module Pokeedex # :nodoc: module Pokemon # :nodoc: module Decorators # :nodoc: ## # Base class for the Pokemon decorators # This class is used to decorate the Pokemon object with additional information and format it for display to the user in the CLI or other interfaces. # The class is initialized with a Pokemon object and has a method to return the decorated Pokemon object as a string for display to the user in the CLI or other interfaces with the following information: # ==== For example # Número: 1 # Nombre: Bulbasaur # Descripción: Tras nacer, crece alimentándose durante un tiempo de los nutrientes que contiene el bulbo de su lomo. # Altura: 0.7 m # Peso: 6.9 kg # Categoría: # Habilidades: Espesura # Genero: Macho, Hembra # Tipo: Planta, Veneno # Habilidades: Fuego, Hielo, Volador, Psíquico # # Puntos de base # %%%------------ PS # %%%------------ Ataque # %%%------------ Defensa # %%%%----------- Ataque Especial # %%%%----------- Defensa Especial # %%%------------ Velocidad # class Base ## # The Pokemon object to decorate. Receive a Pokemon object to decorate of Pokeedex::Pokemon::Model::Base class attr_reader :pokemon GENDER = { 'male' => 'Macho', 'female' => 'Hembra' }.freeze MAXIMUM_STAT_VALUE = 15 def initialize(pokemon) @pokemon = pokemon end ## # Return the decorated Pokemon object as a string for display to the user in the CLI or other interfaces def to_s decorate end private def decorate return "Pokemon's not found" unless pokemon <<~DECORATOR Número: #{number} Nombre: #{name} Descripción: #{description} Altura: #{hight} m Peso: #{weight} kg Categoría: #{category} Habilidades: #{abilities} Genero: #{gender} Tipo: #{types} Habilidades: #{weakness} Puntos de base #{stats} DECORATOR end def number = pokemon.number def name = def description = pokemon.description def hight = pokemon.hight def weight = pokemon.weight def category = pokemon.category def abilities = pokemon.abilities.join(', ') def gender { |g| GENDER[g] }.join(', ') end def types = pokemon.types.join(', ') def weakness = pokemon.weakness.join(', ') def stats pokemon.stats.each_with_object('').each do |(key, value), stats_decorate| stats_decorate << "#{display_graph(value, MAXIMUM_STAT_VALUE)} #{key}\n" end end def display_graph(value, max_value) value = [[value, 1].max, max_value].min total_chars = max_value filled_chars = (value.to_f / max_value * total_chars).round empty_chars = total_chars - filled_chars '#' * filled_chars + '-' * empty_chars end end end end end