require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../authorization.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/dsl.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/runtime.rb' # # Mixin to be added to rails controllers # module Authorization module Controller module Rails def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods base.extend DSL base.module_eval do add_filter! end base.include Runtime end module ClassMethods # # Add the filtering before_action # def add_filter! before_action(:filter_access_filter) end # # Move the filtering to the end of the before_action list # def reset_filter! skip_before_action(:filter_access_filter) if method_defined?(:filter_access_filter) before_action :filter_access_filter end # To DRY up the filter_access_to statements in restful controllers, # filter_resource_access combines typical filter_access_to and # before_action calls, which set up the instance variables. # # The simplest case are top-level resource controllers with only the # seven CRUD methods, e.g. # class CompanyController < ApplicationController # filter_resource_access # # def index... # end # Here, all CRUD actions are protected through a filter_access_to :all # statement. :+attribute_check+ is enabled for all actions except for # the collection action :+index+. To have an object for attribute checks # available, filter_resource_access will set the instance variable # @+company+ in before filters. For the member actions (:+show+, :+edit+, # :+update+, :+destroy+) @company is set to Company.find(params[:id]). # For +new+ actions (:+new+, :+create+), filter_resource_access creates # a new object from company parameters:[:company]. # # For nested resources, the parent object may be loaded automatically. # class BranchController < ApplicationController # filter_resource_access :nested_in => :companies # end # Again, the CRUD actions are protected. Now, for all CRUD actions, # the parent object @company is loaded from params[:company_id]. It is # also used when creating @branch for +new+ actions. Here, attribute_check # is enabled for the collection :+index+ as well, checking attributes on a # method. # # In many cases, the default seven CRUD actions are not sufficient. As in # the resource definition for routing you may thus give additional member, # new and collection methods. The +options+ allow you to specify the # required privileges for each action by providing a hash or an array of # pairs. By default, for each action the action name is taken as privilege # (action search in the example below requires the privilege :index # :companies). Any controller action that is not specified and does not # belong to the seven CRUD actions is handled as a member method. # class CompanyController < ApplicationController # filter_resource_access :collection => [[:search, :index], :index], # :additional_member => {:mark_as_key_company => :update} # end # The +additional_+* options add to the respective CRUD actions, # the other options (:+member+, :+collection+, :+new+) replace their # respective CRUD actions. # filter_resource_access :member => { :toggle_open => :update } # Would declare :toggle_open as the only member action in the controller and # require that permission :update is granted for the current user. # filter_resource_access :additional_member => { :toggle_open => :update } # Would add a member action :+toggle_open+ to the default members, such as :+show+. # # If :+collection+ is an array of method names filter_resource_access will # associate a permission with the method that is the same as the method # name and no attribute checks will be performed unless # :attribute_check => true # is added in the options. # # You can override the default object loading by implementing any of the # following instance methods on the controller. Examples are given for the # BranchController (with +nested_in+ set to :+companies+): # [+new_branch_from_params+] # Used for +new+ actions. # [+new_branch_for_collection+] # Used for +collection+ actions if the +nested_in+ option is set. # [+load_branch+] # Used for +member+ actions. # [+load_company+] # Used for all +new+, +member+, and +collection+ actions if the # +nested_in+ option is set. # # All options: # [:+member+] # Member methods are actions like +show+, which have an params[:id] from # which to load the controller object and assign it to @controller_name, # e.g. @+branch+. # # By default, member actions are [:+show+, :+edit+, :+update+, # :+destroy+]. Also, any action not belonging to the seven CRUD actions # are handled as member actions. # # There are three different syntax to specify member, collection and # new actions. # * Hash: Lets you set the required privilege for each action: # {:+show+ => :+show+, :+mark_as_important+ => :+update+} # * Array of actions or pairs: [:+show+, [:+mark_as_important+, :+update+]], # with single actions requiring the privilege of the same name as the method. # * Single method symbol: :+show+ # [:+additional_member+] # Allows to add additional member actions to the default resource +member+ # actions. # [:+collection+] # Collection actions are like :+index+, actions without any controller object # to check attributes of. If +nested_in+ is given, a new object is # created from the parent object, e.g. Without # +nested_in+, attribute check is deactivated for these actions. By # default, collection is set to :+index+. # [:+additional_collection+] # Allows to add additional collection actions to the default resource +collection+ # actions. # [:+new+] # +new+ methods are actions such as +new+ and +create+, which don't # receive a params[:id] to load an object from, but # a params[:controller_name_singular] hash with attributes for a new # object. The attributes will be used here to create a new object and # check the object against the authorization rules. The object is # assigned to @controller_name_singular, e.g. @branch. # # If +nested_in+ is given, the new object # is created from the parent_object.controller_name # proxy, e.g.[:branch]). By default, # +new+ is set to [:new, :create]. # [:+additional_new+] # Allows to add additional new actions to the default resource +new+ actions. # [:+context+] # The context is used to determine the model to load objects from for the # before_actions and the context of privileges to use in authorization # checks. # [:+nested_in+] # Specifies the parent controller if the resource is nested in another # one. This is used to automatically load the parent object, e.g. # @+company+ from params[:company_id] for a BranchController nested in # a CompanyController. # [:+shallow+] # Only relevant when used in conjunction with +nested_in+. Specifies a nested resource # as being a shallow nested resource, resulting in the controller not attempting to # load a parent object for all member actions defined by +member+ and # +additional_member+ or rather the default member actions (:+show+, :+edit+, # :+update+, :+destroy+). # [:+no_attribute_check+] # Allows to set actions for which no attribute check should be performed. # See filter_access_to on details. By default, with no +nested_in+, # +no_attribute_check+ is set to all collections. If +nested_in+ is given # +no_attribute_check+ is empty by default. # [:+strong_parameters+] # If set to true, relies on controller to provide instance variable and # create new object in :create action. Set true if you use strong_params # and false if you use protected_attributes. # def filter_resource_access(options = {}) options = { :new => [:new, :create], :additional_new => nil, :member => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy], :additional_member => nil, :collection => [:index], :additional_collection => nil, #:new_method_for_collection => nil, # only symbol method name #:new_method => nil, # only symbol method name #:load_method => nil, # only symbol method name :no_attribute_check => nil, :context => nil, :model => nil, :nested_in => nil, :strong_parameters => nil }.merge(options) options.merge!({ :strong_parameters => true }) if options[:strong_parameters] == nil new_actions = actions_from_option( options[:new] ).merge( actions_from_option(options[:additional_new]) ) members = actions_from_option(options[:member]).merge( actions_from_option(options[:additional_member])) collections = actions_from_option(options[:collection]).merge( actions_from_option(options[:additional_collection])) no_attribute_check_actions = options[:strong_parameters] ? actions_from_option(options[:collection]).merge(actions_from_option([:create])) : collections options[:no_attribute_check] ||= no_attribute_check_actions.keys unless options[:nested_in] unless options[:nested_in].blank? load_parent_method = :"load_#{options[:nested_in].to_s.singularize}" shallow_exceptions = options[:shallow] ? {:except => members.keys} : {} before_action shallow_exceptions do |controller| if controller.respond_to?(load_parent_method, true) controller.send(load_parent_method) else controller.send(:load_parent_controller_object, options[:nested_in]) end end new_for_collection_method = :"new_#{controller_name.singularize}_for_collection" before_action :only => collections.keys do |controller| # new_for_collection if controller.respond_to?(new_for_collection_method, true) controller.send(new_for_collection_method) else controller.send(:new_controller_object_for_collection, options[:context] || controller_name, options[:nested_in], options[:strong_parameters]) end end end unless options[:strong_parameters] new_from_params_method = :"new_#{controller_name.singularize}_from_params" before_action :only => new_actions.keys do |controller| # new_from_params if controller.respond_to?(new_from_params_method, true) controller.send(new_from_params_method) else controller.send(:new_controller_object_from_params, options[:context] || controller_name, options[:nested_in], options[:strong_parameters]) end end else new_object_method = :"new_#{controller_name.singularize}" before_action :only => :new do |controller| # new_from_params if controller.respond_to?(new_object_method, true) controller.send(new_object_method) else controller.send(:new_blank_controller_object, options[:context] || controller_name, options[:nested_in], options[:strong_parameters], options[:model]) end end end load_method = :"load_#{controller_name.singularize}" before_action :only => members.keys do |controller| # load controller object if controller.respond_to?(load_method, true) controller.send(load_method) else controller.send(:load_controller_object, options[:context] || controller_name, options[:model]) end end filter_access_to :all, :attribute_check => true, :context => options[:context], :model => options[:model] members.merge(new_actions).merge(collections).each do |action, privilege| if action != privilege or (options[:no_attribute_check] and options[:no_attribute_check].include?(action)) filter_options = { :strong_parameters => options[:strong_parameters], :context => options[:context], :attribute_check => !options[:no_attribute_check] || !options[:no_attribute_check].include?(action), :model => options[:model] } filter_options[:require] = privilege if action != privilege filter_access_to(action, filter_options) end end end end protected def filter_access_filter # :nodoc: unless allowed?(action_name) if respond_to?(:permission_denied, true) # permission_denied needs to render or redirect send(:permission_denied) else render plain: 'You are not allowed to access this action.', status: :forbidden end end end def load_controller_object(context_without_namespace = nil, model = nil) # :nodoc: instance_var = :"@#{context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}" model = model ? model.classify.constantize : context_without_namespace.to_s.classify.constantize instance_variable_set(instance_var, model.find(params[:id])) end def load_parent_controller_object(parent_context_without_namespace) # :nodoc: instance_var = :"@#{parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}" model = parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.classify.constantize instance_variable_set(instance_var, model.find(params[:"#{parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}_id"])) end def new_controller_object_from_params(context_without_namespace, parent_context_without_namespace, strong_params) # :nodoc: model_or_proxy = parent_context_without_namespace ? instance_variable_get(:"@#{parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}").send(context_without_namespace.to_sym) : context_without_namespace.to_s.classify.constantize instance_var = :"@#{context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}" instance_variable_set(instance_var,[context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize])) end def new_blank_controller_object(context_without_namespace, parent_context_without_namespace, strong_params, model) # :nodoc: if model model_or_proxy = model.to_s.classify.constantize else model_or_proxy = parent_context_without_namespace ? instance_variable_get(:"@#{parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}").send(context_without_namespace.to_sym) : context_without_namespace.to_s.classify.constantize end instance_var = :"@#{context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}" instance_variable_set(instance_var, end def new_controller_object_for_collection(context_without_namespace, parent_context_without_namespace, strong_params) # :nodoc: model_or_proxy = parent_context_without_namespace ? instance_variable_get(:"@#{parent_context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}").send(context_without_namespace.to_sym) : context_without_namespace.to_s.classify.constantize instance_var = :"@#{context_without_namespace.to_s.singularize}" instance_variable_set(instance_var, end def api_class self.class end end end end