######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute a plugin # ######################################################## require 'string_utils' # $: << '/Users/dariogf/progs/ruby/gems/scbi_blast/lib' require 'scbi_blast' class Plugin attr_accessor :stats #Loads the plugin's execution whit the sequence "seq" def initialize(seq, params) @params = params @stats ={} if can_execute? execute(seq) end end def can_execute? return true end #Begins the plugin's execution whit the sequence "seq" def execute(seqs) blasts=do_blasts(seqs) if !blasts.empty? if blasts.is_a?(Array) queries=blasts else queries = blasts.querys end seqs.each_with_index do |s,i| exec_seq(s,queries[i]) end else # there is no blast seqs.each do |s| exec_seq(s,nil) end end end def do_blasts(seqs) return [] end #Initializes the structure stats to the given key and value , only when it is neccesary, and increases its counter def add_stats(key,value) @stats[key]={} if @stats[key].nil? if @stats[key][value].nil? @stats[key][value] = 0 end @stats[key][value] += 1 # puts "@stats #{key} #{value}=#{ @stats[key][value]}" end #Initializes the structure stats to the given key and value , only when it is neccesary, and increases its counter def add_text_stats(key,value,text) @stats[key]={} if @stats[key].nil? if @stats[key][value].nil? @stats[key][value] = [] end @stats[key][value].push(text) end def overlapX?(r1_start,r1_end,r2_start,r2_end) # puts r1_start.class # puts r1_end.class # puts r2_start.class # puts r2_end.class # puts "-------" #puts "overlap? (#{r1_start}<=#{r2_end}) and (#{r1_end}>=#{r2_start})" return ((r1_start<=r2_end+1) and (r1_end>=r2_start-1) ) end def merge_hits(hits,merged_hits,merged_ids=nil, merge_different_ids=true) # puts " merging ============" # hits.each do |hit| hits.sort{|h1,h2| (h1.q_end-h1.q_beg+1)<=>(h2.q_end-h2.q_beg+1)}.reverse_each do |hit| merged_ids.push hit.definition if !merged_ids.nil? && (! merged_ids.include?(hit.definition)) # if new hit's position is already contained in hits, then ignore the new hit if merge_different_ids c=merged_hits.find{|c| overlapX?(hit.q_beg, hit.q_end,c.q_beg,c.q_end)} else # overlap with existent hit and same subject id c=merged_hits.find{|c| (overlapX?(hit.q_beg, hit.q_end,c.q_beg,c.q_end) && (hit.subject_id==c.subject_id))} end # puts " c #{c.inspect}" if (c.nil?) # add new contaminant #puts "NEW HIT #{hit.inspect}" merged_hits.push(hit.dup) #contaminants.push({:q_begin=>hit.q_beg,:q_end=>hit.q_end,:name=>hit.subject_id}) # else # one is inside each other, just ignore if ((hit.q_beg>=c.q_beg && hit.q_end <=c.q_end) || (c.q_beg>=hit.q_beg && c.q_end <= hit.q_end)) # puts "* #{hit.subject_id} inside #{c.subject_id}" else # merge with old contaminant # puts "#{hit.subject_id} NOT inside #{c.subject_id}" min=[c.q_beg,hit.q_beg].min max=[c.q_end,hit.q_end].max c.q_beg=min c.q_end=max # DONE para describir cada Id contaminante encontrado # puts "1 -#{c.subject_id}- -#{hit.subject_id}-" c.subject_id += ' ' + hit.subject_id if (not c.subject_id.include?(hit.subject_id)) # puts "2 -#{c.subject_id}- -#{hit.subject_id}-" # puts "MERGE HIT (#{c.inspect})" end # end end end # def check_length_inserted(p_start,p_end,seq_fasta_length) # min_insert_size = @params.get_param('min_insert_size ').to_i # v1= p_end.to_i # v2= p_start.to_i # v3= v1 - v2 # $LOG.debug "------ #{v3} ----" # # res = true # if ((v1 - v2 + 1) > (seq_fasta_length - min_insert_size )) # $LOG.debug "ERROR------ SEQUENCE IS NOT GOOD ----" # res = false # end # return res # end #------------------------------------------ # search a key into the sequence # Used: in class PluginLinker and PluginMid #------------------------------------------- # def search_key (seq,key_start,key_end) # p_q_beg=0 # p_q_end=0 # if (seq.seq_fasta[key_start..key_end]==@params.get_param('key')) # actions=[] # #Add ActionKey and apply it to cut the sequence # # type = "ActionKey" # # p_q_beg,p_q_end=key_start,key_end # a = seq.new_action(p_q_beg,p_q_end,type) # adds the actionKey/actionMid to the sequence # # actions.push a # # seq.add_actions(actions) #apply cut to the sequence with the actions # end # return [p_q_beg,p_q_end] # # end def self.check_param(errors,params,param,param_class,default_value=nil, comment=nil) if !params.exists?(param) if !default_value.nil? params.set_param(param,default_value,comment) else errors.push "The param #{param} is required and thre is no default value available" end else s = params.get_param(param) # check_class=Object.const_get(param_class) begin case param_class when 'Integer' r = Integer(s) when 'Float' r = Float(s) when 'String' r = String(s) end rescue errors.push " The param #{param} is not a valid #{param_class}: ##{s}#" end end end #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) return [] end def self.graph_ignored?(stats_name) res = true if !self.ignored_graphs.include?(stats_name) && (self.valid_graphs.empty? || self.valid_graphs.include?(stats_name)) res = false end return res end def self.plot_setup(stats_value,stats_name,x,y,init_stats,plot) return false end # automatically setup data def self.auto_setup(stats_value,stats_name,x,y) # res =false # # if !self.ignored_graphs.include?(stats_name) && (self.valid_graphs.empty? || self.valid_graphs.include?(stats_name)) # # res = true contains_strings=false stats_value.keys.each do |v| begin r=Integer(v) rescue contains_strings=true break end end # puts "#{stats_name} => #{contains_strings}" if !contains_strings stats_value.keys.each do |v| x.push v.to_i end x.sort! x.each do |v| y.push stats_value[v.to_s].to_i end else # there are strings in X x2=[] stats_value.keys.each do |v| x.push "\"#{v.gsub('\"','').gsub('\'','')}\"" x2.push v end # puts ".#{x}." x2.each do |v| # puts ".#{v}." y.push stats_value[v.to_s] end end # return res end def self.get_graph_title(plugin_name,stats_name) return plugin_name + '/' +stats_name end def self.get_graph_filename(plugin_name,stats_name) return (plugin_name+ '_' +stats_name) end def self.ignored_graphs return [] end def self.valid_graphs return [] end end