module Lolcommits class CaptureWindowsAnimated < Capturer def capture # make a fresh frames directory FileUtils.rm_rf(frames_location) FileUtils.mkdir_p(frames_location) # abort capture if we don't have a device name return unless capture_device_string # capture raw video with ffmpeg dshow system_call "ffmpeg -v quiet -y -f dshow -i video=\"#{capture_device_string}\" -video_size 320x240 -t #{capture_duration} \"#{video_location}\" > NUL" return unless File.exist?(video_location) # convert raw video to png frames with ffmpeg system_call "ffmpeg #{capture_delay_string} -v quiet -i \"#{video_location}\" -t #{animated_duration} \"#{frames_location}/%09d.png\" > NUL" # use fps to set delay and number of frames to skip (for lower filesized gifs) fps = video_fps(video_location) skip = frame_skip(fps) delay = frame_delay(fps, skip) debug "Capturer: animated gif choosing every #{skip} frames with a frame delay of #{delay} (video fps: #{fps})" # create the looping animated gif from frames (delete frame files except every #{skip} frame) Dir["#{frames_location}/*.png"].each do |frame_filename| basename = File.basename(frame_filename) frame_number = basename.split('.').first.to_i File.delete(frame_filename) if frame_number % skip != 0 end # convert to animated gif with delay and gif optimisation system_call "convert -layers OptimizeTransparency -delay #{delay} -loop 0 \"#{frames_location}/*.png\" -coalesce \"#{snapshot_location}\"" end private def ffpmeg_list_devices_cmd 'ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy 2>&1' end # inspired by this code from @rdp def device_names @_device_names ||= begin names = [] cmd_output = '' count = 0 while cmd_output.empty? || !cmd_output.split('DirectShow')[2] cmd_output = system_call(ffpmeg_list_devices_cmd, true) count += 1 raise 'failed to find a video capture device with ffmpeg -list_devices' if count == 5 sleep 0.1 end cmd_output.gsub!("\r\n", "\n") video = cmd_output.split('DirectShow')[1] do |line| names << Regexp.last_match(1) if line =~ /"(.+)"\n/ end debug "Capturer: found #{names.length} video devices: #{names.join(', ')}" names end end def system_call(call_str, capture_output = false) debug "Capturer: making system call for \n #{call_str}" capture_output ? `#{call_str}` : system(call_str) end def frame_delay(fps, skip) # calculate frame delay delay = ((100.0 * skip) / fps.to_f).to_i delay < 6 ? 6 : delay # hard limit for IE browsers end def video_fps(file) # inspect fps of the captured video file (default to 29.97) fps = system_call("ffmpeg -i \"#{file}\" 2>&1 | sed -n \"s/.*, \\(.*\\) fp.*/\\1/p\"", true) fps.to_i < 1 ? 29.97 : fps.to_f end def frame_skip(fps) # of frames to skip depends on movie fps case fps when 0..15 2 when 16..28 3 else 4 end end def capture_device_string capture_device || device_names.first end def capture_delay_string " -ss #{capture_delay}" if capture_delay.to_i > 0 end def capture_duration animated_duration.to_i + capture_delay.to_i end end end