# Bootsnap  **Beta-quality. See [the last section of this README](#trustworthiness).** Bootsnap is a library that plugs into a number of Ruby and (optionally) `ActiveSupport` and `YAML` methods to optimize and cache expensive computations. See [the How Does This Work section](#how-does-this-work) for more information. #### Quick Performance Overview - [Discourse](https://github.com/discourse/discourse) reports a boot time reduction of approximately 50%, from roughly 6 to 3 seconds on one machine; - One of our smaller internal apps also sees a reduction of 50%, from 3.6 to 1.8 seconds; - The core Shopify platform -- a rather large monolithic application -- boots about 75% faster, dropping from around 25s to 6.5s. ## Usage This gem works on MacOS and Linux. Add `bootsnap` to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'bootsnap' ``` Next, add this to your boot setup immediately after `require 'bundler/setup'` (i.e. as early as possible: the sooner this is loaded, the sooner it can start optimizing things) ```ruby require 'bootsnap' Bootsnap.setup( cache_dir: 'tmp/cache', # Path to your cache development_mode: ENV['MY_ENV'] == 'development', load_path_cache: true, # Should we optimize the LOAD_PATH with a cache? autoload_paths_cache: true, # Should we optimize ActiveSupport autoloads with cache? disable_trace: false, # Sets `RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option = { trace_instruction: false }` compile_cache_iseq: true, # Should compile Ruby code into ISeq cache? compile_cache_yaml: true # Should compile YAML into a cache? ) ``` **Protip:** You can replace `require 'bootsnap'` with `BootLib::Require.from_gem('bootsnap', 'bootsnap')` using [this trick](https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/wiki/Bootlib::Require). This will help optimize boot time further if you have an extremely large `$LOAD_PATH`. ## How does this work? Bootsnap is a library that plugs into a number of Ruby and (optionally) `ActiveSupport` and `YAML` methods. These methods are modified to cache results of expensive computations, and can be grouped into two broad categories: * [Path Pre-Scanning](#path-pre-scanning) * `Kernel#require` and `Kernel#load` are modified to eliminate `$LOAD_PATH` scans. * `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.{autoloadable_module?,load_missing_constant,depend_on}` are overridden to eliminate scans of `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths`. * [Compilation caching](#compilation-caching) * `RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_iseq` is implemented to cache the result of ruby bytecode compilation. * `YAML.load_file` is modified to cache the result of loading a YAML object in MessagePack format (or Marshal, if the message uses types unsupported by MessagePack). ### Path Pre-Scanning *(This work is a minor evolution of [bootscale](https://github.com/byroot/bootscale)).* Upon initialization of bootsnap or modification of the path (e.g. `$LOAD_PATH`), `Bootsnap::LoadPathCache` will fetch a list of requirable entries from a cache, or, if necessary, perform a full scan and cache the result. Later, when we run (e.g.) `require 'foo'`, ruby *would* iterate through every item on our `$LOAD_PATH` `['x', 'y', ...]`, looking for `x/foo.rb`, `y/foo.rb`, and so on. Bootsnap instead looks at all the cached requirables for each `$LOAD_PATH` entry and substitutes the full expanded path of the match ruby would have eventually chosen. If you look at the syscalls generated by this behaviour, the net effect is that what would previously look like this: ``` open x/foo.rb # (fail) # (imagine this with 500 $LOAD_PATH entries instead of two) open y/foo.rb # (success) close y/foo.rb open y/foo.rb ... ``` becomes this: ``` open y/foo.rb ... ``` Exactly the same strategy is employed for methods that traverse `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths` if the `autoload_paths_cache` option is given to `Bootsnap.setup`. The following diagram flowcharts the overrides that make the `*_path_cache` features work.  Bootsnap classifies path entries into two categories: stable and volatile. Volatile entries are scanned each time the application boots, and their caches are only valid for 30 seconds. Stable entries do not expire -- once their contents has been scanned, it is assumed to never change. The only directories considered "stable" are things under the Ruby install prefix (`RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix']`, e.g. `/usr/local/ruby` or `~/.rubies/x.y.z`), and things under the `Gem.path` (e.g. `~/.gem/ruby/x.y.z`). Everything else is considered "volatile". In addition to the [`Bootsnap::LoadPathCache::Cache` source](https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/blob/master/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/cache.rb), this diagram may help clarify how entry resolution works:  It's also important to note how expensive `LoadError`s can be. If ruby invokes `require 'something'`, but that file isn't on `$LOAD_PATH`, it takes `2 * $LOAD_PATH.length` filesystem accesses to determine that. Bootsnap caches this result too, raising a `LoadError` without touching the filesystem at all. ### Compilation Caching *(A more readable implementation of this concept can be found in [yomikomu](https://github.com/ko1/yomikomu)).* Ruby has complex grammar and parsing it is not a particularly cheap operation. Since 1.9, Ruby has translated ruby source to an internal bytecode format, which is then executed by the Ruby VM. Since 2.2, Ruby [exposes an API](https://ruby-doc.org/core-2.3.0/RubyVM/InstructionSequence.html) that allows caching that bytecode. This allows us to bypass the relatively-expensive compilation step on subsequent loads of the same file. We also noticed that we spend a lot of time loading YAML documents during our application boot, and that MessagePack and Marshal are *much* faster at deserialization than YAML, even with a fast implementation. We use the same strategy of compilation caching for YAML documents, with the equivalent of Ruby's "bytecode" format being a MessagePack document (or, in the case of YAML documents with types unsupported by MessagePack, a Marshal stream). These compilation results are stored in a cache directory, with filenames generated by taking a hash of the full expanded path of the input file (FNV1a-64). Whereas before, the sequence of syscalls generated to `require` a file would look like: ``` open /c/foo.rb -> m fstat64 m close m open /c/foo.rb -> o fstat64 o fstat64 o read o read o ... close o ``` With bootsnap, we get: ``` open /c/foo.rb -> n fstat64 n close n open /c/foo.rb -> n fstat64 n open (cache) -> m read m read m close m close n ``` This may look worse at a glance, but underlies a large performance difference. *(The first three syscalls in both listings -- `open`, `fstat64`, `close` -- are not inherently useful. [This ruby patch](https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/13378) optimizes them out when coupled with bootsnap.)* Bootsnap writes a cache file containing a 64 byte header followed by the cache contents. The header is a cache key including several fields: * `version`, hardcoded in bootsnap. Essentially a schema version; * `os_version`, A hash of the current kernel version (on macOS, BSD) or glibc version (on Linux); * `compile_option`, which changes with `RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option` does; * `ruby_revision`, the version of Ruby this was compiled with; * `size`, the size of the source file; * `mtime`, the last-modification timestamp of the source file when it was compiled; and * `data_size`, the number of bytes following the header, which we need to read it into a buffer. If the key is valid, the result is loaded from the value. Otherwise, it is regenerated and clobbers the current cache. ### Putting it all together Imagine we have this file structure: ``` / ├── a ├── b └── c └── foo.rb ``` And this `$LOAD_PATH`: ``` ["/a", "/b", "/c"] ``` When we call `require 'foo'` without bootsnap, Ruby would generate this sequence of syscalls: ``` open /a/foo.rb -> -1 open /b/foo.rb -> -1 open /c/foo.rb -> n close n open /c/foo.rb -> m fstat64 m close m open /c/foo.rb -> o fstat64 o fstat64 o read o read o ... close o ``` With bootsnap, we get: ``` open /c/foo.rb -> n fstat64 n close n open /c/foo.rb -> n fstat64 n open (cache) -> m read m read m close m close n ``` If we call `require 'nope'` without bootsnap, we get: ``` open /a/nope.rb -> -1 open /b/nope.rb -> -1 open /c/nope.rb -> -1 open /a/nope.bundle -> -1 open /b/nope.bundle -> -1 open /c/nope.bundle -> -1 ``` ...and if we call `require 'nope'` *with* bootsnap, we get... ``` # (nothing!) ``` ## Trustworthiness We use the `*_path_cache` features in production and haven't experienced any issues in a long time. The `compile_cache_*` features work well for us in development on macOS. It should work on Linux, and we intend to deploy it in production, but haven't we haven't yet. `disable_trace` should be completely safe, but we don't really use it because some people like to use tools that make use of `trace` instructions. | feature | where we're using it | |-|-| | `load_path_cache` | everywhere | | `autoload_path_cache` | everywhere | | `disable_trace` | nowhere, but it's safe unless you need tracing | | `compile_cache_iseq` | development, but probably safe to use everywhere | | `compile_cache_yaml` | development, but probably safe to use everywhere |