var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; function morphAttrs(fromNode, toNode) { var toNodeAttrs = toNode.attributes; var attr; var attrName; var attrNamespaceURI; var attrValue; var fromValue; if (toNode.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE || fromNode.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) { return; } for (var i = toNodeAttrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { attr = toNodeAttrs[i]; attrName =; attrNamespaceURI = attr.namespaceURI; attrValue = attr.value; if (attrNamespaceURI) { attrName = attr.localName || attrName; fromValue = fromNode.getAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName); if (fromValue !== attrValue) { if (attr.prefix === "xmlns") { attrName =; } fromNode.setAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName, attrValue); } } else { fromValue = fromNode.getAttribute(attrName); if (fromValue !== attrValue) { fromNode.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } } } var fromNodeAttrs = fromNode.attributes; for (var d = fromNodeAttrs.length - 1; d >= 0; d--) { attr = fromNodeAttrs[d]; attrName =; attrNamespaceURI = attr.namespaceURI; if (attrNamespaceURI) { attrName = attr.localName || attrName; if (!toNode.hasAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName)) { fromNode.removeAttributeNS(attrNamespaceURI, attrName); } } else { if (!toNode.hasAttribute(attrName)) { fromNode.removeAttribute(attrName); } } } } var range; var NS_XHTML = ""; var doc = typeof document === "undefined" ? undefined : document; var HAS_TEMPLATE_SUPPORT = !!doc && "content" in doc.createElement("template"); var HAS_RANGE_SUPPORT = !!doc && doc.createRange && "createContextualFragment" in doc.createRange(); function createFragmentFromTemplate(str) { var template = doc.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = str; return template.content.childNodes[0]; } function createFragmentFromRange(str) { if (!range) { range = doc.createRange(); range.selectNode(doc.body); } var fragment = range.createContextualFragment(str); return fragment.childNodes[0]; } function createFragmentFromWrap(str) { var fragment = doc.createElement("body"); fragment.innerHTML = str; return fragment.childNodes[0]; } function toElement(str) { str = str.trim(); if (HAS_TEMPLATE_SUPPORT) { return createFragmentFromTemplate(str); } else if (HAS_RANGE_SUPPORT) { return createFragmentFromRange(str); } return createFragmentFromWrap(str); } function compareNodeNames(fromEl, toEl) { var fromNodeName = fromEl.nodeName; var toNodeName = toEl.nodeName; var fromCodeStart, toCodeStart; if (fromNodeName === toNodeName) { return true; } fromCodeStart = fromNodeName.charCodeAt(0); toCodeStart = toNodeName.charCodeAt(0); if (fromCodeStart <= 90 && toCodeStart >= 97) { return fromNodeName === toNodeName.toUpperCase(); } else if (toCodeStart <= 90 && fromCodeStart >= 97) { return toNodeName === fromNodeName.toUpperCase(); } else { return false; } } function createElementNS(name, namespaceURI) { return !namespaceURI || namespaceURI === NS_XHTML ? doc.createElement(name) : doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, name); } function moveChildren(fromEl, toEl) { var curChild = fromEl.firstChild; while (curChild) { var nextChild = curChild.nextSibling; toEl.appendChild(curChild); curChild = nextChild; } return toEl; } function syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, name) { if (fromEl[name] !== toEl[name]) { fromEl[name] = toEl[name]; if (fromEl[name]) { fromEl.setAttribute(name, ""); } else { fromEl.removeAttribute(name); } } } var specialElHandlers = { OPTION: function(fromEl, toEl) { var parentNode = fromEl.parentNode; if (parentNode) { var parentName = parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (parentName === "OPTGROUP") { parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; parentName = parentNode && parentNode.nodeName.toUpperCase(); } if (parentName === "SELECT" && !parentNode.hasAttribute("multiple")) { if (fromEl.hasAttribute("selected") && !toEl.selected) { fromEl.setAttribute("selected", "selected"); fromEl.removeAttribute("selected"); } parentNode.selectedIndex = -1; } } syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, "selected"); }, INPUT: function(fromEl, toEl) { syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, "checked"); syncBooleanAttrProp(fromEl, toEl, "disabled"); if (fromEl.value !== toEl.value) { fromEl.value = toEl.value; } if (!toEl.hasAttribute("value")) { fromEl.removeAttribute("value"); } }, TEXTAREA: function(fromEl, toEl) { var newValue = toEl.value; if (fromEl.value !== newValue) { fromEl.value = newValue; } var firstChild = fromEl.firstChild; if (firstChild) { var oldValue = firstChild.nodeValue; if (oldValue == newValue || !newValue && oldValue == fromEl.placeholder) { return; } firstChild.nodeValue = newValue; } }, SELECT: function(fromEl, toEl) { if (!toEl.hasAttribute("multiple")) { var selectedIndex = -1; var i = 0; var curChild = fromEl.firstChild; var optgroup; var nodeName; while (curChild) { nodeName = curChild.nodeName && curChild.nodeName.toUpperCase(); if (nodeName === "OPTGROUP") { optgroup = curChild; curChild = optgroup.firstChild; } else { if (nodeName === "OPTION") { if (curChild.hasAttribute("selected")) { selectedIndex = i; break; } i++; } curChild = curChild.nextSibling; if (!curChild && optgroup) { curChild = optgroup.nextSibling; optgroup = null; } } } fromEl.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; } } }; var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE$1 = 11; var TEXT_NODE = 3; var COMMENT_NODE = 8; function noop() {} function defaultGetNodeKey(node) { if (node) { return node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("id") ||; } } function morphdomFactory(morphAttrs) { return function morphdom(fromNode, toNode, options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } if (typeof toNode === "string") { if (fromNode.nodeName === "#document" || fromNode.nodeName === "HTML" || fromNode.nodeName === "BODY") { var toNodeHtml = toNode; toNode = doc.createElement("html"); toNode.innerHTML = toNodeHtml; } else { toNode = toElement(toNode); } } var getNodeKey = options.getNodeKey || defaultGetNodeKey; var onBeforeNodeAdded = options.onBeforeNodeAdded || noop; var onNodeAdded = options.onNodeAdded || noop; var onBeforeElUpdated = options.onBeforeElUpdated || noop; var onElUpdated = options.onElUpdated || noop; var onBeforeNodeDiscarded = options.onBeforeNodeDiscarded || noop; var onNodeDiscarded = options.onNodeDiscarded || noop; var onBeforeElChildrenUpdated = options.onBeforeElChildrenUpdated || noop; var childrenOnly = options.childrenOnly === true; var fromNodesLookup = Object.create(null); var keyedRemovalList = []; function addKeyedRemoval(key) { keyedRemovalList.push(key); } function walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes) { if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { var curChild = node.firstChild; while (curChild) { var key = undefined; if (skipKeyedNodes && (key = getNodeKey(curChild))) { addKeyedRemoval(key); } else { onNodeDiscarded(curChild); if (curChild.firstChild) { walkDiscardedChildNodes(curChild, skipKeyedNodes); } } curChild = curChild.nextSibling; } } } function removeNode(node, parentNode, skipKeyedNodes) { if (onBeforeNodeDiscarded(node) === false) { return; } if (parentNode) { parentNode.removeChild(node); } onNodeDiscarded(node); walkDiscardedChildNodes(node, skipKeyedNodes); } function indexTree(node) { if (node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE || node.nodeType === DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE$1) { var curChild = node.firstChild; while (curChild) { var key = getNodeKey(curChild); if (key) { fromNodesLookup[key] = curChild; } indexTree(curChild); curChild = curChild.nextSibling; } } } indexTree(fromNode); function handleNodeAdded(el) { onNodeAdded(el); var curChild = el.firstChild; while (curChild) { var nextSibling = curChild.nextSibling; var key = getNodeKey(curChild); if (key) { var unmatchedFromEl = fromNodesLookup[key]; if (unmatchedFromEl && compareNodeNames(curChild, unmatchedFromEl)) { curChild.parentNode.replaceChild(unmatchedFromEl, curChild); morphEl(unmatchedFromEl, curChild); } else { handleNodeAdded(curChild); } } else { handleNodeAdded(curChild); } curChild = nextSibling; } } function cleanupFromEl(fromEl, curFromNodeChild, curFromNodeKey) { while (curFromNodeChild) { var fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling; if (curFromNodeKey = getNodeKey(curFromNodeChild)) { addKeyedRemoval(curFromNodeKey); } else { removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true); } curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling; } } function morphEl(fromEl, toEl, childrenOnly) { var toElKey = getNodeKey(toEl); if (toElKey) { delete fromNodesLookup[toElKey]; } if (!childrenOnly) { if (onBeforeElUpdated(fromEl, toEl) === false) { return; } morphAttrs(fromEl, toEl); onElUpdated(fromEl); if (onBeforeElChildrenUpdated(fromEl, toEl) === false) { return; } } if (fromEl.nodeName !== "TEXTAREA") { morphChildren(fromEl, toEl); } else { specialElHandlers.TEXTAREA(fromEl, toEl); } } function morphChildren(fromEl, toEl) { var curToNodeChild = toEl.firstChild; var curFromNodeChild = fromEl.firstChild; var curToNodeKey; var curFromNodeKey; var fromNextSibling; var toNextSibling; var matchingFromEl; outer: while (curToNodeChild) { toNextSibling = curToNodeChild.nextSibling; curToNodeKey = getNodeKey(curToNodeChild); while (curFromNodeChild) { fromNextSibling = curFromNodeChild.nextSibling; if (curToNodeChild.isSameNode && curToNodeChild.isSameNode(curFromNodeChild)) { curToNodeChild = toNextSibling; curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling; continue outer; } curFromNodeKey = getNodeKey(curFromNodeChild); var curFromNodeType = curFromNodeChild.nodeType; var isCompatible = undefined; if (curFromNodeType === curToNodeChild.nodeType) { if (curFromNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { if (curToNodeKey) { if (curToNodeKey !== curFromNodeKey) { if (matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey]) { if (fromNextSibling === matchingFromEl) { isCompatible = false; } else { fromEl.insertBefore(matchingFromEl, curFromNodeChild); if (curFromNodeKey) { addKeyedRemoval(curFromNodeKey); } else { removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true); } curFromNodeChild = matchingFromEl; } } else { isCompatible = false; } } } else if (curFromNodeKey) { isCompatible = false; } isCompatible = isCompatible !== false && compareNodeNames(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild); if (isCompatible) { morphEl(curFromNodeChild, curToNodeChild); } } else if (curFromNodeType === TEXT_NODE || curFromNodeType == COMMENT_NODE) { isCompatible = true; if (curFromNodeChild.nodeValue !== curToNodeChild.nodeValue) { curFromNodeChild.nodeValue = curToNodeChild.nodeValue; } } } if (isCompatible) { curToNodeChild = toNextSibling; curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling; continue outer; } if (curFromNodeKey) { addKeyedRemoval(curFromNodeKey); } else { removeNode(curFromNodeChild, fromEl, true); } curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling; } if (curToNodeKey && (matchingFromEl = fromNodesLookup[curToNodeKey]) && compareNodeNames(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild)) { fromEl.appendChild(matchingFromEl); morphEl(matchingFromEl, curToNodeChild); } else { var onBeforeNodeAddedResult = onBeforeNodeAdded(curToNodeChild); if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult !== false) { if (onBeforeNodeAddedResult) { curToNodeChild = onBeforeNodeAddedResult; } if (curToNodeChild.actualize) { curToNodeChild = curToNodeChild.actualize(fromEl.ownerDocument || doc); } fromEl.appendChild(curToNodeChild); handleNodeAdded(curToNodeChild); } } curToNodeChild = toNextSibling; curFromNodeChild = fromNextSibling; } cleanupFromEl(fromEl, curFromNodeChild, curFromNodeKey); var specialElHandler = specialElHandlers[fromEl.nodeName]; if (specialElHandler) { specialElHandler(fromEl, toEl); } } var morphedNode = fromNode; var morphedNodeType = morphedNode.nodeType; var toNodeType = toNode.nodeType; if (!childrenOnly) { if (morphedNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { if (toNodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { if (!compareNodeNames(fromNode, toNode)) { onNodeDiscarded(fromNode); morphedNode = moveChildren(fromNode, createElementNS(toNode.nodeName, toNode.namespaceURI)); } } else { morphedNode = toNode; } } else if (morphedNodeType === TEXT_NODE || morphedNodeType === COMMENT_NODE) { if (toNodeType === morphedNodeType) { if (morphedNode.nodeValue !== toNode.nodeValue) { morphedNode.nodeValue = toNode.nodeValue; } return morphedNode; } else { morphedNode = toNode; } } } if (morphedNode === toNode) { onNodeDiscarded(fromNode); } else { if (toNode.isSameNode && toNode.isSameNode(morphedNode)) { return; } morphEl(morphedNode, toNode, childrenOnly); if (keyedRemovalList) { for (var i = 0, len = keyedRemovalList.length; i < len; i++) { var elToRemove = fromNodesLookup[keyedRemovalList[i]]; if (elToRemove) { removeNode(elToRemove, elToRemove.parentNode, false); } } } } if (!childrenOnly && morphedNode !== fromNode && fromNode.parentNode) { if (morphedNode.actualize) { morphedNode = morphedNode.actualize(fromNode.ownerDocument || doc); } fromNode.parentNode.replaceChild(morphedNode, fromNode); } return morphedNode; }; } var morphdom = morphdomFactory(morphAttrs); var name = "cable_ready"; var version = "5.0.1"; var description = "CableReady helps you create great real-time user experiences by making it simple to trigger client-side DOM changes from server-side Ruby."; var keywords = [ "ruby", "rails", "websockets", "actioncable", "cable", "ssr", "stimulus_reflex", "client-side", "dom" ]; var homepage = ""; var bugs = ""; var repository = ""; var license = "MIT"; var author = "Nathan Hopkins <>"; var contributors = [ "Andrew Mason <>", "Julian Rubisch <>", "Marco Roth <>", "Nathan Hopkins <>" ]; var main = "./dist/cable_ready.js"; var module = "./dist/cable_ready.js"; var browser = "./dist/cable_ready.js"; var unpkg = "./dist/cable_ready.umd.js"; var umd = "./dist/cable_ready.umd.js"; var files = [ "dist/*", "javascript/*" ]; var scripts = { lint: "yarn run format --check", format: "yarn run prettier-standard ./javascript/**/*.js rollup.config.mjs", build: "yarn rollup -c", watch: "yarn rollup -wc", test: "web-test-runner javascript/test/**/*.test.js", "docs:dev": "vitepress dev docs", "docs:build": "vitepress build docs && cp ./docs/_redirects ./docs/.vitepress/dist", "docs:preview": "vitepress preview docs" }; var dependencies = { morphdom: "2.6.1" }; var devDependencies = { "@open-wc/testing": "^3.1.7", "@rollup/plugin-json": "^6.0.0", "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^15.0.1", "@rollup/plugin-terser": "^0.4.0", "@web/dev-server-esbuild": "^0.3.3", "@web/dev-server-rollup": "^0.3.21", "@web/test-runner": "^0.15.1", "prettier-standard": "^16.4.1", rollup: "^3.19.1", sinon: "^15.0.2", vite: "^4.1.4", vitepress: "^1.0.0-beta.1", "vitepress-plugin-search": "^1.0.4-alpha.19" }; var packageInfo = { name: name, version: version, description: description, keywords: keywords, homepage: homepage, bugs: bugs, repository: repository, license: license, author: author, contributors: contributors, main: main, module: module, browser: browser, import: "./dist/cable_ready.js", unpkg: unpkg, umd: umd, files: files, scripts: scripts, dependencies: dependencies, devDependencies: devDependencies }; const inputTags = { INPUT: true, TEXTAREA: true, SELECT: true }; const mutableTags = { INPUT: true, TEXTAREA: true, OPTION: true }; const textInputTypes = { "datetime-local": true, "select-multiple": true, "select-one": true, color: true, date: true, datetime: true, email: true, month: true, number: true, password: true, range: true, search: true, tel: true, text: true, textarea: true, time: true, url: true, week: true }; let activeElement; var ActiveElement = { get element() { return activeElement; }, set(element) { activeElement = element; } }; const isTextInput = element => inputTags[element.tagName] && textInputTypes[element.type]; const assignFocus = selector => { const element = selector && selector.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? selector : document.querySelector(selector); const focusElement = element || ActiveElement.element; if (focusElement && focusElement.focus) focusElement.focus(); }; const dispatch = (element, name, detail = {}) => { const init = { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, detail: detail }; const event = new CustomEvent(name, init); element.dispatchEvent(event); if (window.jQuery) window.jQuery(element).trigger(name, detail); }; const xpathToElement = xpath => document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; const xpathToElementArray = (xpath, reverse = false) => { const snapshotList = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); const snapshots = []; for (let i = 0; i < snapshotList.snapshotLength; i++) { snapshots.push(snapshotList.snapshotItem(i)); } return reverse ? snapshots.reverse() : snapshots; }; const getClassNames = names => Array.from(names).flat(); const processElements = (operation, callback) => { Array.from(operation.selectAll ? operation.element : [ operation.element ]).forEach(callback); }; const kebabize = createCompounder((function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? "-" : "") + word.toLowerCase(); })); function createCompounder(callback) { return function(str) { return words(str).reduce(callback, ""); }; } const words = str => { str = str == null ? "" : str; return str.match(/([A-Z]{2,}|[0-9]+|[A-Z]?[a-z]+|[A-Z])/g) || []; }; const operate = (operation, callback) => { if (!operation.cancel) { operation.delay ? setTimeout(callback, operation.delay) : callback(); return true; } return false; }; const before = (target, operation) => dispatch(target, `cable-ready:before-${kebabize(operation.operation)}`, operation); const after = (target, operation) => dispatch(target, `cable-ready:after-${kebabize(operation.operation)}`, operation); function debounce(fn, delay = 250) { let timer; return (...args) => { const callback = () => fn.apply(this, args); if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, delay); }; } function handleErrors(response) { if (!response.ok) throw Error(response.statusText); return response; } function safeScalar(val) { if (val !== undefined && ![ "string", "number", "boolean" ].includes(typeof val)) console.warn(`Operation expects a string, number or boolean, but got ${val} (${typeof val})`); return val != null ? val : ""; } function safeString(str) { if (str !== undefined && typeof str !== "string") console.warn(`Operation expects a string, but got ${str} (${typeof str})`); return str != null ? String(str) : ""; } function safeArray(arr) { if (arr !== undefined && !Array.isArray(arr)) console.warn(`Operation expects an array, but got ${arr} (${typeof arr})`); return arr != null ? Array.from(arr) : []; } function safeObject(obj) { if (obj !== undefined && typeof obj !== "object") console.warn(`Operation expects an object, but got ${obj} (${typeof obj})`); return obj != null ? Object(obj) : {}; } function safeStringOrArray(elem) { if (elem !== undefined && !Array.isArray(elem) && typeof elem !== "string") console.warn(`Operation expects an Array or a String, but got ${elem} (${typeof elem})`); return elem == null ? "" : Array.isArray(elem) ? Array.from(elem) : String(elem); } function fragmentToString(fragment) { return (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(fragment); } async function graciouslyFetch(url, additionalHeaders) { try { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { "X-REQUESTED-WITH": "XmlHttpRequest", ...additionalHeaders } }); if (response == undefined) return; handleErrors(response); return response; } catch (e) { console.error(`Could not fetch ${url}`); } } class BoundedQueue { constructor(maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; this.queue = []; } push(item) { if (this.isFull()) { this.shift(); } this.queue.push(item); } shift() { return this.queue.shift(); } isFull() { return this.queue.length === this.maxSize; } } Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, BoundedQueue: BoundedQueue, after: after, assignFocus: assignFocus, before: before, debounce: debounce, dispatch: dispatch, fragmentToString: fragmentToString, getClassNames: getClassNames, graciouslyFetch: graciouslyFetch, handleErrors: handleErrors, isTextInput: isTextInput, kebabize: kebabize, operate: operate, processElements: processElements, safeArray: safeArray, safeObject: safeObject, safeScalar: safeScalar, safeString: safeString, safeStringOrArray: safeStringOrArray, xpathToElement: xpathToElement, xpathToElementArray: xpathToElementArray }); const shouldMorph = operation => (fromEl, toEl) => ! => typeof callback === "function" ? callback(operation, fromEl, toEl) : true)).includes(false); const didMorph = operation => el => { didMorphCallbacks.forEach((callback => { if (typeof callback === "function") callback(operation, el); })); }; const verifyNotMutable = (detail, fromEl, toEl) => { if (!mutableTags[fromEl.tagName] && fromEl.isEqualNode(toEl)) return false; return true; }; const verifyNotContentEditable = (detail, fromEl, toEl) => { if (fromEl === ActiveElement.element && fromEl.isContentEditable) return false; return true; }; const verifyNotPermanent = (detail, fromEl, toEl) => { const {permanentAttributeName: permanentAttributeName} = detail; if (!permanentAttributeName) return true; const permanent = fromEl.closest(`[${permanentAttributeName}]`); if (!permanent && fromEl === ActiveElement.element && isTextInput(fromEl)) { const ignore = { value: true }; Array.from(toEl.attributes).forEach((attribute => { if (!ignore[]) fromEl.setAttribute(, attribute.value); })); return false; } return !permanent; }; const shouldMorphCallbacks = [ verifyNotMutable, verifyNotPermanent, verifyNotContentEditable ]; const didMorphCallbacks = []; Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, didMorph: didMorph, didMorphCallbacks: didMorphCallbacks, shouldMorph: shouldMorph, shouldMorphCallbacks: shouldMorphCallbacks, verifyNotContentEditable: verifyNotContentEditable, verifyNotMutable: verifyNotMutable, verifyNotPermanent: verifyNotPermanent }); var Operations = { append: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", safeScalar(html)); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, graft: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {parent: parent, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; const parentElement = document.querySelector(parent); if (parentElement) { parentElement.appendChild(element); assignFocus(focusSelector); } })); after(element, operation); })); }, innerHtml: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.innerHTML = safeScalar(html); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, insertAdjacentHtml: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, position: position, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.insertAdjacentHTML(position || "beforeend", safeScalar(html)); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, insertAdjacentText: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {text: text, position: position, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.insertAdjacentText(position || "beforeend", safeScalar(text)); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, outerHtml: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { const parent = element.parentElement; const idx = parent && Array.from(parent.children).indexOf(element); before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.outerHTML = safeScalar(html); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(parent ? parent.children[idx] : document.documentElement, operation); })); }, prepend: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", safeScalar(html)); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, remove: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.remove(); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(document, operation); })); }, replace: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { const parent = element.parentElement; const idx = parent && Array.from(parent.children).indexOf(element); before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {html: html, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.outerHTML = safeScalar(html); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(parent ? parent.children[idx] : document.documentElement, operation); })); }, textContent: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {text: text, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; element.textContent = safeScalar(text); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(element, operation); })); }, addCssClass: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name} = operation; element.classList.add(...getClassNames([ safeStringOrArray(name) ])); })); after(element, operation); })); }, removeAttribute: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name} = operation; element.removeAttribute(safeString(name)); })); after(element, operation); })); }, removeCssClass: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name} = operation; element.classList.remove(...getClassNames([ safeStringOrArray(name) ])); if (element.classList.length === 0) element.removeAttribute("class"); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setAttribute: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, value: value} = operation; element.setAttribute(safeString(name), safeScalar(value)); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setDatasetProperty: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, value: value} = operation; element.dataset[safeString(name)] = safeScalar(value); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setProperty: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, value: value} = operation; if (name in element) element[safeString(name)] = safeScalar(value); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setStyle: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, value: value} = operation;[safeString(name)] = safeScalar(value); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setStyles: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {styles: styles} = operation; for (let [name, value] of Object.entries(styles))[safeString(name)] = safeScalar(value); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setValue: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {value: value} = operation; element.value = safeScalar(value); })); after(element, operation); })); }, dispatchEvent: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, detail: detail} = operation; dispatch(element, safeString(name), safeObject(detail)); })); after(element, operation); })); }, setMeta: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {name: name, content: content} = operation; let meta = document.head.querySelector(`meta[name='${name}']`); if (!meta) { meta = document.createElement("meta"); = safeString(name); document.head.appendChild(meta); } meta.content = safeScalar(content); })); after(document, operation); }, setTitle: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {title: title} = operation; document.title = safeScalar(title); })); after(document, operation); }, clearStorage: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {type: type} = operation; const storage = type === "session" ? sessionStorage : localStorage; storage.clear(); })); after(document, operation); }, go: operation => { before(window, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {delta: delta} = operation; history.go(delta); })); after(window, operation); }, pushState: operation => { before(window, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {state: state, title: title, url: url} = operation; history.pushState(safeObject(state), safeString(title), safeString(url)); })); after(window, operation); }, redirectTo: operation => { before(window, operation); operate(operation, (() => { let {url: url, action: action, turbo: turbo} = operation; action = action || "advance"; url = safeString(url); if (turbo === undefined) turbo = true; if (turbo) { if (window.Turbo) window.Turbo.visit(url, { action: action }); if (window.Turbolinks) window.Turbolinks.visit(url, { action: action }); if (!window.Turbo && !window.Turbolinks) window.location.href = url; } else { window.location.href = url; } })); after(window, operation); }, reload: operation => { before(window, operation); operate(operation, (() => { window.location.reload(); })); after(window, operation); }, removeStorageItem: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {key: key, type: type} = operation; const storage = type === "session" ? sessionStorage : localStorage; storage.removeItem(safeString(key)); })); after(document, operation); }, replaceState: operation => { before(window, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {state: state, title: title, url: url} = operation; history.replaceState(safeObject(state), safeString(title), safeString(url)); })); after(window, operation); }, scrollIntoView: operation => { const {element: element} = operation; before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { element.scrollIntoView(operation); })); after(element, operation); }, setCookie: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {cookie: cookie} = operation; document.cookie = safeScalar(cookie); })); after(document, operation); }, setFocus: operation => { const {element: element} = operation; before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { assignFocus(element); })); after(element, operation); }, setStorageItem: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {key: key, value: value, type: type} = operation; const storage = type === "session" ? sessionStorage : localStorage; storage.setItem(safeString(key), safeScalar(value)); })); after(document, operation); }, consoleLog: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {message: message, level: level} = operation; level && [ "warn", "info", "error" ].includes(level) ? console[level](message) : console.log(message); })); after(document, operation); }, consoleTable: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {data: data, columns: columns} = operation; console.table(data, safeArray(columns)); })); after(document, operation); }, notification: operation => { before(document, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {title: title, options: options} = operation; Notification.requestPermission().then((result => { operation.permission = result; if (result === "granted") new Notification(safeString(title), safeObject(options)); })); })); after(document, operation); }, morph: operation => { processElements(operation, (element => { const {html: html} = operation; const template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = String(safeScalar(html)).trim(); operation.content = template.content; const parent = element.parentElement; const idx = parent && Array.from(parent.children).indexOf(element); before(element, operation); operate(operation, (() => { const {childrenOnly: childrenOnly, focusSelector: focusSelector} = operation; morphdom(element, childrenOnly ? template.content : template.innerHTML, { childrenOnly: !!childrenOnly, onBeforeElUpdated: shouldMorph(operation), onElUpdated: didMorph(operation) }); assignFocus(focusSelector); })); after(parent ? parent.children[idx] : document.documentElement, operation); })); } }; let operations = Operations; const add = newOperations => { operations = { ...operations, ...newOperations }; }; const addOperations = operations => { add(operations); }; const addOperation = (name, operation) => { const operations = {}; operations[name] = operation; add(operations); }; var OperationStore = { get all() { return operations; } }; let missingElement = "warn"; var MissingElement$1 = { get behavior() { return missingElement; }, set(value) { if ([ "warn", "ignore", "event", "exception" ].includes(value)) missingElement = value; else console.warn("Invalid 'onMissingElement' option. Defaulting to 'warn'."); } }; const perform = (operations, options = { onMissingElement: MissingElement$1.behavior }) => { const batches = {}; operations.forEach((operation => { if (!!operation.batch) batches[operation.batch] = batches[operation.batch] ? ++batches[operation.batch] : 1; })); operations.forEach((operation => { const name = operation.operation; try { if (operation.selector) { if (operation.xpath) { operation.element = operation.selectAll ? xpathToElementArray(operation.selector) : xpathToElement(operation.selector); } else { operation.element = operation.selectAll ? document.querySelectorAll(operation.selector) : document.querySelector(operation.selector); } } else { operation.element = document; } if (operation.element || options.onMissingElement !== "ignore") { ActiveElement.set(document.activeElement); const cableReadyOperation = OperationStore.all[name]; if (cableReadyOperation) { cableReadyOperation(operation); if (!!operation.batch && --batches[operation.batch] === 0) dispatch(document, "cable-ready:batch-complete", { batch: operation.batch }); } else { console.error(`CableReady couldn't find the "${name}" operation. Make sure you use the camelized form when calling an operation method.`); } } } catch (e) { if (operation.element) { console.error(`CableReady detected an error in ${name || "operation"}: ${e.message}. If you need to support older browsers make sure you've included the corresponding polyfills.`); console.error(e); } else { const warning = `CableReady ${name || ""} operation failed due to missing DOM element for selector: '${operation.selector}'`; switch (options.onMissingElement) { case "ignore": break; case "event": dispatch(document, "cable-ready:missing-element", { warning: warning, operation: operation }); break; case "exception": throw warning; default: console.warn(warning); } } } })); }; const performAsync = (operations, options = { onMissingElement: MissingElement$1.behavior }) => new Promise(((resolve, reject) => { try { resolve(perform(operations, options)); } catch (err) { reject(err); } })); class SubscribingElement extends HTMLElement { static get tagName() { throw new Error("Implement the tagName() getter in the inheriting class"); } static define() { if (!customElements.get(this.tagName)) { customElements.define(this.tagName, this); } } disconnectedCallback() { if (; } createSubscription(consumer, channel, receivedCallback) { = consumer.subscriptions.create({ channel: channel, identifier: this.identifier }, { received: receivedCallback }); } get preview() { return document.documentElement.hasAttribute("data-turbolinks-preview") || document.documentElement.hasAttribute("data-turbo-preview"); } get identifier() { return this.getAttribute("identifier"); } } let consumer; const BACKOFF = [ 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 250, 500, 800, 1e3, 2e3 ]; const wait = ms => new Promise((resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms))); const getConsumerWithRetry = async (retry = 0) => { if (consumer) return consumer; if (retry >= BACKOFF.length) { throw new Error("Couldn't obtain a Action Cable consumer within 5s"); } await wait(BACKOFF[retry]); return await getConsumerWithRetry(retry + 1); }; var CableConsumer = { setConsumer(value) { consumer = value; }, get consumer() { return consumer; }, async getConsumer() { return await getConsumerWithRetry(); } }; class StreamFromElement extends SubscribingElement { static get tagName() { return "cable-ready-stream-from"; } async connectedCallback() { if (this.preview) return; const consumer = await CableConsumer.getConsumer(); if (consumer) { this.createSubscription(consumer, "CableReady::Stream", this.performOperations.bind(this)); } else { console.error("The `cable_ready_stream_from` helper cannot connect. You must initialize CableReady with an Action Cable consumer."); } } performOperations(data) { if (data.cableReady) perform(data.operations, { onMissingElement: this.onMissingElement }); } get onMissingElement() { const value = this.getAttribute("missing") || MissingElement$1.behavior; if ([ "warn", "ignore", "event" ].includes(value)) return value; else { console.warn("Invalid 'missing' attribute. Defaulting to 'warn'."); return "warn"; } } } let debugging = false; var Debug = { get enabled() { return debugging; }, get disabled() { return !debugging; }, get value() { return debugging; }, set(value) { debugging = !!value; }, set debug(value) { debugging = !!value; } }; const request = (data, blocks) => { if (Debug.disabled) return; const message = `↑ Updatable request affecting ${blocks.length} element(s): `; console.log(message, { elements: => b.element)), identifiers: => b.element.getAttribute("identifier"))), data: data }); return message; }; const cancel = (timestamp, reason) => { if (Debug.disabled) return; const duration = new Date - timestamp; const message = `❌ Updatable request canceled after ${duration}ms: ${reason}`; console.log(message); return message; }; const response = (timestamp, element, urls) => { if (Debug.disabled) return; const duration = new Date - timestamp; const message = `↓ Updatable response: All URLs fetched in ${duration}ms`; console.log(message, { element: element, urls: urls }); return message; }; const morphStart = (timestamp, element) => { if (Debug.disabled) return; const duration = new Date - timestamp; const message = `↻ Updatable morph: starting after ${duration}ms`; console.log(message, { element: element }); return message; }; const morphEnd = (timestamp, element) => { if (Debug.disabled) return; const duration = new Date - timestamp; const message = `↺ Updatable morph: completed after ${duration}ms`; console.log(message, { element: element }); return message; }; var Log = { request: request, cancel: cancel, response: response, morphStart: morphStart, morphEnd: morphEnd }; const template = `\n<style>\n :host {\n display: block;\n }\n</style>\n<slot></slot>\n`; class UpdatesForElement extends SubscribingElement { static get tagName() { return "cable-ready-updates-for"; } constructor() { super(); const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); shadowRoot.innerHTML = template; this.triggerElementLog = new BoundedQueue(10); this.targetElementLog = new BoundedQueue(10); } async connectedCallback() { if (this.preview) return; this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this), this.debounce); const consumer = await CableConsumer.getConsumer(); if (consumer) { this.createSubscription(consumer, "CableReady::Stream", this.update); } else { console.error("The `cable_ready_updates_for` helper cannot connect. You must initialize CableReady with an Action Cable consumer."); } } async update(data) { this.lastUpdateTimestamp = new Date; const blocks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(this.query), (element => new Block(element))).filter((block => block.shouldUpdate(data))); this.triggerElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.request(data, blocks)}`); if (blocks.length === 0) { this.triggerElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.cancel(this.lastUpdateTimestamp, "All elements filtered out")}`); return; } if (blocks[0].element !== this) { this.triggerElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.cancel(this.lastUpdateTimestamp, "Update already requested")}`); return; } ActiveElement.set(document.activeElement); this.html = {}; const uniqueUrls = [ Set( => block.url))) ]; await Promise.all( url => { if (!this.html.hasOwnProperty(url)) { const response = await graciouslyFetch(url, { "X-Cable-Ready": "update" }); this.html[url] = await response.text(); } }))); this.triggerElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.response(this.lastUpdateTimestamp, this, uniqueUrls)}`); this.index = {}; blocks.forEach((block => { this.index.hasOwnProperty(block.url) ? this.index[block.url]++ : this.index[block.url] = 0; block.process(data, this.html, this.index, this.lastUpdateTimestamp); })); } get query() { return `${this.tagName}[identifier="${this.identifier}"]`; } get identifier() { return this.getAttribute("identifier"); } get debounce() { return this.hasAttribute("debounce") ? parseInt(this.getAttribute("debounce")) : 20; } } class Block { constructor(element) { this.element = element; } async process(data, html, fragmentsIndex, startTimestamp) { const blockIndex = fragmentsIndex[this.url]; const template = document.createElement("template"); this.element.setAttribute("updating", "updating"); template.innerHTML = String(html[this.url]).trim(); await this.resolveTurboFrames(template.content); const fragments = template.content.querySelectorAll(this.query); if (fragments.length <= blockIndex) { console.warn(`Update aborted due to insufficient number of elements. The offending url is ${this.url}, the offending element is:`, this.element); return; } const operation = { element: this.element, html: fragments[blockIndex], permanentAttributeName: "data-ignore-updates" }; dispatch(this.element, "cable-ready:before-update", operation); this.element.targetElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.morphStart(startTimestamp, this.element)}`); morphdom(this.element, fragments[blockIndex], { childrenOnly: true, onBeforeElUpdated: shouldMorph(operation), onElUpdated: _ => { this.element.removeAttribute("updating"); dispatch(this.element, "cable-ready:after-update", operation); assignFocus(operation.focusSelector); } }); this.element.targetElementLog.push(`${(new Date).toLocaleString()}: ${Log.morphEnd(startTimestamp, this.element)}`); } async resolveTurboFrames(documentFragment) { const reloadingTurboFrames = [ ...documentFragment.querySelectorAll('turbo-frame[src]:not([loading="lazy"])') ]; return Promise.all( => new Promise((async resolve => { const frameResponse = await graciouslyFetch(frame.getAttribute("src"), { "Turbo-Frame":, "X-Cable-Ready": "update" }); const frameTemplate = document.createElement("template"); frameTemplate.innerHTML = await frameResponse.text(); await this.resolveTurboFrames(frameTemplate.content); const selector = `turbo-frame#${}`; const frameContent = frameTemplate.content.querySelector(selector); const content = frameContent ? frameContent.innerHTML.trim() : ""; documentFragment.querySelector(selector).innerHTML = content; resolve(); }))))); } shouldUpdate(data) { return !this.ignoresInnerUpdates && this.hasChangesSelectedForUpdate(data); } hasChangesSelectedForUpdate(data) { const only = this.element.getAttribute("only"); return !(only && data.changed && !only.split(" ").some((attribute => data.changed.includes(attribute)))); } get ignoresInnerUpdates() { return this.element.hasAttribute("ignore-inner-updates") && this.element.hasAttribute("performing-inner-update"); } get url() { return this.element.hasAttribute("url") ? this.element.getAttribute("url") : location.href; } get identifier() { return this.element.identifier; } get query() { return this.element.query; } } const registerInnerUpdates = () => { document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:before", (event => { recursiveMarkUpdatesForElements(event.detail.element); })); document.addEventListener("stimulus-reflex:after", (event => { setTimeout((() => { recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements(event.detail.element); })); })); document.addEventListener("turbo:submit-start", (event => { recursiveMarkUpdatesForElements(; })); document.addEventListener("turbo:submit-end", (event => { setTimeout((() => { recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements(; })); })); document.addEventListener("turbo-boost:command:start", (event => { recursiveMarkUpdatesForElements(; })); document.addEventListener("turbo-boost:command:finish", (event => { setTimeout((() => { recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements(; })); })); document.addEventListener("turbo-boost:command:error", (event => { setTimeout((() => { recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements(; })); })); }; const recursiveMarkUpdatesForElements = leaf => { const closestUpdatesFor = leaf && leaf.parentElement && leaf.parentElement.closest("cable-ready-updates-for"); if (closestUpdatesFor) { closestUpdatesFor.setAttribute("performing-inner-update", ""); recursiveMarkUpdatesForElements(closestUpdatesFor); } }; const recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements = leaf => { const closestUpdatesFor = leaf && leaf.parentElement && leaf.parentElement.closest("cable-ready-updates-for"); if (closestUpdatesFor) { closestUpdatesFor.removeAttribute("performing-inner-update"); recursiveUnmarkUpdatesForElements(closestUpdatesFor); } }; const defineElements$1 = () => { registerInnerUpdates(); StreamFromElement.define(); UpdatesForElement.define(); }; const initialize = (initializeOptions = {}) => { const {consumer: consumer, onMissingElement: onMissingElement, debug: debug} = initializeOptions; Debug.set(!!debug); if (consumer) { CableConsumer.setConsumer(consumer); } else { console.error("CableReady requires a reference to your Action Cable `consumer` for its helpers to function.\nEnsure that you have imported the `CableReady` package as well as `consumer` from your `channels` folder, then call `CableReady.initialize({ consumer })`."); } if (onMissingElement) { MissingElement.set(onMissingElement); } defineElements$1(); }; const global = { perform: perform, performAsync: performAsync, shouldMorphCallbacks: shouldMorphCallbacks, didMorphCallbacks: didMorphCallbacks, initialize: initialize, addOperation: addOperation, addOperations: addOperations, version: packageInfo.version, cable: CableConsumer, get DOMOperations() { console.warn("DEPRECATED: Please use `CableReady.operations` instead of `CableReady.DOMOperations`"); return OperationStore.all; }, get operations() { return OperationStore.all; }, get consumer() { return CableConsumer.consumer; } }; window.CableReady = global; class CableReadyElement extends HTMLElement { static define() { if (!customElements.get("cable-ready")) { customElements.define("cable-ready", this); } } connectedCallback() { setTimeout((() => { try { const operations = JSON.parse(this.scriptElement.textContent); global.perform(operations); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } finally { try { this.remove(); } catch {} } })); } get scriptElement() { if (this.firstElementChild instanceof HTMLScriptElement && this.firstElementChild.getAttribute("type") === "application/json") { return this.firstElementChild; } throw new Error('First child element in a `<cable-ready>` tag must be `<script type="application/json">`.'); } } const defineElements = () => { CableReadyElement.define(); }; defineElements(); export { CableReadyElement };