require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'rainbow' module Shining module FileMethods def file? file File.exists? file end def dir? dir dir end def change_dir to Dir.chdir to end def move from, to Shining.say(" Moving\t#{from} to #{to}") { Dir[from].each do |something| something, to end } end def copy from, to Shining.say(" #{"Copying".color(:blue).bright}\t#{from} to #{to}") { Dir[from].each do |something| ? FileUtils.cp_r(something, to) : FileUtils.cp(something, to) end } end def new_dir dir, careful = true confirm "#{dir} already exists. Proceed?" if careful and dir?(dir) Shining.say(" #{"Creating".color(:green).bright}\t#{dir}") { FileUtils.mkdir_p dir } end def read_file file file end def name_and_extension file [basename(file, extname(file)), extname(file).sub(/^./, '')] end def erb file end def json file begin JSON.parse read_file(file) rescue Errno::ENOENT raise Shining::NoSuchFile, "File #{file} doesn't exist" rescue raise Shining::CantParseJSONFile, "File #{file} doesn't appear to be valid JSON" end end def expand path File.expand_path path end def dirname file File.dirname file end def extname file File.extname file end def basename file, take = '' File.basename file, take end def delete! file Shining.say " #{"Deleting".color(:red).bright}\t#{file}" do dir?(file) ? FileUtils.rm_rf(file) : FileUtils.rm(file) rescue nil end end def new_file path Shining.say " #{file?(path) ? "Editing".color(:yellow).bright : "Creating".color(:green).bright}\t#{path}" do path, 'w' do |file| yieldage = yield if block_given? file.write yieldage unless yieldage.empty? or not yieldage.is_a?(String) end end end private def confirm text Shining.say text !!(STDIN.gets =~ /yes|y/i) ? true : exit(-2) end end end