&items=baz&items=raz') .should.eql({ items: ['bar', 'baz', 'raz'] }); }, 'test empty': function(){ qs.parse('').should.eql({}); qs.parse(undefined).should.eql({}); qs.parse(null).should.eql({}); }, 'test arrays with indexes': function(){ qs.parse('foo[0]=bar&foo[1]=baz').should.eql({ foo: ['bar', 'baz'] }); qs.parse('foo[1]=bar&foo[0]=baz').should.eql({ foo: ['baz', 'bar'] }); qs.parse('foo[base64]=RAWR').should.eql({ foo: { base64: 'RAWR' }}); qs.parse('foo[64base]=RAWR').should.eql({ foo: { '64base': 'RAWR' }}); }, 'test arrays becoming objects': function(){ qs.parse('foo[0]=bar&foo[bad]=baz').should.eql({ foo: { 0: "bar", bad: "baz" }}); qs.parse('foo[bad]=baz&foo[0]=bar').should.eql({ foo: { 0: "bar", bad: "baz" }}); }, 'test bleed-through of Array native properties/methods': function(){ Array.prototype.protoProperty = true; Array.prototype.protoFunction = function () {}; qs.parse('foo=bar').should.eql({ foo: 'bar' }); }, 'test malformed uri': function(){ qs.parse('{%:%}').should.eql({ '{%:%}': '' }); qs.parse('foo=%:%}').should.eql({ 'foo': '%:%}' }); }, 'test semi-parsed': function(){ qs.parse({ 'user[name]': 'tobi' }) .should.eql({ user: { name: 'tobi' }}); qs.parse({ 'user[name]': 'tobi', 'user[email][main]': 'tobi@lb.com' }) .should.eql({ user: { name: 'tobi', email: { main: 'tobi@lb.com' } }}); } // 'test complex': function(){ // qs.parse('users[][name][first]=tj&users[foo]=bar') // .should.eql({ // users: [ { name: 'tj' }, { name: 'tobi' }, { foo: 'bar' }] // }); // // qs.parse('users[][name][first]=tj&users[][name][first]=tobi') // .should.eql({ // users: [ { name: 'tj' }, { name: 'tobi' }] // }); // } };