# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt require 'cosmos' Cosmos.catch_fatal_exception do require 'cosmos/gui/qt_tool' require 'cosmos/gui/dialogs/splash' require 'cosmos/gui/dialogs/progress_dialog' require 'cosmos/tools/replay/replay_server' require 'cosmos/gui/choosers/string_chooser' end module Cosmos class Replay < QtTool # The number of bytes to print when an UNKNOWN packet is received UNKNOWN_BYTES_TO_PRINT = 36 def initialize(options) # MUST BE FIRST - All code before super is executed twice in RubyQt Based classes super(options) Cosmos.load_cosmos_icon("replay.png") initialize_actions() initialize_menus() initialize_central_widget() complete_initialize() @ready = false Splash.execute(self) do |splash| ConfigParser.splash = splash splash.message = "Initializing Replay Server" # Start the thread that will process server messages and add them to the output text process_server_messages(options) ReplayServer.new(options.config_file, false, false, false) @ready = true ConfigParser.splash = nil end # Initialize variables @packet_log_reader = System.default_packet_log_reader.new @log_directory = System.paths['LOGS'] @log_directory << '/' unless @log_directory[-1..-1] == '\\' or @log_directory[-1..-1] == '/' @log_filename = nil @playing = false @playback_thread = nil @playback_index = 0 @packet_offsets = [] end def initialize_menus # File Menu @file_menu = menuBar.addMenu(tr('&File')) @file_menu.addAction(@exit_action) # Help Menu @about_string = "Telemetry Viewer provides a view of every telemetry packet in the system." @about_string << " Packets can be viewed in numerous represenations ranging from the raw data to formatted with units." initialize_help_menu() end def initialize_central_widget # Create the central widget @central_widget = Qt::Widget.new setCentralWidget(@central_widget) @top_layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new @log_widget = Qt::Widget.new @log_widget.setSizePolicy(Qt::SizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, Qt::SizePolicy::MinimumExpanding) @log_layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new() # This widget goes inside the top layout so we want 0 contents margins @log_layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) @log_widget.setLayout(@log_layout) # Create the log file GUI @log_file_selection = Qt::GroupBox.new("Log File Selection") @log_select = Qt::HBoxLayout.new(@log_file_selection) @log_name = Qt::LineEdit.new @log_name.setReadOnly(true) @log_select.addWidget(@log_name) @log_open = Qt::PushButton.new("Browse...") @log_select.addWidget(@log_open) @log_layout.addWidget(@log_file_selection) @log_open.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { select_log_file() } # Create the operation buttons GUI @op = Qt::GroupBox.new(tr("Playback Control")) @op_layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new(@op) @op_button_layout = Qt::HBoxLayout.new @move_start = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('skip_to_start-26.png'), '') @move_start.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { move_start() } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@move_start) @step_back = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('rewind-26.png'), '') @step_back_timer = Qt::Timer.new @step_back_timeout = 100 @step_back_timer.connect(SIGNAL('timeout()')) { step_back(); @step_back_timeout = (@step_back_timeout / 2).to_i; @step_back_timer.start(@step_back_timeout) } @step_back.connect(SIGNAL('pressed()')) { step_back(); @step_back_timeout = 300; @step_back_timer.start(@step_back_timeout) } @step_back.connect(SIGNAL('released()')) { @step_back_timer.stop } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@step_back) @reverse_play = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('reverse-play-26.png'), '') @reverse_play.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { reverse_play() } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@reverse_play) @stop = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('stop-26.png'), '') @stop.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { stop() } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@stop) @play = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('play-26.png'), '') @play.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { play() } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@play) @step_forward = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('fast_forward-26.png'), '') @step_forward_timer = Qt::Timer.new @step_forward_timeout = 100 @step_forward_timer.connect(SIGNAL('timeout()')) { step_forward(); @step_forward_timeout = (@step_forward_timeout / 2).to_i; @step_forward_timer.start(@step_forward_timeout) } @step_forward.connect(SIGNAL('pressed()')) { step_forward(); @step_forward_timeout = 300; @step_forward_timer.start(@step_forward_timeout) } @step_forward.connect(SIGNAL('released()')) { @step_forward_timer.stop } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@step_forward) @move_end = Qt::PushButton.new(Cosmos.get_icon('end-26.png'), '') @move_end.connect(SIGNAL('clicked()')) { move_end() } @op_button_layout.addWidget(@move_end) @op_layout.addLayout(@op_button_layout) # Speed Selection @playback_delay = nil @speed_select = Qt::ComboBox.new @variants = [] @variants << Qt::Variant.new(nil) @speed_select.addItem("No Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.001) @speed_select.addItem("1ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.002) @speed_select.addItem("2ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.005) @speed_select.addItem("5ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.01) @speed_select.addItem("10ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.05) @speed_select.addItem("50ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.125) @speed_select.addItem("125ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.25) @speed_select.addItem("250ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(0.5) @speed_select.addItem("500ms Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(1.0) @speed_select.addItem("1s Delay", @variants[-1]) @variants << Qt::Variant.new(-1.0) @speed_select.addItem("Realtime", @variants[-1]) @speed_select.setMaxVisibleItems(11) @speed_select.connect(SIGNAL('currentIndexChanged(int)')) do @playback_delay = @speed_select.itemData(@speed_select.currentIndex).value end @speed_layout = Qt::FormLayout.new() @speed_layout.addRow("&Delay:", @speed_select) @status = Qt::LineEdit.new @status.setReadOnly(true) @status.setText('Stopped') @speed_layout.addRow("&Status:", @status) @op_layout.addLayout(@speed_layout) @log_layout.addWidget(@op) @file_pos = Qt::GroupBox.new(tr("File Position")) @file_pos_layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new(@file_pos) @slider = Qt::Slider.new(Qt::Horizontal) @slider.setRange(0, 10000) @slider.setTickInterval(1000) @slider.setTickPosition(Qt::Slider::TicksBothSides) @slider.setTracking(false) @slider.connect(SIGNAL('sliderReleased()')) { slider_released() } @time_layout = Qt::HBoxLayout.new() @start_time = StringChooser.new(self, 'Start:', '', 200, true, true, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter) @end_time = StringChooser.new(self, 'End:', '', 200, true, true, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter) @current_time = StringChooser.new(self, 'Current:', '', 200, true, true, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter) @time_layout.addWidget(@start_time) @time_layout.addWidget(@current_time) @time_layout.addWidget(@end_time) @file_pos_layout.addLayout(@time_layout) @file_pos_layout.addWidget(@slider) @log_layout.addWidget(@file_pos) @top_layout.addWidget(@log_widget) # Add the message output @output = Qt::PlainTextEdit.new @output.setReadOnly(true) @output.setMaximumBlockCount(100) @top_layout.addWidget(@output, 500) # Override stdout to the message window # All code attempting to print into the GUI must use $stdout rather than STDOUT @string_output = StringIO.new("", "r+") $stdout = @string_output Logger.level = Logger::INFO @central_widget.setLayout(@top_layout) end def select_log_file unless @playback_thread selection = Qt::FileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Select Log File", @log_directory, Cosmos::TLM_FILE_PATTERN) if selection stop() @log_directory = File.dirname(selection) @log_name.text = selection @log_filename = selection System.telemetry.reset @cancel = false ProgressDialog.execute(self, 'Analyzing Log File', 500, 10, true, false, true, false, true) do |progress_dialog| progress_dialog.append_text("Processing File: #{selection}\n") progress_dialog.set_overall_progress(0.0) progress_dialog.cancel_callback = method(:cancel_callback) progress_dialog.enable_cancel_button @packet_offsets = @packet_log_reader.packet_offsets(selection, lambda {|percentage| progress_dialog.set_overall_progress(percentage); @cancel}) @playback_index = 0 update_slider_and_current_time(nil) @packet_log_reader.open(selection) progress_dialog.close_done end if ProgressDialog.canceled? @packet_log_reader.close @log_name.text = '' @log_filename = nil @packet_offsets = [] @playback_index = 0 @start_time.value = '' @current_time.value = '' @end_time.value = '' else move_end() move_start() end end end end def cancel_callback(progress_dialog = nil) @cancel = true return true, false end def move_start if @log_filename and !@playback_thread packet = read_at_index(0, :FORWARD) @start_time.value = packet.received_time.formatted if packet and packet.received_time else stop() end end def step_back if @log_filename and !@playback_thread @playback_index = @packet_offsets.length - 2 if @playback_index >= @packet_offsets.length read_at_index(@playback_index, :BACKWARD) else stop() end end def reverse_play if @log_filename and !@playback_thread @playback_index = @packet_offsets.length - 2 if @playback_index >= @packet_offsets.length start_playback(:BACKWARD) else stop() end end def stop @playing = false end def play if @log_filename and !@playback_thread @playback_index = 1 if @playback_index < 0 start_playback(:FORWARD) else stop() end end def step_forward if @log_filename and !@playback_thread @playback_index = 1 if @playback_index < 0 read_at_index(@playback_index, :FORWARD) else stop() end end def move_end if @log_filename and !@playback_thread packet = read_at_index(@packet_offsets.length - 1, :FORWARD) @end_time.value = packet.received_time.formatted if packet and packet.received_time else stop() end end def slider_released if @log_filename and !@playback_thread read_at_index(((@slider.sliderPosition / 10000.0) * (@packet_offsets.length - 1)).to_i, :FORWARD) end end def start_playback(direction) @playback_thread = Thread.new do error = nil begin @playing = true Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) do @status.setText('Playing') end previous_packet = nil while (@playing) if @playback_delay packet_start = Time.now packet = read_at_index(@playback_index, direction) break unless packet delay_time = 0.0 if @playback_delay > 0.0 delay_time = @playback_delay - (Time.now - packet_start) elsif previous_packet and packet.received_time and previous_packet.received_time if direction == :FORWARD delay_time = packet.received_time - previous_packet.received_time - (Time.now - packet_start) else delay_time = previous_packet.received_time - packet.received_time - (Time.now - packet_start) end end sleep(delay_time) if delay_time > 0.0 previous_packet = packet else packet = read_at_index(@playback_index, direction) break unless packet end end rescue Exception => error Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) {|| ExceptionDialog.new(self, error, "Playback Thread")} ensure Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) do @status.setText('Stopped') end @playing = false @playback_thread = nil end end end def read_at_index(index, direction) packet_offset = nil packet_offset = @packet_offsets[index] if index >= 0 if packet_offset # Read the packet packet = @packet_log_reader.read_at_offset(packet_offset, false) handle_packet(packet) # Adjust index for next read if direction == :FORWARD @playback_index = index + 1 else @playback_index = index - 1 end update_slider_and_current_time(packet) return packet else return nil end end def update_slider_and_current_time(packet) Qt.execute_in_main_thread(false) do value = (((@playback_index - 1) / @packet_offsets.length.to_f) * 10000).to_i @slider.setSliderPosition(value) @slider.setValue(value) @current_time.value = packet.received_time.formatted if packet and packet.received_time end end def handle_packet(packet) interface = nil # Identify and update packet if packet.identified? # Preidentifed packet - place it into the current value table identified_packet = System.telemetry.update!(packet.target_name, packet.packet_name, packet.buffer) else # Packet needs to be identified identified_packet = System.telemetry.identify!(packet.buffer) end if identified_packet and packet.target_name != 'UNKNOWN' identified_packet.received_time = packet.received_time packet = identified_packet target = System.targets[packet.target_name.upcase] interface = target.interface if target else unknown_packet = System.telemetry.update!('UNKNOWN', 'UNKNOWN', packet.buffer) unknown_packet.received_time = packet.received_time packet = unknown_packet data_length = packet.length string = "Unknown #{data_length} byte packet starting: " num_bytes_to_print = [UNKNOWN_BYTES_TO_PRINT, data_length].min data_to_print = packet.buffer(false)[0..(num_bytes_to_print - 1)] data_to_print.each_byte do |byte| string << sprintf("%02X", byte) end time_string = '' time_string = packet.received_time.formatted << ' ' if packet.received_time puts "#{time_string}ERROR: #{string}" end target = System.targets[packet.target_name] target.tlm_cnt += 1 if target packet.received_count += 1 packet.check_limits(System.limits_set) ReplayServer.instance.post_packet(packet) # Write to routers if interface interface.routers.each do |router| begin router.write(packet) if router.write_allowed? and router.connected? rescue => err Logger.error "Problem writing to router #{router.name} - #{err.class}:#{err.message}" end end end end def process_server_messages(options) # Start thread to read server messages @output_thread = Thread.new do begin while !@ready sleep(1) end while true if @string_output.string[-1..-1] == "\n" Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) do string = @string_output.string.clone @string_output.string = @string_output.string[string.length..-1] string.each_line {|out_line| @output.add_formatted_text(out_line) } @output.flush end end sleep(1) end rescue Exception => error Qt.execute_in_main_thread(true) do ExceptionDialog.new(self, error, "#{options.title}: Messages Thread") end end end end def self.run(option_parser = nil, options = nil) Cosmos.catch_fatal_exception do unless option_parser and options option_parser, options = create_default_options() options.title = 'Replay' options.width = 800 options.height = 500 options.auto_size = false options.config_file = CmdTlmServer::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE option_parser.separator "Replay Specific Options:" option_parser.on("-c", "--config FILE", "Use the specified configuration file") do |arg| options.config_file = arg end end super(option_parser, options) end end end # class TlmViewer end # module Cosmos