require "cello" Then /^I should can knows if this page has a textarea$/ do @browser.textarea_is_real?.should be_true @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to write a text like "(.*?)" in the textarea$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_fill_with(text) @browser.close end Then /^I shoud be able to get the text "(.*?)" from this textarea$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_get_text.should include(text) @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to know if the text on the textarea does not contais the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_dont_contain(text).should be_true @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea does not contais the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_dont_contain(text).should be_false @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to know if the text on the textarea contais the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_contains(text).should be_true @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea contais the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_contains(text).should be_false @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to know if the text on the textarea is exacly the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_text_is(text).should be_true @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the text on the textarea is exacly the text "(.*?)"$/ do |text| @browser.textarea_text_is(text).should be_false @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to know if the textarea is empty$/ do @browser.textarea_is_empty?.should be_true @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the textarea is empty$/ do @browser.textarea_is_empty?.should be_false @browser.close end Then /^I should be able to know if the size of the textarea text is "(.*?)"$/ do |size| @browser.textarea_text_size.should == size.to_i @browser.close end Then /^I should fail when ask if the size of the textarea text is "(.*?)"$/ do |size| @browser.textarea_text_size.should_not == size.to_i @browser.close end