# v0.8.13 2017-06-01 * Allow empty match expressions on CLI * Add support for rspec-3.6 by @krzysiek150 * Add support for configurable corpus glob exprssions by @jekuta # v0.8.12 2016-10-17 * Add mutation from `/foo|bar/` to `/foo/` and `/bar/` * Add mutation from `/$/` to `/\z/` * Add mutation from `/\h/` to `/\H/` * Add mutation from `/\H/` to `/\h/` * Add mutation from `/\Z/` to `/\z/` * Add mutation from `flat_map` to `map` * Add mutation from `/(foo)/` to `/(?:foo)/` * Add mutation from `/a*/` to `/a+/` * Add mutation from `/a*/` to `/a/` * Add mutation from `!!foo` to `foo` * Add mutation from `proc { }` to `lambda { }` # v0.8.11 2016-08-01 * Add support for rspec-3.5 * Remove misleading `--debug` option * Remove misleading `--expect-coverage` option * Add basic support for regexp mutations (machinery and simple anchor mutations) * Add support for mutating csend (duck tape operator) into regular sends * Add mutation from `foo&.bar` to `foo.bar` * Add mutation from `#to_a` to `#to_set` * Add mutation from `foo.dig(a, b)` to `foo.fetch(a).dig(b)` * Add mutation from `def foo(bar:); end` to `def foo(_bar:); end` * Add mutation from `def foo(bar: baz); end` to `def foo(_bar: baz); end` * Add mutation from `/regex/i` to `/regex/` * Add mutation from `foo[n..-1]` to `foo.drop(n)` * Add mutation from `/^/` to `/\A/` * Add mutation from `#first` to `#last` * Add mutation from `#last` to `#first` * Add mutation from `#sample` to `#first` and `#last` * Remove mutations from `1..n` to `1..(0.0 / 0.0)` and `1..(1.0 / 0.0)` # v0.8.10 2016-01-24 * Add support for parser 2.3 (via unparser 0.2.5) # v0.8.9 2016-01-05 * Add mutation from `Hash#[]` to `Hash#key?` (#511) * Add mutation from `Hash#fetch` to `Hash#key?` (#511) * Add mutation from `#at` to `#key?` (#511) * Add mutation from `Hash#values_at` to `Hash#fetch_values` (#510) # v0.8.8 2015-11-15 * Drop support for rspec-3.2 * Remove CI specific job number default * Add support for rspec-3.3.4 * Add mutations/s performance metric to report # v0.8.7 2015-10-30 * Fix blackliting regexp to correctly match the String `(eval)` absolutely. # v0.8.6. 2015-10-27 * Add mutation from `Date.parse` to more strict parsing methods #448 * Add mutation from `foo.to_i` to `Integer(foo)` #455 * Add mutation from `@foo` to `foo` #454 # v0.8.5 2015-09-11 * Fix misimplementation of block gluing operator that as side effect could also cause invalid AST crashes # v0.8.4 2015-09-10 * Add mutation from `a != b` to `!a.eql?(b)` and `!a.equal?(b)` #417 * Add mutation `A.const_get(:B)` -> `A::B` #426 * Add mutation `def foo(*args); end` into `def foo(*args); args = []; end` #423 * Add mutation from `foo.baz { bar }` to `foo.bar` #416 * Update anima dependency to 0.3.0 # v0.8.3 2015-09-01 * Remove invalid mutation `super(...)` to `super` * Add mutation from `def foo(a = true); end` to `def foo(a = true); a = true; end` #419 * Add mutation from `def foo; end` to `remove_method :foo` #413 # v0.8.2 2015-08-11 * Remove invalid mutation `foo or bar` to `!(foo or bar)` see #287 * Add mutation from `#to_h` to `#to_hash` #218 * Add mutation from `super` to `super()` #309 * Add mutation from `#defined?` to `true` / `false` #399 * Reduce framed (multiline) progress reporter noise * Fix a bug where killfork pipes where not properly closed # v0.8.1 2015-07-24 * Add --since flag to constrain mutated subjects based on repository diff from HEAD to other REVISON. * Add mutation from #[] to #at / #fetch * Some internal improvements # v0.8.0 2015-06-15 * Drop support for ruby < 2.1 * Remove broken `--code` option * Remove deprecated `--score` option * Add support for rspec-3.3 * End support for rspec-3.{0,1} * Internal quality improvements # v0.7.9 2015-05-30 * Deprecate `--score` flag replace with `--expected-coverage` * Set default job count to 4 under CI environments. * Relax parser dependency to ~>2.2.2 # v0.7.8 2015-03-8 * Kill imperfect float rounding for exact coverage expectations. # v0.7.7 2015-02-15 * Add support for rspec-3.2 # v0.7.6 2015-01-25 * Fix crash on using the null integration. # v0.7.5 2015-01-14 * Bump deps to support MRI 2.2. # v0.7.4 2014-12-22 * Fix rspec example visibility on duplicate metadata examples [#279](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/279). * Add naked if/else body emitter [#280](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/280). # v0.7.3 2014-12-09 * Fix communication between workers and killforks to work for all binaries. # v0.7.2 2014-12-08 * Fix synthetic race conditon in actor implementation * Fix progressive reporter slowdown # v0.7.1 2014-12-04 * Fix invalid dependencies on rspec for mutant-rspec # v0.7.0 2014-12-04 * Use homegrown actor based parallelization * Fix redundant spec execution in rspec integration * Add mutation from `#send` to `#__send__` (the canonical form). # v0.6.7 2014-11-17 * Fix duplicate neutral emit for memoized instance method subjects * Fix neutral error detection edge cases # v0.6.6 2014-11-11 * Fix emitter to recurse into left and right of binary nodes. # v0.6.5 2014-10-28 * Fix killforks not to leak zombies. # v0.6.4 2014-10-27 * Do not buffer report prints, speedup large report generation. * Fix some cases where --fail-fast semantics stopped far to late. * Fix crashing / stuckage from using parallel in a nested way. # v0.6.3 2014-09-22 * Add support for rspec-3.1. # v0.6.2 2014-09-16 * Fix matcher to ignore metaprogrammed defines [#254](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/254) * Add rescue resbody body concat-promotion mutation * Add rescue else body concat-promotion mutation #245 # v0.6.1 2014-09-16 * Incorrectly released on partial state. Yanked. # v0.6.0 2014-08-11 * Parallel execution / reporting. * Add -j, --jobs flag to control concurrency. * Fix blind spots on send with block. * Add mutation from `foo { bar }` to `bar` * Add mutation from `#reverse_merge` to `#merge` * Add mutation from `#<=` to `#<`, `#==`, `#eql?`, `#equal?` * Add mutation from `#>=` to `#>`, `#==`, `#eql?`, `#equal?` * Add mutation from `#>` to `#==`, `#eql?`, `#equal?` * Add mutation from `#<` to `#==`, `#eql?`, `#equal?` * Fix reporting of diff errors to include context [tjchambers] # v0.5.26 2014-07-07 * Fix exceptions generation matcher errors * Fix report generation with formatted string as payload of diffs. # v0.5.25 2014-07-07 * Make ordering of subjects and tests deterministic * Fix performance of subject selection * Improve noop and neutral reporting. * Rename noop mutations to neutral mutations * Simplify code nuked around 1kloc. # v0.5.24 2014-06-30 * Fix invalid AST on op_assign mutations * Make subject matching result order deterministic * Improve internals a bit for more consistency. * Add instance methods expression 'Foo#' * Add singleton methods expression 'Foo.' * Split rspec2 and rspec3 integration with minimal duplication * Move test matching outside of integrations. # v0.5.23 2014-06-15 * Propagate exceptions from child-isolation-killforks to master # v0.5.22 2014-06-15 * Fix invalid AST generation on operator method mutation with self as receiver. # v0.5.21 2014-06-15 * Readd mutation of index assignments * Remove a bunch of useless mutations to nil.something * Readd mutation of index reference arguments # v0.5.20 2014-06-14 * Remove support for matchers prefixed with :: * Fix cases where mutated source diff was empty #198 * Fix mutate to simpler primitive violation break to next #203 * Improve integration / corpus tests to spot highlevel regressions on CI level. * Remove support for matchers prefixed with :: # v0.5.19 2014-06-06 Changes: * Do not emit more powerful rescue matchers #183 * Do not emit more powerful loop control #201 # v0.5.18 2014-06-04 Changes: * Do not rename lhs of or assigns when lhs is a ivasgn. Closes #150 # v0.5.17 2014-05-27 Changes: * Report selected tests in progress runner * Fix scope of rspec selections to include meaningful parents. * Add short circuits on already dead mutations under multiple test selections. # v0.5.16 2014-05-27 Changes: * Fix granularity of test selection under rspec * Add mutation from [item] to item * Add mutation from #reverse_each to #each * Add mutation from #reverse_map to #each, #map * Add mutation from #map to #each # v0.5.15 2014-05-24 Changes: * Put isolation pipe into binmode Changes: * Add support for rspec-3.0.0.rc1 * Remove some senseless rescue mutations # v0.5.13 2014-05-23 Changes: * Improve reporting of isolation problems * Centralize test selection * Report selected tests * Report rspec output on noop failures * Silence warnings on methods without source location # v0.5.12 2014-05-09 Changes: * Remove pointless mutation nil => Object.new # v0.5.11 2014-04-22 Changes: * Fix crash on while and until without body * Better require highjack based zombifier * Do not mutate nthref $1 to gvar $0 * Use faster duplicate guarding hashing AST::Node instances * Fix lots of shadowed invalid ASTs * Fix undefine initialize warnings, Closes #175 # v0.5.10 2014-04-06 Changes: * Fix crash on case without conditional * Remove dependency to descendants tracker * Add mutation #== => #eql?, #equal? * Add mutation #eql? => #equal? # v0.5.9 2014-03-28 Changes: * Fix mutation of memoized methods with the memoizable gem. # v0.5.8 2014-03-26 Changes: * Fix crash on Module#name and Class#name returning non Strings # v0.5.7 2014-03-23 Changes: * Fix crash on invalid partial AST unparsing, closes: #164 # v0.5.6 2014-03-09 Changes: * Correctly specifiy diff-lcs dependency # v0.5.5 2014-03-09 Changes: * Morpher dependency bump # v0.5.4 2014-03-08 Changes: * Morpher dependency bump # v0.5.3 2014-03-05 Changes: * mutant-rspec now supports rspec3 beta # v0.5.2 2014-03-04 Changes: * Use parser 2.1.6 that has its own Parser::Meta::NODE_LIST # v0.5.1 2014-03-03 Changes: * Remove rspec dep from main mutant gem # v0.5.0 2014-03-02 Changes: * Add configurable coverage expectation via --coverage (default 100%) * rspec integration was moved into a gem 'mutant-rspec' * Replace filters implementation with morpher predicates * Drop --rspec option use: --use rspec instead. # v0.4.0 2014-02-16 Status: Yanked because of broken dependencies. # v0.3.4 2014-01-11 Changes: * Depend on anima-0.2.0 # v0.3.4 2014-01-11 Bugfixes: * Correctly fix crash on attribute assignments nodes: https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/149 # v0.3.3 2014-01-11 Changes: * Bump dependency to unparser-0.1.8 that fixes dozens of non reported issues. Bugfixes: * Fix crash on attribute assignments nodes: https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/149 # v0.3.2 2013-12-31 Bugfixes: * Fix crash on until nodes: https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/143 * Fix missing requires: https://github.com/mbj/mutant/issues/141 * Fix crash on unknown nodes, fixes #143 * Use more durable unparser version 0.1.6 # v0.3.1 2013-12-19 Bugfixes: * Add missing require of stringio, #141 # v0.3.0 2013-12-10 Feature: * Rewrite all mutators on top of whitequark/parser (major!) * Also mutate conditions in case statements * Add tons of mutators I lost track about during development. * Add --ignore-subject optoin supporting the same syntax as matchers Bugfixes: * Fix lots of crashes. * Fix all known multiple diff errors * Handle methods memoized with adamantium correctly Bugfixes: * Fix all bugs caused by mutant-melbourne # v0.2.20 2013-03-01 * Update dependencies [Compare v0.2.17..v0.2.20](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.17...v0.2.20) # v0.2.17 2013-01-20 * Kill mutations in #initialize from class methods. # v0.2.17 2013-01-20 Other: * Update dependencies [Compare v0.2.16..v0.2.17](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.16...v0.2.17) # v0.2.16 2013-01-20 Bugfix: * Handle Rubinius::AST::NthRef as noop [Compare v0.2.15..v0.2.16](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.15...v0.2.16) # v0.2.15 2013-01-10 Bugfix: * Do not mutate super to super() anymore. This needs a context check in future. [Compare v0.2.14..v0.2.15](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.14...v0.2.15) # v0.2.14 2013-01-09 Bugfix: * Do not emit mutation to { nil => nil } for hash literals [Compare v0.2.13..v0.2.14](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.13...v0.2.14) # v0.2.13 2013-01-09 Bugfix: * Capture failures that occur in the window between mutation insertion and spec run as kills [Compare v0.2.12..v0.2.13](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.12...v0.2.13) # v0.2.12 2013-01-03 Bugfix: * Do not crash when trying to load methods from precompiled ruby under rbx [Compare v0.2.11..v0.2.12](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.11...v0.2.12) # v0.2.11 2013-01-03 Feature: * Handle binary operator methods in dedicated mutator Bugfix: * Do not crash when mutating binary operator method [Compare v0.2.10..v0.2.11](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.10...v0.2.11) # v0.2.10 2013-01-03 Bugfix: * Do not mutate receivers away when message name is a keyword [Compare v0.2.9..v0.2.10](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.9...v0.2.10) # v0.2.9 2013-01-02 Feature: * Mutate instance and global variable assignments * Mutate super calls [Compare v0.2.8..v0.2.9](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.8...v0.2.9) # v0.2.8 2012-12-29 Feature: * Do not mutate argument or local variable names beginning with an underscore * Mutate unary calls ```coerce(object)``` => ```object``` * Mutate method call receivers ```foo.bar``` => ```foo``` [Compare v0.2.7..v0.2.8](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.7...v0.2.8) # v0.2.7 2012-12-21 Feature: * Use latest adamantium and ice_nine [Compare v0.2.6..v0.2.7](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.6...v0.2.7) # v0.2.6 2012-12-14 Bugfix: * Correctly set file and line of injected mutants [Compare v0.2.5..v0.2.6](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.5...v0.2.6) # v0.2.5 2012-12-12 Feature: * Add --debug flag for showing killer output and mutation * Run noop mutation per subject to guard against initial failing specs * Mutate default into required arguments * Mutate default literals * Mutate unwinding of pattern args ```|(a, b), c|``` => ```|a, b, c|``` * Mutate define and block arguments * Mutate block arguments, inklusive pattern args * Recurse into block bodies * Unvendor inflector use mbj-inflector from rubygems Bugfix: * Insert mutations at correct constant scope * Crash on mutating yield, added a noop for now * Crash on singleton methods defined on other than constants or self [Compare v0.2.4..v0.2.5](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.4...v0.2.5) # v0.2.4 2012-12-12 Bugfix: * Correctly vendor inflector [Compare v0.2.3..v0.2.4](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.3...v0.2.4) # v0.2.3 2012-12-08 Bugfix: * Prepend extra elements to hash and array instead of append. This fixes unkillable mutators in parallel assignments! [Compare v0.2.2..v0.2.3](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.2...v0.2.3) # v0.2.2 2012-12-07 Feature: * Add a shitload of operator expansions for dm2 strategy [Compare v0.2.1..v0.2.2](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.1...v0.2.2) # v0.2.1 2012-12-07 Bugfix: * Crash on unavailable source location * Incorrect handling of if and unless statements * Expand Foo#initialize to spec/unit/foo in rspec dm2 strategy * Correctly expand [] to element_reader_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy * Correctly expand []= to element_writer_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy * Correctly expand foo= to foo_writer_spec.rb in rspec dm2 strategy [Compare v0.2.0..v0.2.1](https://github.com/mbj/mutant/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1) # v0.2.0 2012-12-07 First public release!