=== 0.2.3 * Fixed QName generation in Writer based on RDF/XML Processing recommendations === * Ruby 1.9.2 support. * Added script/tc to run test cases * Mark failing XMLLiteral tests as pending === 0.2.2 * Fix bug creating datatyped literal where datatype is a string, not an RDF::URI * Added more XMLLiteral tests (fail, until full canonicalization working) * Added RDF_Reader and RDF_Writer behavior expectations * Use RDF::Writer#prefix and #prefixes implementation instead of internal version. * Added RDF::Reader#rewind and #close, which override default behavior as stream is closed on initialization and rewinding isn't required. * In console, load RDF.rb from parent directory, if it exists. * Dependencies on RDF 0.2.2 * Replace String#rdf_escape with RDF::NTriples.escape * Fixed bug in Writer where a qname was expected for sorting, but property has no qname * Handle XMLLiteral when value is a Nokogiri node set. * Ensure URIs are properly RDF Escaped (patch to RDF::NTriples::Writer#format_uri) === 0.2.1 * Update for RDF 0.2.1 * Writer bug fixes: * RDF::Node#identifier => RDF::Node#id * Vocabulary.new(uri) => Vocabulary(uri) === 0.2.0 * Updates for RDF 0.2.0 * Use URI#intern instead of URI#new * Change use of Graph#predicates and Graph#objects to use as enumerables === 0.0.3 * Added patches for the following: * RDF::Graph#properties * RDF::Graph#seq (Output rdf:Seq elements in order) * RDF::Graph#type_of * RDF::Literal.xmlliteral (Create literal and normalize XML) * RDF::Literal#xmlliteral? * RDF::Literal#anonymous? (missing from library) * RDF::Literal#to_s (only one of @lang or ^^type, not both) * RDF::URI#join (Don't add trailing '/') * Reader fixes * Writer complete * Spec status * Isomorphic XMLLiteral tests fail due to attribute order variation * Reader parsing multi-line quite in NTriples test file fails due to lack of support in RDF::NTriples * A couple of URI normalizations fail: * should create <http://foo/> from <http://foo#> and '' * should create <http://foo/bar> from <http://foo/bar#> and '' * Writer test needs Turtle reader === 0.0.2 * Added specs from RdfContext * Added array_hacks, nokogiri_hacks, and rdf_escape * Fixed most bugs that are not related to the underlying framework. * Specific failing testcases for rdf-isomorphic, RDF::Literaland others need to be constructed and added as issues against those gems. * Removed interal graph in Reader and implement each_triple & each_statement to perform parsing === 0.0.1 * First port from RdfContext version 0.5.4