module Cobranding # This module can be mixed in to persistent objects so that layouts can be persisted to a data store. This is very # useful when there are only a few layouts and they don't need to be updated in real time. In this case, you can run # a background task to call fetch_layout on all your persistent layouts to update them asynchronously. # # By default, it will be assumed that the URL for the layout service will be stored in a field called +url+ and # the compiled Layout ruby code will be stored in +src+. You can override these values with +layout_src_attribute+ # and +layout_url_attriubte+. In addition, if the URL takes options, you can specify the field that stores the Hash # with +layout_url_options_attribute+. # # If the layout code needs to be munged, set the +:layout_preprocessor+ class attribute to either a symbol that # matches a method name or to a +Proc+. module PersistentLayout def self.included (base) base.class_attribute :layout_src_attribute, :layout_url_attribute, :layout_url_options_attribute, :layout_preprocessor end # Fetch a loyout from the service and store the ruby src code in the src attribute. def fetch_layout layout_url = send(layout_url_attribute || :url) unless layout_url.blank? options = send(layout_url_options_attribute) unless layout_url_options_attribute.blank? options ||= {} preprocessor = self.class.layout_preprocessor if preprocessor && !preprocessor.is_a?(Proc) preprocessor = method(preprocessor) end @layout = preprocessor ? Layout.get(layout_url, options, &preprocessor) : Layout.get(layout_url, options) send("#{self.class.layout_src_attribute || :src}=", @layout.src) end end # Get the layout defined by the src attribute. def layout unless @layout layout_src = send(layout_src_attribute || :src) unless layout_src.blank? @layout = @layout.src = layout_src end end @layout end def layout_html= (html) preprocessor = self.class.layout_preprocessor preprocessor = method(preprocessor) if preprocessor && !preprocessor.is_a?(Proc) html = if preprocessor @layout = send("#{self.class.layout_src_attribute || :src}=", @layout.src) end end end