# frozen_string_literal: true # :nocov: module YARD # Helper methods to use for yard documentation module DocsHelper def one_of(enumerable, lower: false, sort: true) # Sort the array if requested if sort enumerable = enumerable.sort do |a, b| a.instance_of?(b.class) ? a <=> b : a.class.to_s <=> b.class.to_s end end values = case enumerable when Hash enumerable.map do |key, value| "#{pretty_value(key)} (#{pretty_value(value)})" end else enumerable.map do |key| pretty_value(key) end end prefix = "One of" prefix = prefix.downcase if lower "#{prefix} #{values.to_sentence(last_word_connector: ", or ")}." end def link_to_accessibility "[Accessibility](#accessibility)" end def link_to_classes_docs "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" end def link_to_attributes_docs "[Classes and attributes](/classes-attributes)" end def link_to_typography_docs "[Typography](/system-arguments#typography)" end def link_to_component(component) (status_module, short_name) = status_module_and_short_name(component) status_path = status_module.nil? ? "" : "/" "[#{short_name}](/components/#{status_path}#{short_name.downcase})" end def link_to_heroicons "[Heroicon](https://ariadne.style/heroicons/)" end def link_to_heading_practices "[Learn more about best heading practices (WAI Headings)](https://www.w3.org/WAI/tutorials/page-structure/headings/)" end def status_module_and_short_name(component) name_with_status = component.name.gsub(/Ariadne::|Component/, "") m = name_with_status.match(/(?Beta|Alpha|Deprecated)?(?<_colons>::)?(?.*)/) [m[:status]&.downcase, m[:name].gsub("::", "")] end def pretty_value(val) case val when nil "`nil`" when Symbol "`:#{val}`" else "`#{val}`" end end end end