require 'mkmf' def find_macosx_framework(name) paths = [ "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks", "/Library/Frameworks", "/Network/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks" ] paths.reverse! paths.each do |dir| dir = File.join(dir, "#{name}.framework") next unless dir return dir end nil end def have_framework(name) print "checking for framweork #{name}... " ret = find_macosx_framework(name) if ret puts "yes" $LDFLAGS << " -F#{File.dirname(ret)}" $LDFLAGS << " -framework #{name}" $CFLAGS << " -I#{File.join(ret, "Headers")}" $CFLAGS << " -DHAVE_#{name.upcase}" else puts "no" end ret end has_run_node = have_func("ruby_run_node") has_run = have_func("ruby_run") $CFLAGS << " -pedantic -Wall -std=c99 -Wno-unused-parameter" unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ unless have_library("SDL", "SDL_Init") $stdder.puts "SDL not found" end unless (have_header("SDL/SDL.h") or have_header("SDL.h")) $stderr.puts "SDL.h not found." exit 1 end unless have_library("SDLmain") $stderr.puts "SDL_main not found." exit 1 end if have_library("SDL_image") have_header("SDL/SDL_image.h") or have_header("SDL_image.h") end create_makefile("ray_ext") data ="Makefile").gsub("SDLMain.o", "") open("Makefile", 'w') { |f| f.write(data) } else if !has_run and !has_run_node $stderr.puts "Unsupported configuration: Mac OS X and a ruby " + "implementation that does not implement ruby_run" exit 1 end $CFLAGS << " -DRAY_USE_FRAMEWORK" unless have_framework("SDL") and have_framework("Cocoa") and have_framework("Foundation") $stderr.puts "missing frameworks" exit 1 end have_framework("SDL_image") have_library("ruby", "ruby_init") create_makefile("ray_ext") end if has_run or has_run_node open("Makefile", 'a') do |file| file.puts "ray: $(OBJS)" file.puts "\t$(CC) -o ray $(OBJS) $(LIBPATH) $(DLDFLAGS) " + "$(LOCAL_LIBS) $(LIBS) -lruby" end data ="Makefile").gsub("all:", "all: ray") open("Makefile", 'w') { |f| f.write(data) } end