require 'twitter/arguments' require 'twitter/error' require 'twitter/oembed' require 'twitter/request' require 'twitter/rest/utils' require 'twitter/tweet' require 'twitter/utils' module Twitter module REST module Tweets include Twitter::REST::Utils include Twitter::Utils # Returns up to 100 of the first retweets of a given tweet # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] # @param tweet [Integer, String, URI, Twitter::Tweet] A Tweet ID, URI, or object. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :count Specifies the number of records to retrieve. Must be less than or equal to 100. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def retweets(tweet, options = {}) perform_with_objects(:get, "/1.1/statuses/retweets/#{extract_id(tweet)}.json", options, Twitter::Tweet) end # Show up to 100 users who retweeted the Tweet # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] # @param tweet [Integer, String, URI, Twitter::Tweet] A Tweet ID, URI, or object. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :count Specifies the number of records to retrieve. Must be less than or equal to 100. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. # @option options [Boolean] :ids_only ('false') Only return user ids instead of full user objects. def retweeters_of(tweet, options = {}) ids_only = !!options.delete(:ids_only) retweeters = retweets(tweet, options).collect(&:user) ids_only ? retweeters.collect(&:id) : retweeters end # Returns a Tweet # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @raise [Twitter::Error::Forbidden] Error raised when supplied status is over 140 characters. # @return [Twitter::Tweet] The requested Tweet. # @param tweet [Integer, String, URI, Twitter::Tweet] A Tweet ID, URI, or object. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def status(tweet, options = {}) perform_with_object(:get, "/1.1/statuses/show/#{extract_id(tweet)}.json", options, Twitter::Tweet) end # Returns Tweets # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] The requested Tweets. # @overload statuses(*tweets) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @overload statuses(*tweets, options) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def statuses(*args) parallel_tweets_from_response(:get, '/1.1/statuses/show', args) end # Destroys the specified Tweets # # @see # @note The authenticating user must be the author of the specified Tweets. # @rate_limited No # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] The deleted Tweets. # @overload destroy_status(*tweets) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @overload destroy_status(*tweets, options) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def destroy_status(*args) parallel_tweets_from_response(:post, '/1.1/statuses/destroy', args) end alias_method :destroy_tweet, :destroy_status deprecate_alias :status_destroy, :destroy_status deprecate_alias :tweet_destroy, :destroy_status # Updates the authenticating user's status # # @see # @note A status update with text identical to the authenticating user's current status will be ignored to prevent duplicates. # @rate_limited No # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Twitter::Tweet] The created Tweet. # @param status [String] The text of your status update, up to 140 characters. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Twitter::Tweet] :in_reply_to_status An existing status that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Integer] :in_reply_to_status_id The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Float] :lat The latitude of the location this tweet refers to. This option will be ignored unless it is inside the range -90.0 to +90.0 (North is positive) inclusive. It will also be ignored if there isn't a corresponding :long option. # @option options [Float] :long The longitude of the location this tweet refers to. The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (East is positive) inclusive. This option will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there not a corresponding :lat option. # @option options [Twitter::Place] :place A place in the world. These can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :place_id A place in the world. These IDs can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :display_coordinates Whether or not to put a pin on the exact coordinates a tweet has been sent from. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def update(status, options = {}) update!(status, options) rescue Twitter::Error::DuplicateStatus user_timeline(:count => 1).first end # Updates the authenticating user's status # # @see # @note A status update with text identical to the authenticating user's current status will be ignored to prevent duplicates. # @rate_limited No # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @raise [Twitter::Error::DuplicateStatus] Error raised when a duplicate status is posted. # @return [Twitter::Tweet] The created Tweet. # @param status [String] The text of your status update, up to 140 characters. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Twitter::Tweet] :in_reply_to_status An existing status that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Integer] :in_reply_to_status_id The ID of an existing status that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Float] :lat The latitude of the location this tweet refers to. This option will be ignored unless it is inside the range -90.0 to +90.0 (North is positive) inclusive. It will also be ignored if there isn't a corresponding :long option. # @option options [Float] :long The longitude of the location this tweet refers to. The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (East is positive) inclusive. This option will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there not a corresponding :lat option. # @option options [Twitter::Place] :place A place in the world. These can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :place_id A place in the world. These IDs can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :display_coordinates Whether or not to put a pin on the exact coordinates a tweet has been sent from. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def update!(status, options = {}) hash = options.dup hash[:in_reply_to_status_id] = hash.delete(:in_reply_to_status).id unless hash[:in_reply_to_status].nil? hash[:place_id] = hash.delete(:place).woeid unless hash[:place].nil? perform_with_object(:post, '/1.1/statuses/update.json', hash.merge(:status => status), Twitter::Tweet) end # Retweets the specified Tweets as the authenticating user # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] The original tweets with retweet details embedded. # @overload retweet(*tweets) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @overload retweet(*tweets, options) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def retweet(*args) arguments = pmap(arguments) do |tweet| begin post_retweet(extract_id(tweet), arguments.options) rescue Twitter::Error::AlreadyRetweeted next end end.compact end # Retweets the specified Tweets as the authenticating user and raises an error if one has already been retweeted # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::AlreadyRetweeted] Error raised when tweet has already been retweeted. # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Array] The original tweets with retweet details embedded. # @overload retweet!(*tweets) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @overload retweet!(*tweets, options) # @param tweets [Enumerable] A collection of Tweet IDs, URIs, or objects. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def retweet!(*args) arguments = pmap(arguments) do |tweet| post_retweet(extract_id(tweet), arguments.options) end.compact end # Updates the authenticating user's status with media # # @see # @note A status update with text/media identical to the authenticating user's current status will NOT be ignored # @rate_limited No # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Twitter::Tweet] The created Tweet. # @param status [String] The text of your status update, up to 140 characters. # @param media [File, Hash] A File object with your picture (PNG, JPEG or GIF) # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :possibly_sensitive Set to true for content which may not be suitable for every audience. # @option options [Twitter::Tweet] :in_reply_to_status An existing status that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Integer] :in_reply_to_status_id The ID of an existing Tweet that the update is in reply to. # @option options [Float] :lat The latitude of the location this tweet refers to. This option will be ignored unless it is inside the range -90.0 to +90.0 (North is positive) inclusive. It will also be ignored if there isn't a corresponding :long option. # @option options [Float] :long The longitude of the location this tweet refers to. The valid ranges for longitude is -180.0 to +180.0 (East is positive) inclusive. This option will be ignored if outside that range, if it is not a number, if geo_enabled is disabled, or if there not a corresponding :lat option. # @option options [Twitter::Place] :place A place in the world. These can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :place_id A place in the world. These IDs can be retrieved from {Twitter::REST::PlacesAndGeo#reverse_geocode}. # @option options [String] :display_coordinates Whether or not to put a pin on the exact coordinates a tweet has been sent from. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :trim_user Each tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object with only the author's numerical ID when set to true, 't' or 1. def update_with_media(status, media, options = {}) hash = options.dup hash[:in_reply_to_status_id] = hash.delete(:in_reply_to_status).id unless hash[:in_reply_to_status].nil? hash[:place_id] = hash.delete(:place).woeid unless hash[:place].nil? perform_with_object(:post, '/1.1/statuses/update_with_media.json', hash.merge('media[]' => media, 'status' => status), Twitter::Tweet) end # Returns oEmbed for a Tweet # # @see # @rate_limited Yes # @authentication Requires user context # @raise [Twitter::Error::Unauthorized] Error raised when supplied user credentials are not valid. # @return [Twitter::OEmbed] OEmbed for the requested Tweet. # @param tweet [Integer, String, URI, Twitter::Tweet] A Tweet ID, URI, or object. # @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options. # @option options [Integer] :maxwidth The maximum width in pixels that the embed should be rendered at. This value is constrained to be between 250 and 550 pixels. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :hide_media Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should automatically expand images which were uploaded via { POST statuses/update_with_media}. When set to either true, t or 1 images will not be expanded. Defaults to false. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :hide_thread Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should automatically show the original message in the case that the embedded Tweet is a reply. When set to either true, t or 1 the original Tweet will not be shown. Defaults to false. # @option options [Boolean, String, Integer] :omit_script Specifies whether the embedded Tweet HTML should include a `