require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveFedora::Datastreams do subject { } describe '.has_metadata' do before do class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base has_metadata :name => 'dsid', type: ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream has_metadata 'complex_ds', :versionable => true, :autocreate => true, :type => 'Z', :label => 'My Label', :control_group => 'Z' end end it "should have a ds_specs entry" do FooHistory.ds_specs.should have_key('dsid') end it "should have reasonable defaults" do FooHistory.ds_specs['dsid'].should include(:autocreate => false) end it "should let you override defaults" do FooHistory.ds_specs['complex_ds'].should include(:versionable => true, :autocreate => true, :type => 'Z', :label => 'My Label', :control_group => 'Z') end it "should raise an error if you don't give a type" do expect{ FooHistory.has_metadata "bob" }.to raise_error ArgumentError, "You must provide a :type property for the metadata datastream 'bob'" end it "should raise an error if you don't give a dsid" do expect{ FooHistory.has_metadata type: ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream }.to raise_error ArgumentError, "You must provide a name (dsid) for the metadata datastream" end end describe '.has_file_datastream' do before do class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base has_file_datastream :name => 'dsid' has_file_datastream 'another' end end it "should have reasonable defaults" do FooHistory.ds_specs['dsid'].should include(:type => ActiveFedora::Datastream, :label => 'File Datastream', :control_group => 'M') FooHistory.ds_specs['another'].should include(:type => ActiveFedora::Datastream, :label => 'File Datastream', :control_group => 'M') end end describe "#serialize_datastreams" do it "should touch each datastream" do m1 = double() m2 = double() m1.should_receive(:serialize!) m2.should_receive(:serialize!) subject.stub(:datastreams => { :m1 => m1, :m2 => m2}) subject.serialize_datastreams end end describe "#add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams" do it "should infer dsLocations for E datastreams without hitting Fedora" do mock_specs = {'e' => { :disseminator => 'xyz' }} mock_ds = double(:controlGroup => 'E') ActiveFedora::Base.stub(:ds_specs => mock_specs) ActiveFedora.stub(:config_for_environment => { :url => 'http://localhost'}) subject.stub(:pid => 'test:1', :datastreams => {'e' => mock_ds}) mock_ds.should_receive(:dsLocation=).with("http://localhost/objects/test:1/methods/xyz") subject.add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams end end describe ".name_for_dsid" do it "should use the name" do ActiveFedora::Base.send(:name_for_dsid, 'abc').should == 'abc' end it "should use the name" do ActiveFedora::Base.send(:name_for_dsid, 'ARCHIVAL_XML').should == 'ARCHIVAL_XML' end it "should use the name" do ActiveFedora::Base.send(:name_for_dsid, 'descMetadata').should == 'descMetadata' end it "should hash-erize underscores" do ActiveFedora::Base.send(:name_for_dsid, 'a-b').should == 'a_b' end end describe "#datastreams" do it "should return the datastream hash proxy" do subject.stub(:load_datastreams) subject.datastreams.should be_a_kind_of(ActiveFedora::DatastreamHash) end end describe "#configure_datastream" do it "should look up the ds_spec" do mock_dsspec = { :type => nil } subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec}) subject.configure_datastream(double(:dsid => 'abc')) end it "should be ok if there is no ds spec" do mock_dsspec = double() subject.stub(:ds_specs => {}) subject.configure_datastream(double(:dsid => 'abc')) end it "should configure RelsExtDatastream" do mock_dsspec = { :type => ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream } subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec}) ds = double(:dsid => 'abc') ds.should_receive(:model=).with(subject) subject.configure_datastream(ds) end it "should run a Proc" do ds = double(:dsid => 'abc') @count = 0 mock_dsspec = { :block => lambda { |x| @count += 1 } } subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec}) expect { subject.configure_datastream(ds) }.to change { @count }.by(1) end end describe "#datastream_from_spec" do it "should fetch the rubydora datastream" do subject.inner_object.should_receive(:datastream_object_for).with('dsid', {}) subject.datastream_from_spec({}, 'dsid') end end describe "#add_datastream" do it "should add the datastream to the object" do ds = double(:dsid => 'Abc') subject.add_datastream(ds) subject.datastreams['Abc'].should == ds end it "should mint a dsid" do ds = subject.add_datastream(ds).should == 'DS1' end end describe "#metadata_streams" do it "should only be metadata datastreams" do ds1 = double(:metadata? => true) ds2 = double(:metadata? => true) ds3 = double(:metadata? => true) relsextds = file_ds = double(:metadata? => false) subject.stub(:datastreams => {:a => ds1, :b => ds2, :c => ds3, :d => relsextds, :e => file_ds}) subject.metadata_streams.should include(ds1, ds2, ds3) subject.metadata_streams.should_not include(relsextds) subject.metadata_streams.should_not include(file_ds) end end describe "#generate_dsid" do it "should create an autoincrementing dsid" do subject.generate_dsid('FOO').should == 'FOO1' end it "should start from the highest existin dsid" do subject.stub(:datastreams => {'FOO56' => double()}) subject.generate_dsid('FOO').should == 'FOO57' end end describe "#relsext" do it "should be the RELS-EXT datastream" do m = double subject.stub(:datastreams => { 'RELS-EXT' => m}) subject.rels_ext.should == m end it "should make one up otherwise" do subject.stub(:datastreams => {}) subject.rels_ext.should be_a_kind_of(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream) end end describe "#add_file_datastream" do # tested elsewhere :/ end describe "#create_datastream" do it "should mint a DSID" do ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {}) ds.dsid.should == 'DS1' end it "should raise an argument error if the supplied dsid is nonsense" do expect { subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, 0) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should try to get a mime type from the blob" do mock_file = double(:content_type => 'x-application/asdf') ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file}) ds.mimeType.should == 'x-application/asdf' end it "should provide a default mime type" do mock_file = double() ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file}) ds.mimeType.should == 'application/octet-stream' end it "should use the filename as a default label" do mock_file = double(:path => '/asdf/fdsa') ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file}) ds.dsLabel.should == 'fdsa' end end describe "#additional_attributes_for_external_and_redirect_control_groups" do before(:all) do @behavior = ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior = :silence end after :all do ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior = @behavior end end end