require 'dbi' require 'oci8' require 'runit/testcase' require 'runit/cui/testrunner' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config' class TestDBI < RUNIT::TestCase def setup @dbh = get_dbi_connection() end def test_select drop_table('test_table') sql = <<-EOS CREATE TABLE test_table (C CHAR(10) NOT NULL, V VARCHAR2(20), N NUMBER(10, 2), D DATE) STORAGE ( INITIAL 4k NEXT 4k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS sth = @dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)") 1.upto(10) do |i| sth.execute(format("%10d", i * 10), i.to_s, i, nil) end sth = @dbh.execute("SELECT * FROM test_table ORDER BY c") assert_equal(["C", "V", "N", "D"], sth.column_names) 1.upto(10) do |i| rv = sth.fetch assert_equal(format("%10d", i * 10), rv[0]) assert_equal(i.to_s, rv[1]) assert_equal(i, rv[2]) end assert_nil(sth.fetch) assert_equal(10, @dbh.select_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table")[0]) @dbh.rollback() assert_equal(0, @dbh.select_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_table")[0]) drop_table('test_table') end def test_ref_cursor drop_table('test_table') sql = <<-EOS CREATE TABLE test_table (C CHAR(10) NOT NULL, V VARCHAR2(20), N NUMBER(10, 2), D DATE) STORAGE ( INITIAL 4k NEXT 4k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS sth = @dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)") 1.upto(10) do |i| sth.execute(format("%10d", i * 10), i.to_s, i, nil) end # get a ref cursor plsql = @dbh.execute("BEGIN OPEN ? FOR SELECT * FROM test_table ORDER BY c; END;", DBI::StatementHandle) sth = plsql.func(:bind_value, 1) assert_equal(["C", "V", "N", "D"], sth.column_names) 1.upto(10) do |i| rv = sth.fetch assert_equal(format("%10d", i * 10), rv[0]) assert_equal(i.to_s, rv[1]) assert_equal(i, rv[2]) end @dbh.rollback() drop_table('test_table') end def test_define drop_table('test_table') sql = <<-EOS CREATE TABLE test_table (C CHAR(10) NOT NULL, V VARCHAR2(20), N NUMBER(10, 2), D1 DATE, D2 DATE, D3 DATE, D4 DATE, INT NUMBER(30), BIGNUM NUMBER(30)) STORAGE ( INITIAL 4k NEXT 4k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS sth = @dbh.prepare("INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (:C, :V, :N, :D1, :D2, :D3, :D4, :INT, :BIGNUM)") 1.upto(10) do |i| if i == 1 dt = nil v = '' else dt = + i, 8, 3, 23, 59, 59) v = i.to_s end sth.execute(format("%10d", i * 10), v, i, dt, dt, dt, dt, i, i) end sth.finish sth = @dbh.prepare("SELECT * FROM test_table ORDER BY c") sth.func(:define, 5, Time) # define 5th column as Time sth.func(:define, 6, Date) # define 6th column as Date sth.func(:define, 7, DateTime) if defined? DateTime # define 7th column as DateTime sth.func(:define, 8, Integer) # define 8th column as Integer sth.func(:define, 9, Bignum) # define 9th column as Bignum sth.execute assert_equal(["C", "V", "N", "D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "INT", "BIGNUM"], sth.column_info.collect {|cl|}) 1.upto(10) do |i| rv = sth.fetch assert_equal(format("%10d", i * 10), rv[0]) assert_equal(i, rv[2]) if i == 1 assert_nil(rv[1]) assert_nil(rv[3]) assert_nil(rv[4]) assert_nil(rv[5]) assert_nil(rv[6]) else assert_equal(i.to_s, rv[1]) dt = + i, 8, 3, 23, 59, 59) assert_equal(dt, rv[3]) assert_equal(dt.to_time, rv[4]) assert_equal(dt.to_date, rv[5]) assert_equal(dt.to_datetime, rv[6]) if defined? DateTime assert_instance_of(Time, rv[4]) assert_instance_of(Date, rv[5]) assert_instance_of(DateTime, rv[6]) if defined? DateTime end assert_equal(i, rv[7]) assert_equal(i, rv[8]) end assert_nil(sth.fetch) sth.finish drop_table('test_table') end def test_bind_dbi_data_type inval =, 3, 20) sth = @dbh.execute("BEGIN ? := ?; END;", DBI::Date, inval) outval = sth.func(:bind_value, 1) assert_instance_of(DBI::Date, outval) assert_equal(inval.to_time, outval.to_time) inval =, 3, 20, 18, 26, 33) sth = @dbh.execute("BEGIN ? := ?; END;", DBI::Timestamp, inval) outval = sth.func(:bind_value, 1) assert_instance_of(DBI::Timestamp, outval) assert_equal(inval.to_time, outval.to_time) end def test_column_info # data_size factor for nchar charset_form. sth = @dbh.execute("select CAST('1' AS NCHAR(1)) from dual") cfrm = sth.column_info[0]['precision'] if $oracle_version >= 900 # data_size factor for char semantics. sth = @dbh.execute("select CAST('1' AS CHAR(1 char)) from dual") csem = sth.column_info[0]['precision'] end coldef = [ # oracle_version, definition, sql_type, type_name, nullable, precision,scale,indexed,primary,unique,default [800, "CHAR(10) NOT NULL", DBI::SQL_CHAR, 'CHAR', false, 10, nil, true, true, true, nil], [900, "CHAR(10 CHAR)", DBI::SQL_CHAR, 'CHAR', true, 10 * csem, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NCHAR(10)", DBI::SQL_CHAR, 'NCHAR', true, 10 * cfrm, nil, true, false,true, nil], [800, "VARCHAR2(10) DEFAULT 'a''b'", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR, 'VARCHAR2', true, 10, nil, true, false,false, "a'b"], [900, "VARCHAR2(10 CHAR)", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR, 'VARCHAR2', true, 10 * csem, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NVARCHAR2(10)", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR, 'NVARCHAR2',true, 10 * cfrm, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "RAW(10)", DBI::SQL_VARBINARY, 'RAW', true, 10, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "CLOB", DBI::SQL_CLOB, 'CLOB', true, 4000, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NCLOB", DBI::SQL_CLOB, 'NCLOB', true, 4000, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "BLOB", DBI::SQL_BLOB, 'BLOB', true, 4000, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "BFILE", DBI::SQL_BLOB, 'BFILE', true, 4000, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NUMBER", DBI::SQL_NUMERIC, 'NUMBER', true, 38, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NUMBER(10)", DBI::SQL_NUMERIC, 'NUMBER', true, 10, 0, false,false,false,nil], [800, "NUMBER(10,2)", DBI::SQL_NUMERIC, 'NUMBER', true, 10, 2, false,false,false,nil], [800, "FLOAT", DBI::SQL_FLOAT, 'FLOAT', true, (126 * 0.30103).ceil, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "FLOAT(10)", DBI::SQL_FLOAT, 'FLOAT', true, (10 * 0.30103).ceil, nil, false,false,false,nil], [1000,"BINARY_FLOAT", DBI::SQL_FLOAT, 'BINARY_FLOAT', true, 7, nil, false,false,false,nil], [1000,"BINARY_DOUBLE", DBI::SQL_DOUBLE, 'BINARY_DOUBLE', true, 16, nil, false,false,false,nil], [800, "DATE", DBI::SQL_DATE, 'DATE', true, 19, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP', true, 20 + 6, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP(9)", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP', true, 20 + 9, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE', true, 27 + 6, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP(9) WITH TIME ZONE", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE', true, 27 + 9, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', true, 20 + 6, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "TIMESTAMP(9) WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE", DBI::SQL_TIMESTAMP, 'TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', true, 20 + 9, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH", DBI::SQL_OTHER, 'INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH', true, 2 + 3, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "INTERVAL YEAR(4) TO MONTH", DBI::SQL_OTHER, 'INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH', true, 4 + 3, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND", DBI::SQL_OTHER, 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND', true, 2 + 10 + 6, nil, false,false,false,nil], [900, "INTERVAL DAY(4) TO SECOND(9)",DBI::SQL_OTHER, 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND', true, 4 + 10 + 9, nil, false,false,false,nil], ] coldef.reject! do |c| c[0] > $oracle_version end drop_table('test_table') @dbh.execute(<<-EOS) CREATE TABLE test_table (#{i = 0; coldef.collect do |c| i += 1; "C#{i} " + c[1] + (c[8] ? ' PRIMARY KEY' : ''); end.join(',')}) STORAGE ( INITIAL 100k NEXT 100k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS coldef.each_with_index do |col, idx| next if col[8] # primary if col[7] # indexed @dbh.execute(<<-EOS) CREATE #{col[9] ? 'UNIQUE' : ''} INDEX test_table_idx#{idx + 1} ON test_table(C#{idx + 1}) STORAGE ( INITIAL 100k NEXT 100k MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED PCTINCREASE 0) EOS end end @dbh.columns('test_table').each_with_index do |ci, i| assert_equal("C#{i + 1}", ci['name'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], ci['sql_type'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': sql_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], ci['type_name'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': type_name") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], ci['nullable'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': nullable") assert_equal(coldef[i][5], ci['precision'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': precision") assert_equal(coldef[i][6], ci['scale'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': scale") assert_equal(coldef[i][7], ci['indexed'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': indexed") assert_equal(coldef[i][8], ci['primary'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': primary") assert_equal(coldef[i][9], ci['unique'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': unique") assert_equal(coldef[i][10],ci['default'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': default") end # temporarily change OCI8::BindType::Mapping. saved_mapping = {} [OCI8::SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ, OCI8::SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ, OCI8::SQLT_INTERVAL_YM, OCI8::SQLT_INTERVAL_DS].each do |sqlt_type| saved_mapping[sqlt_type] = OCI8::BindType::Mapping[sqlt_type] OCI8::BindType::Mapping[sqlt_type] = OCI8::BindType::String end begin sth = @dbh.execute("SELECT * FROM test_table") ensure saved_mapping.each do |key, val| OCI8::BindType::Mapping[key] = val end end sth.column_info.each_with_index do |ci, i| assert_equal("C#{i + 1}", ci['name'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], ci['sql_type'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': sql_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], ci['type_name'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': type_name") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], ci['nullable'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': nullable") assert_equal(coldef[i][5], ci['precision'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': precision") assert_equal(coldef[i][6], ci['scale'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': scale") assert_equal(nil, ci['indexed'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': indexed") assert_equal(nil, ci['primary'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': primary") assert_equal(nil, ci['unique'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': unique") assert_equal(nil, ci['default'], "'#{coldef[i][1]}': default") end drop_table('test_table') end def test_column_info_of_tab coldef = [ # name, sql_type, type_name, nullable,precision,scale,indexed,primary,unique,default ["TNAME", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR,'VARCHAR2',false, 30, nil, false, false, false, nil], ["TABTYPE", DBI::SQL_VARCHAR,'VARCHAR2',true, 7, nil, false, false, false, nil], ["CLUSTERID",DBI::SQL_NUMERIC,'NUMBER', true, 38, nil, false, false, false, nil], ] @dbh.columns('tab').each_with_index do |ci, i| assert_equal(coldef[i][0], ci['name'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][1], ci['sql_type'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': sql_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], ci['type_name'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': type_name") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], ci['nullable'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': nullable") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], ci['precision'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': precision") assert_equal(coldef[i][5], ci['scale'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': scale") assert_equal(coldef[i][6], ci['indexed'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': indexed") assert_equal(coldef[i][7], ci['primary'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': primary") assert_equal(coldef[i][8], ci['unique'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': unique") assert_equal(coldef[i][9], ci['default'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': default") end @dbh.execute("SELECT * FROM tab").column_info.each_with_index do |ci, i| assert_equal(coldef[i][0], ci['name'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': name") assert_equal(coldef[i][1], ci['sql_type'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': sql_type") assert_equal(coldef[i][2], ci['type_name'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': type_name") assert_equal(coldef[i][3], ci['nullable'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': nullable") assert_equal(coldef[i][4], ci['precision'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': precision") assert_equal(coldef[i][5], ci['scale'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': scale") assert_equal(nil, ci['indexed'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': indexed") assert_equal(nil, ci['primary'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': primary") assert_equal(nil, ci['unique'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': unique") assert_equal(nil, ci['default'], "'#{coldef[i][0]}': default") end end end # TestDBI if $0 == __FILE__ end