# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim module Devise # This controller customizes the behaviour of Devise::Omniauthable. class OmniauthRegistrationsController < ::Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController include FormFactory include Decidim::DeviseControllers def new @form = form(OmniauthRegistrationForm).from_params(params[:user]) end def create form_params = user_params_from_oauth_hash || params[:user] @form = form(OmniauthRegistrationForm).from_params(form_params) @form.email ||= verified_email CreateOmniauthRegistration.call(@form, verified_email) do on(:ok) do |user| if user.active_for_authentication? sign_in_and_redirect user, event: :authentication set_flash_message :notice, :success, kind: @form.provider.capitalize else expire_data_after_sign_in! redirect_to root_path flash[:notice] = t("devise.registrations.signed_up_but_unconfirmed") end end on(:invalid) do set_flash_message :notice, :success, kind: @form.provider.capitalize render :new end on(:error) do |user| if user.errors[:email] set_flash_message :alert, :failure, kind: @form.provider.capitalize, reason: t("decidim.devise.omniauth_registrations.create.email_already_exists") end render :new end end end def after_sign_in_path_for(user) if !pending_redirect?(user) && first_login_and_not_authorized?(user) decidim_verifications.authorizations_path else super end end # Calling the `stored_location_for` method removes the key, so in order # to check if there's any pending redirect after login I need to call # this method and use the value to set a pending redirect. This is the # only way to do this without checking the session directly. def pending_redirect?(user) store_location_for(user, stored_location_for(user)) end def first_login_and_not_authorized?(user) user.is_a?(User) && user.sign_in_count == 1 && Decidim::Verifications.workflows.any? && user.verifiable? end def action_missing(action_name) return send(:create) if devise_mapping.omniauthable? && User.omniauth_providers.include?(action_name.to_sym) raise AbstractController::ActionNotFound, "The action '#{action_name}' could not be found for Decidim::Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController" end private def oauth_data @oauth_data ||= oauth_hash.slice(:provider, :uid, :info) end # Private: Create form params from omniauth hash # Since we are using trusted omniauth data we are generating a valid signature. def user_params_from_oauth_hash return nil if oauth_data.empty? { provider: oauth_data[:provider], uid: oauth_data[:uid], name: oauth_data[:info][:name], nickname: oauth_data[:info][:nickname], oauth_signature: OmniauthRegistrationForm.create_signature(oauth_data[:provider], oauth_data[:uid]), avatar_url: oauth_data[:info][:image] } end def verified_email @verified_email ||= oauth_data.dig(:info, :email) end def oauth_hash raw_hash = request.env["omniauth.auth"] return {} unless raw_hash raw_hash.deep_symbolize_keys end end end end