require 'asciidoctor' require 'asciidoctor/extensions' # Map $ ... $ to \(..\) before # running Asciidoctor, and map # '\$' to 'DOLLOD'. The latter # will be mapped back to '$' # for the HTML backend by the # postprocessor in 'dollar.rb' and # to '\$' by the postprocessor # in 'escape_dollar.rb' # # The remaining substitutions will # be eliminated when I edit the # relevant source files on noteshare. module Asciidoctor::LaTeX class TeXPreprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Preprocessor # Map $...$ to stem:[...] # TEX_DOLLAR_RX = /(^|\s|\()\$(.*?)\$($|\s|\)|,|\.)/ # TEX_DOLLAR_SUB = '\1latexmath:[\2]\3' # TEX_DOLLAR_SUB = '\1\\\(\2\\\)\3' TEX_DOLLAR_RX = /\$(.*?)\$/ TEX_DOLLAR_SUB = 'pass:[\\\(\1\\\)]' def process document, reader return reader if reader.eof? replacement_lines = do |line| # (line.include? '$') ? (line.gsub TEX_DOLLAR_RX, TEX_DOLLAR_SUB) : line if line.include? '<-->' and document.basebackend? 'tex' line = line.gsub('<-->', 'CHEMLEFTRIGHTARROW') end if line.include? '->' and document.basebackend? 'tex' line = line.gsub('->', 'CHEMRIGHTARROW') end if line.include? '<-' and document.basebackend? 'tex' line = line.gsub('<-', 'CHEMLEFTARROW') end # SPECIAL CHARACTER SUBSTITUTIONS if line.include? '\\&' and document.basebackend? 'html' line = line.gsub '\\&', 'ESCAMPERSAND' end if line.include? '\\_' and document.basebackend? 'html' line = line.gsub '\\_', 'ESCUNDERSCORE' end if line.include? '\\' and document.basebackend? 'html' line = line.gsub '\\$', 'ESCDOLLAR' end # It is important the previous transformation # come before the next one if line.include? '$' line = line.gsub TEX_DOLLAR_RX, TEX_DOLLAR_SUB end # protect math, e.g., (a^2)^3 from Asciidoc subsitutions: if line =~ /^\\\[/ line = line.gsub '\\[', "+++\n\\[" # line = line.gsub /^\\\[/, '+\\]' # line = line.gsub '\\[', '\\[' end if line =~ /^\\\]/ line = line.gsub '\\]', "\\]\n+++\n" # line = line.gsub /'^\\\]/, '\\]+' # line = line.gsub '\\]', '\\]+' end # if line =~ /\[env\..*?\]/ # m = line.match /(\[env\..*?)\]/ # line = line.gsub m[1], m[1]+',subs=none' # end # if line =~ /\&/ # line = line.gsub('&', '\\\&') # en # We do need to make this substitution, but ONLY ouutside # of mathematical text. # Please $FIXME! # # We would like to ensure that underscores in names, # e.g., MACRO_NAME, do not cause LaTeX bugs. However, # the code below introduces a more serious bug: expressions # lik4 $\int_0^1 x^n dx$ are mapped to $\int\_0^1 x^n dx$. # I'm not sure this problem can be solved using regex's: # we need to apply a substitution to a line when there is a match # with '_' AND the word containing the '_' IS NOT in any enclosng # $ ... $ or \[ ... \]. If we had a parser that would recognize # $ ... $ and \[ ... \] and build them into the AST as nodes, # then there would be an easy solution. This issue may # have to wait. # if line =~ /_/ # line = line.gsub /_/, '\_' # end line end reader.unshift_lines replacement_lines reader end end end