require_relative 'ionoscloud_base' class Chef class Knife class IonoscloudIpfailoverAdd < Knife include Knife::IonoscloudBase banner 'knife ionoscloud ipfailover add (options)' option :datacenter_id, short: '-D DATACENTER_ID', long: '--datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID', description: 'Name of the data center' option :lan_id, short: '-l LAN_ID', long: '--lan-id LAN_ID', description: 'Lan ID' option :ip, short: '-i IP', long: '--ip IP', description: 'IP to be added to IP failover group' option :nic_id, short: '-n NIC_ID', long: '--nic-id NIC_ID', description: 'NIC to be added to IP failover group' def initialize(args = []) super(args) @description = "Successfully setting up an IP Failover group requires three steps:\n"\ "* Add a reserved IP address to a NIC that will become the IP Failover master.\n"\ "* Use PATCH or PUT to enable ipFailover by providing the relevant ip and nicUuid values.\n"\ "* Add the same reserved IP address to any other NICs that are a member of the same LAN. Those NICs will become IP Failover members.\n" @directory = 'compute-engine' @required_options = [:datacenter_id, :lan_id, :ip, :nic_id, :ionoscloud_username, :ionoscloud_password] end def run $stdout.sync = true handle_extra_config validate_required_params(@required_options, config) lan_api = lan = lan_api.datacenters_lans_find_by_id(config[:datacenter_id], config[:lan_id]) failover_ips = || [] failover_ips.push({ ip: config[:ip], nicUuid: config[:nic_id], }) changes ={ ip_failover: failover_ips }) _, _, headers = lan_api.datacenters_lans_patch_with_http_info(config[:datacenter_id], config[:lan_id], changes) dot = ui.color('.', :magenta) api_client.wait_for { print dot; is_done? get_request_id headers } lan = lan_api.datacenters_lans_find_by_id(config[:datacenter_id], config[:lan_id]) ip_failovers = { |el| el.to_hash } puts "\n" puts "#{ui.color('ID', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Name', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('Public', :cyan)}: #{}" puts "#{ui.color('IP Failover', :cyan)}: #{ip_failovers}" puts 'done' end end end end