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The blot is calculated by @code{bar-line::calc-blot}, which needs @var{extent} and @var{grob}. @var{y-ext} is not necessarily of same value as @var{extent}.Get the corresponding span glyph from the @code{span-glyph-bar-alist}. Pad the string with @code{annotation-char}s to the length of the @var{bar-glyph} string.Get the blot diameter of the @var{grob}'s corresponding layout.Get or compute the number of lines of staff @var{staff}.Get or compute the @code{'line-positions} list from @var{grob}.Return a stencil computed by the procedure associated with glyph @var{glyph}. The arguments @var{grob} and @var{extent} are mandatory to the procedures stored in @code{bar-glyph-print-procedures}.Convert a string into a list of strings with length 1. @code{"aBc"} will be converted to @code{("a" "B" "c")}. An empty string will be converted to a list containing @code{""}.Strip annotations starting with and including the annotation char from string @var{str}.Check whether the annotation char is present in string @var{str}.Check whether the replacement char is present in string @var{str}.Define a bar glyph @var{bar-glyph} and its substitutes at the end of a line (@var{eol-glyph}), at the beginning of a line (@var{bol-glyph}) and as a span bar (@var{span-glyph}). The substitute glyphs may be either strings or booleans: @code{#t} calls for the same value as @var{bar-glyph} and @code{#f} calls for no glyph.Specify the single glyph @var{glyph} that calls print procedure @var{proc}. The procedure @var{proc} has to be defined in the form @code{(make-...-bar-line grob extent)} even if the @var{extent} is not used within the routine.Return an empty stencil.Draw an empty bar line.Draw a simple bar line.Draw a thick bar line.Draw a short bar line.Draw a tick bar line.Draw repeat dots.Draw a dotted bar line.Draw a dashed bar line.Draw a segno bar line. If @var{show-segno} is set to @code{#t}, the segno sign is drawn over the double bar line; otherwise, it draws the span bar variant, i.e., without the segno sign.Draw a kievan bar line.Draw a bracket-style bar line. If @var{dir} is set to @code{LEFT}, the opening bracket will be drawn, for @code{RIGHT} we get the closing bracket.Draw an invisible bar line which has the same dimensions as the one drawn by the procedure associated with glyph @var{glyph}.Widen the bar line @var{extent} towards span bars adjacent to grob @var{grob}.Compute the y-extent of the bar line relative to @var{refpoint}.The print routine for bar lines.Build the bar line stencil.Calculate the anchor position of a bar line. The anchor is used for the correct placement of bar numbers, etc.Find the glyph name for a bar line. @code{glyphs} is the list of bar-line types to consider in order. Each must have been defined with @code{define-bar-line}. @var{dir} is the break direction to consider: @code{LEFT} = end of line, @code{CENTER} = middle of line, @code{RIGHT} = start of line.Given a particular @code{glyph} value, get the entry for the relevant direction from the alist.Return the name of the bar line glyph printed by @var{grob} for the actual break direction.Calculate the visibility of a bar line at line breaks.Calculate the anchor position of the @code{SpanBar}. The anchor is used for the correct placement of bar numbers, etc.Return the @code{'glyph-name} of the corresponding @code{BarLine} grob. The corresponding @code{SpanBar} glyph is computed within @code{span-bar::@/compound-bar-line}.Choose one of the bar lines to use as a template for the span bar. Ideally, this chooses the same bar line whether it is called from ly:span-bar::width, ly:span-bar::print, etc. N.B. If no model bar line is found, this function kills the span bar and returns the dead span bar.return bar if it is acceptable, otherwise return #fCompute the width of the @code{SpanBar} stencil.A dummy callback that kills the @code{Grob} @var{grob} if it contains no elements.Build the stencil of the span bar.The print routine for span bars.Allow the volta bracket hook being drawn over bar line @var{bar-glyph}.Determine the visibility of the volta bracket end hook, returning @code{#t} if @emph{no} hook should be drawn.Calculate the @code{shorten-pair} values for an ideal placement of the volta brackets relative to the bar lines..guile.procprops.rodata.data.rtl-text.guile.frame-maps.dynamic.strtab.symtab.guile.arities.strtab.guile.arities.guile.docstrs.strtab.guile.docstrs.debug_info.debug_abbrev.debug_str.debug_loc.debug_line.shstrtab