module SPCore # Extended windowed sinc filter. Implements bandpass and bandstop using # two SincFilterBase objects. # # Theoretical source: # # @author James Tunnell # class DualSincFilter include Hashmake::HashMakeable # Use to process hashed args in #initialize. ARG_SPECS = { :order => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Fixnum, :validator => ->(a){ a % 2 == 0 } ), :sample_rate => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Fixnum, :validator => ->(a){ a > 0.0 } ), :left_cutoff_freq => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Numeric, :validator => ->(a){ a > 0.0 } ), :right_cutoff_freq => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Numeric, :validator => ->(a){ a > 0.0 } ), :window_class => arg_spec(:reqd => false, :type => Class, :default => BlackmanWindow ), } attr_reader :bandpass_fir, :bandstop_fir, :left_filter, :right_filter # Given a filter order, 2 cutoff frequencies, sample rate, and window class, # develop a FIR filter kernel that can be used for lowpass filtering. def initialize args hash_make DualSincFilter::ARG_SPECS, args raise ArgumentError, "left_cutoff_freq is greater than 0.5 * sample_rate" if @left_cutoff_freq > (@sample_rate * 0.5) raise ArgumentError, "right_cutoff_freq is greater than 0.5 * sample_rate" if @right_cutoff_freq > (@sample_rate * 0.5) raise ArgumentError, "left_cutoff_freq is not less than right_cutoff_freq" unless @left_cutoff_freq < @right_cutoff_freq @left_filter = :sample_rate => @sample_rate, :order => @order, :cutoff_freq => @left_cutoff_freq, :window_class => @window_class, ) @right_filter = :sample_rate => @sample_rate, :order => @order, :cutoff_freq => @right_cutoff_freq, :window_class => @window_class, ) size = @order + 1 # make FIR filter kernels for bandpass and bandstop bandpass_kernel = bandstop_kernel = window = for n in 0...(@order / 2) bandpass_kernel[size - 1 - n] = bandpass_kernel[n] = @right_filter.lowpass_fir.kernel[n] + @left_filter.highpass_fir.kernel[n] bandstop_kernel[size - 1 - n] = bandstop_kernel[n] = @left_filter.lowpass_fir.kernel[n] + @right_filter.highpass_fir.kernel[n] end left_transition_freq = @left_cutoff_freq.to_f / @sample_rate right_transition_freq = @right_cutoff_freq.to_f / @sample_rate bw_times_two = 2.0 * (right_transition_freq - left_transition_freq) window_center_val =[@order / 2] bandpass_kernel[@order / 2] = bw_times_two * window_center_val bandstop_kernel[@order / 2] = (1.0 - bw_times_two) * window_center_val @bandpass_fir = bandpass_kernel, @sample_rate @bandstop_fir = bandstop_kernel, @sample_rate end # Process the input with the bandpass FIR. # @return [Array] containing the filtered input. def bandpass input return @bandpass_fir.convolve input end # Process the input with the bandstop FIR. # @return [Array] containing the filtered input. def bandstop input return @bandstop_fir.convolve input end end end