# Joosy::Rails <a href="http://joosy.ws"><img src="http://f.cl.ly/items/3X0f2K1z3r1X3K162W2c/logo.png" align="right" /></a> [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/joosy-rails) [](https://gemnasium.com/joosy/joosy-rails) The bindings between **[Joosy](http://joosy.ws) framework** and [Rails](http://rubyonrails.org). If you are seeking for information about Joosy, start with [official site](http://joosy.ws), [guides](http://guides.joosy.ws) or [central repository](https://github.com/joosy/joosy/). ## Capabilities * Full assets integration * Generators * Built-in serving controller * Routes helpers * Automatic Joosy Resources generation ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'joosy-rails' And then execute: $ bundle ## Usage ### Generators #### rails g joosy:application (NAME) Generates basic application and patches route to make it loadable straight away. By default an application will be generated directly at `app/assets/javascripts`. If you want to isolate it a bit more, pass in the `NAME` argument — then it will appear at `app/assets/javascripts/NAME`. #### rails g joosy:layout NAME (APPLICATION) Generates Joosy layout. `NAME` can contain slashes to automatically generate corresponding path and namespace. Note that if the application was initially generated with the usage of `NAME` option, you should pass it here as the second parameter (APPLICATION). #### rails g joosy:page NAME (APPLICATION) Generates Joosy page. `NAME` can contain slashes to automatically generate corresponding path and namespace. Note that if the application was initially generated with the usage of `NAME` option, you should pass it here as the second parameter (APPLICATION). #### rails g joosy:widget NAME (APPLICATION) Generates Joosy widget. `NAME` can contain slashes to automatically generate corresponding path and namespace. Note that if the application was initially generated with the usage of `NAME` option, you should pass it here as the second parameter (APPLICATION). #### rails g joosy:controller NAME (--copy) Generates a controller serving Joosy application using the NAME given. By default a controller will inherit from internal `Joosy::Rails::ServeController`. If instead you want to patch it from the ground, use `--copy` option that will make generator to create raw controller that inherits from `ActionController::Base`. ### Serving controller and helpers This gem provides `joosy` routing helper which can be used in the following way: ```ruby joosy '/', application: 'dummy' ``` This will map your `dummy` Joosy application to the root url. The `application` option is optional. It should reflect path to application from `app/assets/javascript` (use the value that you passed into the NAME of `rails g joosy:application`). ## Maintainers * Boris Staal, [@inossidabile](http://staal.io) ## License Copyright 2013 [Boris Staal](http://staal.io) It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms of MIT license.